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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESSINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.. Contents  TOC \h \z \t "Heading 1,3,Heading 2,4,Heading 3,5,Ch Head,2,Br Heading 1,6,App Head,2,Part Title,1,App Heading 1,3,App Heading 2,4,App Heading 3,5"  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261009" Contents  PAGEREF _Toc355261009 \h ii  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261010" Preface  PAGEREF _Toc355261010 \h iii  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261011" Chapter 1. OVERVIEW  PAGEREF _Toc355261011 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261012" 1.1 Format Identification  PAGEREF _Toc355261012 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261013" 1.2 Documentation  PAGEREF _Toc355261013 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261014" 1.3 Device Porting Kit Contents  PAGEREF _Toc355261014 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261015" Chapter 2. Sample Applications  PAGEREF _Toc355261015 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261016" 2.1 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc355261016 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261017" 2.2 JXREncApp Parameter Overview  PAGEREF _Toc355261017 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261018" 2.3 Standard Uncompressed File Formats  PAGEREF _Toc355261018 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261019" 2.4 Fixed Point Pixel Formats  PAGEREF _Toc355261019 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261020" 2.5 Unsupported Pixel Formats  PAGEREF _Toc355261020 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261021" 2.6 Compression Choices: -q, -d & -l Options  PAGEREF _Toc355261021 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261022" 2.6.1 -q Image Quality (0.0 1.0) or Quantization (1-255)  PAGEREF _Toc355261022 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261023" 2.6.2 -d Chroma Sub-sampling (0, 1, 2 or 3)  PAGEREF _Toc355261023 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261024" 2.6.3 -l Overlap Processing (0, 1, 2)  PAGEREF _Toc355261024 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261025" 2.7 Image Organization Choices: -f, -U, -V, -H & -a Options  PAGEREF _Toc355261025 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261026" 2.7.1 -a Alpha Channel Structure  PAGEREF _Toc355261026 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261027" 2.7.2 -Q Planar Alpha Quantization (1-255)  PAGEREF _Toc355261027 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261028" 2.7.3 -f Frequency Order vs. Spatial Order  PAGEREF _Toc355261028 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261029" 2.7.4 -p Progressive Mode  PAGEREF _Toc355261029 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261030" 2.8 Image Tiling: -U, -V, -H  PAGEREF _Toc355261030 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261031" 2.9 Encoder Status Reporting: -v, -t  PAGEREF _Toc355261031 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261032" 2.9.1 -v Verbose mode  PAGEREF _Toc355261032 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261033" 2.9.2 -t Timing information  PAGEREF _Toc355261033 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261034" 2.10 JXRDecApp Command Line Decoder  PAGEREF _Toc355261034 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261035" Chapter 3. Additional Utilities  PAGEREF _Toc355261035 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261036" 3.1 ImageComp  PAGEREF _Toc355261036 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261037" 3.2 HDR2HDR  PAGEREF _Toc355261037 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261038" Chapter 4. Encoder and Decoder Internal Interfaces and Data Structures  PAGEREF _Toc355261038 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261039" 4.1 ImageInfo Structure  PAGEREF _Toc355261039 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261040" 4.2 cfColorFormat and bdDepth Combinations  PAGEREF _Toc355261040 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261041" 4.3 Encoder cfColorFormat and Decoder cfColorFormat Combinations  PAGEREF _Toc355261041 \h 17  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261042" 4.4 CodecParam Structure  PAGEREF _Toc355261042 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261043" 4.5 External cfColorFormat and Internal cfColorFormat Combinations  PAGEREF _Toc355261043 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc355261044" 4.6 ImageBufInfo Structure  PAGEREF _Toc355261044 \h 20  Preface About This Specification JPEG XR is a file format and associated codec specifically designed to for use with all types of continuous tone photographic content. This document describes the contents of the JPEG XR Device Porting Kit 1.0, including various technical details about the software components provided that enable the basic encoder and decoder reference source code to be access via a basic set of programmatic interfaces or by using the included sample command line applications. The information contained in this specification is subject to change. