use super::{grammar, AST}; use crate::errors::Error as ParseError; use crate::lexer::tokenize; use santiago::lexer::Lexeme; use std::rc::Rc; /// Parses a JMESPath expression and returns an [`AST`] /// that represents the compiled abstract syntax tree. /// /// # Example /// /// ``` /// let expression = "'foo'"; /// let ast = jmespath_community::parse(expression).unwrap(); /// /// assert_eq!("RawString(foo) [1, 1]", format!("{}", ast)); /// ``` pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result { let tokens = tokenize(input)?; parse_tokens(tokens) } fn parse_tokens(tokens: Vec>) -> Result { let grammar = grammar::grammar(); let parse_trees = santiago::parser::parse(&grammar, &tokens)?; let parse_tree = parse_trees.get(0); return match parse_tree { Some(parsed) => Ok(parsed.as_abstract_syntax_tree()), None => panic!("something wrong happened"), }; } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::parser::{parse, NodeType, AST}; use rstest::*; #[test] fn error() { let ast = parse("foo.@"); assert!(ast.is_err()); } #[test] fn current_node() { let ast = parse("@"); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::CurrentNode, .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("\"foo\"", r#"`"foo"`"#)] fn json_value(#[case] expected: &str, #[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); match ast { Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::JsonValue(text), .. }) => assert_eq!(expected, text), _ => assert!(false), } } #[rstest] #[case(r#""foo""#)] #[case(r#""foo\"bar\"""#)] #[case(r#""\b\f\n\r\t\/""#)] fn quoted_string(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); match ast { Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::QuotedIdentifier(text), .. }) => assert_eq!(input, text), _ => assert!(false), } } #[rstest] #[case("", "''")] #[case("raw_string", "'raw_string'")] #[case("\\", r#"'\\'"#)] #[case("'", r#"'\''"#)] fn raw_string(#[case] expected: &str, #[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); match ast { Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::RawString(text), .. }) => assert_eq!(expected, text), _ => assert!(false), } } #[test] fn root_node() { let ast = parse("$"); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::RootNode, .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("foo", "foo")] fn unquoted_string(#[case] input: &str, #[case] expected: &str) { let ast = parse(input); match ast { Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::UnquotedIdentifier(text), .. }) => assert_eq!(expected, text), _ => assert!(false), } } #[rstest] #[case("+ bar")] #[case("- bar")] #[case("− bar")] #[case("- −bar")] #[case("+ −bar")] fn arithmetic_expression_unary(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::ArithmeticExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("foo + bar")] #[case("foo - bar")] #[case("foo − bar")] #[case("foo × bar")] #[case("foo * bar")] #[case("foo ÷ bar")] #[case("foo / bar")] #[case("foo % bar")] #[case("foo // bar")] fn arithmetic_expression(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::ArithmeticExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("foo < bar")] #[case("foo <= bar")] #[case("foo == bar")] #[case("foo != bar")] #[case("foo > bar")] #[case("foo >= bar")] fn comparison_expression(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::ComparatorExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("custom_function()")] #[case("custom_function(one)")] #[case("custom_function(one, two)")] #[case("custom_function(one, two, three)")] #[case("length(foo)")] #[case("min_by(foo, &age)")] fn function_expression(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::FunctionExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("*")] #[case("foo.*")] #[case("foo.*.bar")] fn hash_wildcard_projection(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::HashWildcardProjection(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("[0]")] #[case("foo[0]")] fn index_expression(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::IndexExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("let $foo = foo in bar")] #[case("let $foo = foo, $bar = bar in baz")] fn let_expression(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::LetExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("foo && bar")] #[case("foo || bar")] #[case("! foo")] fn logical_expression(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::LogicalExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] //#[case("{ }")] // non-standard empty multi-select hash #[case("{foo: foo }")] #[case("{foo: foo, bar: bar }")] #[case("{foo: foo, bar: bar, baz: baz }")] fn multi_select_hash(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::MultiSelectHash(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] //#[case("[ ]")] // non-standard empty multi-select-list #[case("[one]")] #[case("[one, two]")] #[case("[one, two, three]")] fn multi_select_list(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::MultiSelectList(..), .. }) )); } #[test] fn paren_expression() { let ast = parse("(foo)"); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::ParenExpression(..), .. }) )) } #[test] fn pipe_expression() { let ast = parse("foo | bar"); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::PipeExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("[]")] #[case("foo[]")] #[case("foo[].bar")] #[case("[*]")] #[case("foo[*]")] #[case("[?foo==bar]")] #[case("bar[?foo==bar]")] #[case("bar[?foo==bar].baz")] #[case("[::]")] #[case("foo[::]")] #[case("foo[::].bar")] fn projection(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::Projection(..), .. }) )); } #[rstest] #[case("[:]")] #[case("[0:]")] #[case("[:1]")] #[case("[0:1]")] #[case("[::]")] #[case("[0::]")] #[case("[:1:]")] #[case("[0:1:]")] #[case("[::1]")] #[case("[0::1]")] #[case("[:1:1]")] #[case("[0:1:1]")] fn slice(#[case] input: &str) { let ast = parse(input); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::Projection(..), .. }) )); } #[test] fn sub_expression() { let ast = parse(""); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::SubExpression(..), .. }) )); } #[test] fn variable_ref() { let ast = parse("$foo"); assert!(matches!( ast, Ok(AST { node_type: NodeType::VariableRef(..), .. }) )); } }