# icons.toml This file is used to configure file/directory icons. > **NOTE**: To display icons correctly you need [Nerd Fonts](https://www.nerdfonts.com/). The are four sections in this file: - `defaults` - Used for fallback icons either file or directory. - `directory_exact` - Used to match the exact directory name. e.g. `node_modules` will match exactly `node_modules` directory only. - `file_exact` - Used to match exact file names. - `ext` - Used to match file names by their extension. Each section accepts key/value pairs, key as target and value as the icon. ## `defaults` example ```toml [defaults] file = "" directory = "" ``` ## `file_exact` example ```toml ".gitignore" = "" LICENSE = "" Makefile = "" Dockerfile = "" # ... ``` ## `ext` example ```toml js = "" docx = "" rs = "" # ... ```