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication. Formatting Conventions This specification uses the following formatting conventions: Terms are formatted like this. Important comments, typically highlighting unimplemented or preliminary features look like this. Code looks like this. Raw text and editorial notes look like this. Language Notes In this specification, the words that are used to define the significance of each particular requirement are capitalized. These words are used in accordance with their definitions in RFC 2119 and their meaning is reproduced here for convenience: MUST. This word, or the adjective REQUIRED, means that the item is an absolute requirement of the specification. SHOULD. This word, or the adjective RECOMMENDED, means that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore this item, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed before choosing a different course. MAY. This word, or the adjective OPTIONAL, means that this item is truly optional. For example, one implementation may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace or scenario requires it or because it enhances the product. Another implementation may omit the same item. OVERVIEW Format Identification This device porting kit (DPK) supports the JPEG XR still image format, based on technology originally developed by Mirosoft under the name HD Photo (formerly Windows Media Photo). The JPEG XR format is similar, but not identical, to the HD Photo/Windows Media Photo format. The JPEG XR format replaces the HD Photo/Windows Media Photo format in both Windows 8 and the Windows Image Component (WIC). WIC accompanies the Internet Explorer 10 redistributable packages for down-level versions of Windows. Some Windows Media Photo (WMP) naming conventions are still used internally with this release of the DPK. JPEG XR files use the .jxr extension. Applications that support the JPEG XR file format should recognize and decode HD Photo/Windows Media Photo .hdp/.wdp files, but only offer to create files with the .jxr extension. Documentation This document provides supplemental information about the JPEG XR Device Porting Kit (DPK) not covered in the other specifications. This includes documentation on the command line encoder and decoder utilities that are provided here as sample reference source code and additional technical details about the application program interfaces (APIs) and data types and structures used to interface the core encoder and decoder modules with the command line utility application code. The JPEG XR Image Coding Specification document contains complete technical details on the encoder and decoder compression algorithms and the compressed data (elementary) bitstream format. Annex A of the document contains information about the JPEG XR file container format and metadata tags. The specification is an international standard and is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.832" http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.832 The JPEG XR System Architecture document contains a technical overview the encoder and decoder compression algorithms and the compressed data (elementary) bitstream format, as well as guidelines for JPEG XR application developers. It is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.Sup2-201103-I" http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.Sup2-201103-I Device Porting Kit Contents The complete contents of this Device Porting Kit are as follows: DirectoryFileDescriptionbin\hdr2hdr.exeUnsupported utility programsimagecomp.execommon\include\guiddef.hShared header fileswmsal.hwmspecstring.hwmspecstrings_adt.hwmspecstrings_strict.hdoc\readme.txtJPEG XR Device Porting Kit documentation files (including this document.)JPEGXR_Feature_Spec_1.0.docJPEGXR_DPK_Spec_1.0.docimage\decode\decode.cANSI C reference source code for the JPEG XR decoderdecode.hhuffman.cpostprocess.csegdec.cstrdec.cstrInvTransform.cstrPredQuantDec.cJXRTranscode.cimage\encode\encode.cANSI C reference source code for the