# joker_query The joker_query is most sugared query builder of Rust, with joker_query can implement most complex queries with sugar syntax # Features − (Operator) - fully implemented ( Select, Insert, Update, Delete ) query operations − (SubQuery) - can use subquery for operators ( IN, EXISTs, <, >, <= >=, Any ) also can use sub-query for data source for example `select * from (...)` # Example ## NewVersion from 1.0.0 ## Select ``` Select:: cols(vec!["id", "age", "fullname"]) .distinct() .from("customer") .inner_join("merchant").on("customer.id", "customer_id") .left_join("product").on("customer.id", "customer_id") .where_by("age", op::between(10, 25)) .and("fullname", op::like("full%")) .or("fullname", op::not_in(vec!["danyal", "danyalmh", "danyalai"])) .group_by(vec!["merchant_id"]) .having(&Func::count("id"), op::eq(2025)) .order_by("fullname") .order_by_desc("age") .limit(10) .offset(5) .build(); ``` ## Examples - See the complete examples [here](https://github.com/Rustixir/joker_query/tree/main/example). # Benchmark - almost all complex queries run under 5us # Crates joker_query = "1.0.0"