This project allows you to use rust objects like part of jvm objects. ## JVM - add native constructor with Long return and private Long property - implement AutoCloseable as native method - add finalizer - add native methods ``` class Sample extends AutoCloseable { @native private def nnew(): Long @native def close: Unit @native def test: Unit private val ptr = nnew() override def finalize = close } ``` - use try-with-resource (java) / Using (scala) or call close() implicitly (don't trust to finalization — it's a thin red line) ## Rust - mark structure as JFace ``` #[derive(JFace)] pub struct Sample { … } ``` - use throw(JNIEnv, default_function) for converting rust Jr<_> (Result<_, Box> to default JVM exception - use JFace::jni() for converting to raw heap pointer - provide native constructor to JNI ``` #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn Java_package_Sample_nnew( jenv: JNIEnv, _jclass: JClass, ) -> *mut Sample { Sample::new().jni().throw(jenv, null_mut) } ``` - use unit for Result<(), _>::throw() or hide for Result::throw for unneeded T - use JFace::mut_raw and map/and_then for native methods ``` #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn Java_org_apqm_jni_Sample_test( jenv: JNIEnv, jclass: JClass, ) { Sample::mut_raw(&jenv, jclass).map(|it| { todo!() }).throw(jenv, unit); } ``` - use JFace::box_raw for destructor ``` #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn Java_org_apqm_jni_Sample_close( jenv: JNIEnv, jclass: JClass, ) { Sample::box_raw(&jenv, jclass).map(hide).throw(jenv, unit) } ``` ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option.