JPEG XR encoderencode.hsegenc.cstrenc.cstrFwdTransform.cstrPredQuantEnc.cimage\sys\adapthuff.cANSI C reference source code and additional functions used for development and testing that are shared by both the encoder and the decoderansi.hcommon.himage.cperfTimer.hperfTimerANSI.cperfTimerWin32.cstrcodec.cstrcodec.hstrPredQuant.cstrTransform.cstrTransform.hwindowsmediaphoto.h DirectoryFileDescriptionimage\VC10Projects\ image\VC11Projects\CommonLib.vcxprojProject files to build the various device porting kit componentsDecodeLib.vcxprojEncodeLib.vcxprojimage\x86\strenc_x86.cX86 specific support code, not directly related to the encoder or decoderx86.hJXREncoderDecoder\ JXRDecApp.cSource code and project files for the sample command line encoder and decoder apps JXREncApp.cJXR.slnJXRDecApp.vcxprojJXREncApp.vcxprojJXRGlueLib\JXRGlue.cSource code and project files to provide JPEG XR ifile and metadata handlingJXRGlue.hJXRMeta.cJXRMeta.h JXRGluePFC.cJXRGlueJxr.cJXRGlueLib.vcxprojJXRTestLib\JXRTest.cSample source code and project files to provide minimal image file format handling as required by the sample command line applications.JXRTest.hJXRTestBmp.c JXRTestHdr.cJXRTestPnm.cJXRTestTif.cJXRTestYUV.cJXRTestLib.vcxproj.\MakefileExample make file to build the DPK components on a Unix/Linux system, including support for big-endian hardware architecture Sample Applications Introduction This device porting kit includes the source code for command line utilities to convert files between JPEG XR format and other common, uncompressed file formats. These utilities are provided as example applications for calling the JPEG XR encoder and decoder. This section documents the usage of these utilities, including a complete explanation of the command line parameters. These are not full-featured file conversion applications. While they are useful development tools, they are provided only as sample applications for exercising the JPEG XR encoder and decoder. JXREncApp Parameter Overview This command line utility converts certain uncompressed file formats into equivalent JPEG XR files. It provides a complete set of command line options to control all supported JPEG XR Encoder options. Here is a summary of the usage of JXREncApp and the various command line options. All of these options will be discussed in detail in later sections. jxrencapp [options]... -i input.bmp/tif/hdr Input image file name bmp: <=8bpc, BGR tif: >=8bpc, RGB hdr: 24bppRGBE only -o output.jxr Output JPEG XR file name -q quality [0.0 - 1.0) Default = 1.0, lossless or quantization [1 - 255] Default = 1, lossless -c format Required to define uncompressed source pixel format 0: 24bppBGR 1: BlackWhite 2: 8bppGray 3: 16bppGray 4: 16bppGrayFixedPoint 5: 16bppGrayHalf 7: 32bppGrayFixedPoint 8: 32bppGrayFloat 9: 24bppRGB 10: 48bppRGB 11: 48bppRGBFixedPoint 12: 48bppRGBHalf 14: 96bppRGBFixedPoint 15: 128bppRGBFloat 16: 32bppRGBE 17: 32bppCMYK 18: 64bppCMYK 22: 32bppBGRA 23: 64bppRGBA 24: 64bppRGBAFixedPoint 25: 64bppRGBAHalf 27: 128bppRGBAFixedPoint 28: 128bppRGBAFloat 29: 16bppBGR555 30: 16bppBGR565 31: 32bppBGR101010 32: 40bppCMYKA 33: 80bppCMYKA 34: 32bppBGR -d chroma sub-sampling 0: Y-only 1: YCoCg 4:2:0 2: YCoCg 4:2:2 3: YCoCg 4:4:4 (default) -l overlapping 0: No overlapping 1: One level overlapping (default) 2: Two level overlapping -f Turn off frequency order bit stream (to spatial) -p Turn off progressive mode (to sequential) -t Display timing information -v Display verbose encoder information -V tile_wd0 [tile_wd1 ...] Macro block columns per tile -H tile_ht0 [tile_ht1 ...] Macro block rows per tile -U num_v_tiles num_h_tiles Vertical & horizontal tile count for uniform tiling -b Black/White Applies to 1bpp black/white images 0: 0 = black (default) 1: 0 = white -a alpha channel format Required for any pixel format with an alpha channel 2: Planar alpha 3: Interleaved alpha Other: Reserved, do not use -Q quantization for alpha [1 - 255] Default = 1, lossless -F trimmed flexbits [0 15] 0: no trimming (default) 15: trim all -s skip subbands 0: All subbands included (default) 1: Skip flexbits 2: Skip highpass 3: Skip highpass & lowpass (DC only) So for example to create a JPEG XR file from a typical 24-bit .bmp using reasonably high quality lossy compression, the command line would be: jxrencapp -i input.bmp -o output.jxr -q 10 This scenario uses the default settings for most of the encoder options. Obviously, wed like to take full control of these options to choose exactly how the JPEG XR file is created. The following sections describe these options in detail. Standard Uncompressed File Formats The DPK Tools are certainly not general purpose file format conversion utilities. They provide the absolute minimum support for uncompressed source and destination file formats; the specific file formats supported are TIFF, BMP and HDR. Only certain variations of these formats are supported and they are, for the most part, tied to the pixel format being converted to or from. The DPK Tools do not perform any pixel format conversion. Therefore the source uncompressed image must be in the desired pixel format for the encoded JPEG XR file. Only minimal data validation is performed; if the source pixel format is incorrect, you will most likely create a bad JPEG XR file. Here are the uncompressed source file formats supported by the DPK Tools, and the specifics for each pixel format supported. Each of the file formats and specific image formats listed below correspond to a mode that can be created using Adobe PhotoShop CS2. TIFF The image should be flattened; it should not contain any layers. If it does contain layers, the Discard Layers and Save a Copy option should be selected under Layer Compression. Image Compression must be set to None; any compressed TIFF format will cause an error or convert to a bad JPEG XR file. TIFF images must always be stored in Interleaved pixel order; Per Channel pixel order is not supported. Byte order should be set to IBM PC. Save Image Pyramid should be unchecked. The specific pixel format created depends on the correct combination of Image Mode in PhotoShop, the specific TIFF save options specified, and the encoder pixel format option specified for JXREncApp.exe. The following table lists all the possible combinations PhotoShop ModeBit DepthEncodes as-cNotesRGB/824bppRGB9RGB/1648bppRGB10RGB/16 w/ alpha64bppRGBA23RGB/3216 bit (Half)48bppRGBHalf12RGB/32 w/ alpha16 bit (Half)64bppRGBAHalf25RGB/32 w/ alpha32 bit (Float)128bppRGBFloat15Fill alpha blackRGB/32 w/ alpha32 bit (Float)128bppRGBAFloat28CMYK/832bppCMYK17CMYK/8 w/ alpha40bppCMYKA32CMYK/1664bppCMYK18CMYK/16 w/ alpha80bppCMYKA33Gray/88bppGray2Gray/1616bppGray3Gray/3216 bit (Half)16bppGrayHalf5Gray/3232 bit (Float)32bppGrayFloat8Bitmap1bppBlackWhite1For 1bppBlackWhite encoding, the b option allows you to specify how interpret black vs. white values. When encoding from TIFF files, the default will generate the correct results and this option should not be required. BMP This file format is only used for 8 bit per channel (bpc) or smaller bit depths. It differs from the equivalent TIFF format because RGB data is stored in the uncompressed bit stream in BGR rather than RGB channel order. When creating the uncompressed image in PhotoShop, only RGB/8 mode should be used. Under BMP Options, the File Format should always be set to Windows. Compress (RLE) and Flip row order should never be checked. The Basic or Advanced Modes under the BMP Save options should be set in combination with the appropriate encoder options to achieve the desired pixel format according to the following table. PhotoShop ModeBMP OptionsEncodes as-cNotesRGB/8Basic: 24 bit24bppBGR0RGB/8 w/ alphaBasic: 32 bit32bppBGR34Fill alpha blackRGB/8 w/ alphaBasic: 32 bit32bppBGRA22RGB/8Adv: X1 R5 G5 B516bppBGR55529RGB/8Adv: R5 G6 B516bppBGR56530HDR This file format is only used for encoding to the JPEG XR 24bppRGBE pixel format. This special floating point pixel format uses a shared exponent and three independent mantissas to encode the entire pixel. Unfortunately, while PhotoShop CS 2 supports saving in .HDR file mode, it only saves using the compressed option. JXREncApp.exe only supports uncompressed .HDR files. So, weve provided a simple command line utility called HDR2HDR that only does one thing: It reads and decompresses a compressed .HDR file and saves it as an uncompressed .HDR file. HDR2HDR.EXE is included in the DPK. PhotoShop ModePhotoShop Save AsEncodes as-cRGB/32Radiance (*.HDR)24bppRGBE16 Fixed Point Pixel Formats The one significant omission from the pixel formats listed in the tables above is the set of fixed point formats. The fixed point pixel formats provide an excellent solution for retaining the full content of an image source while still providing efficient storage and processing. These fixed point formats are one of the innovations introduced with JPEG XR (and previously HD Photo/Windows Media). No other file format supports fixed point encoding. Because JXREncApp.exe has no built-in capability for pixel format conversion, there is no way we can encode fixed point JPEG XR files from standard TIFF or BMP files. In reality, if we write a little software, we could convert floating point image data to fixed point and still store it in a TIFF file. While the resulting TIFF file containing fixed point image data would not display correctly, it could be converted to a fixed point JPEG XR file using JXREncApp.exe. Thats why there are c option values defined for the various fixed point pixel formats. But for this to work, its your responsibility to first convert the uncompressed image data to fixed point. Unsupported Pixel Formats There are several other pixel formats that cant easily be encoded using JXREncApp.exe It is possible to encode images in any of the pre-multiplied alpha pixel formats, but the uncompressed image will have to first be pre-processed to multiply the RGB channels by the alpha channel value. This can be done using the appropriate blending operations in Photoshop. Like fixed point pixel formats, a TIFF file in a pre-multiplied pixel format will not display correctly, but can be converted to an equivalent JPEG XR file using JXREncApp.exe. While JXREncApp.exe includes a c option value for 32bpcRGB101010 pixel format, there is no way to create this pixel format in an uncompressed file using PhotoShop. You can write your own code to create this pixel format within a TIFF file. While JXREncApp.exe will be able to convert this to an JPEG XR file, the TIFF file you create will not display correctly in any other application. JXREncApp.exe does not support encoding any of the n-Channel pixel formats. Compression Choices: -q, -d & -l Options There are three parameters that control the tradeoffs between image quality and compressed file size. In addition to their individual effect, its also important to understand how these three parameters interact with each other. -q Image Quality (0.0 1.0) or Quantization (1-255) One of the principal ways lossy compression is achieved is to quantize a set of continuous values into a smaller set of representative values. In this way, loss is achieved by mapping values that are close together to the same value. Only the remaining set of values needs to be coded and saved, reducing the amount of storage required. The greater the degree of quantization, the more the content can be compressed, but in doing so, more of the small differences among similar values are lost. The quantization level, specified by the q option basically defines the amount of similarity that can be discarded. It is an arbitrary range from 1-255; the quantization value does not correspond directly to any specific difference amount. Quantization determines the desired image quality rather than the desired compression ratio. The actual compression ratio is a function of both the quantization and the image content; images with less complex content will have fewer differences among values and will achieve better compression without the need for greater quantization. Additionally, the quantization is also highly dependent on the specific pixel format, most importantly the bit depth. Higher values will be required to greater bit depths to achieve a comparable compression ratio, since larger bit depths provide a greater range of possible values and therefore will need more quantization. JPEG XR provides the unique capability of preserving all data values during quantization, effectively providing mathematically lossless compression. When the quantization is set to 1, no values are discarded and all encoded pixel values will be returned with absolutely no loss. This is the default setting if no value for the q option is specified. To let JXREncApp.exe set the quantization level automatically, use the same q flag to set the image quality from 0.0 (lowest) to 1.0 (lossless). JXREncApp.exe will map the single 0.0 1.0 quality parameter into several JPEG XR quantization levels. -d Chroma Sub-sampling (0, 1, 2 or 3) We can choose to reduce the resolution of the chrominance of an image prior to the quantization process. Reducing the chrominance resolution, or chroma sub-sampling, has long been understood as an effective way to reduce image content with very little perceptible degradation. In fact, virtually all television or video you watch, whether analog or digital, takes advantage of chroma sub-sampling to reduce the required bandwidth. The JPEG compression format always uses chroma sub-sampling as well. In fact, the unique capability of JPEG XR is not that we provide chroma sub-sampling, but that we provide a mechanism for you to reduce or eliminate this technique to improve image quality. Of course, this only applies to RGB color images. An image is first reorganized from RGB into a channel for luminance and two channels to describe the color information (or chrominance.) If all chrominance is discarded, whats left is a monochrome image. Typically, we dont want to go that far! Many video systems, as well as the JPEG compression format (or at least the most common variant of it that we all use) discards 75% of the chrominance information. The resolution of the color information is reduced by a factor of two in both dimensions. So every four pixels in an image are represented by four luminance values but only two (one for each chroma channel) chrominance values. What started out as 12 values (four pixels with three channels each) has been cut in half; only 6 values (four luminance values and two chrominance values) have to be saved. In the world of digital imaging, this is referred to as 4:2:0 chroma sub-sampling, or more simply as 4:2:0. When all chrominance information is retained (no values are discarded), this is referred to as 4:4:4. Another popular approach, particularly for professional video applications, is to only discard 50% of the chroma values; two values for each chroma channel, or four values in total are retained. This is referred to as 4:2:2. Finally, if we discard all color information, retaining only the luminance, this is described as 4:0:0. JPEG XR supports all these modes. -c 3 (4:4:4) All color information is retained, assuring full resolution of the chrominance information. This is the default and is the recommended setting to achieve the best overall image quality. Whenever an image is stored as an intermediate format and further editing is anticipated, it is highly recommended to use 4:4:4. -c 2 (4:2:2) The color information is encoded at the resolution of the luminance information. Four each set of four pixels, four luminance values are used and the eight chrominance values are reduced down to four (two for each chroma channel.) This provides perceptively lossless color encoding for the final delivery of an image. However, if further editing of the image is anticipated, its recommended than any chroma sub-sampling be avoided. -c 1 (4:2:0) The color information is encoded at the resolution of the luminance information. Four each set of four pixels, four luminance values are used and the eight chrominance values are reduced down to two (one for each chroma channel.) This is the same sub-sampling used by JPEG. When converting a JPEG file to JPEG XR, there is no need to specify a higher chroma sub-sampling mode than 4:2:0. -c 0 (4:0:0) All color information is discarded and only the luminance information is retained, effectively creating a monochrome image. For performance reasons, JPEG XR uses a non-traditional method to calculate luminance. Therefore, the resulting monochrome image will not appear identical to a monochrome version of the image created using other tools. Additionally, although all color information is discarded, the pixel format is not changed, so the image is still stored using an RGB pixel format. It is strongly recommended that if you want to create a monochrome image, the image should first be converted to monochrome using an appropriate image editing application to achieve the desired result, and then this monochrome image should be encoded using the appropriate Gray pixel format. -l Overlap Processing (0, 1, 2) JPEG XR uses an advanced version of a macro-block based compression scheme. To achieve the best performance and minimize the amount of memory required to encode or decode an image, the overall image is subdivided into a set of 16x16 pixel macro blocks. Each macro block is are further divided into four 4x4 pixel blocks. All image encoding and decoding operations are peformed on these blocks and macro-blocks. As a result, for high quantization values (when we are discarding a higher amount of similar pixel values), the steps between blocks and macro blocks may become visible as artifacts in the compressed image. This is very common with JPEG (which also uses macro blocks) and significantly reduces the amount of compression that can be used without creating these visible artifacts. JPEG XR addresses this problem through a combination of better quantization and an additional step of overlap processing. This overlap processing takes into account the values of pixels in neighboring blocks and macro blocks when choosing the quantization values that represent similar adjacent pixels. By doing so, the visible differences among adjacent blocks and macro blocks are dramatically reduced. Two levels of optional overlap processing can be specified via the l parameter. Single level overlap processing (-I 1) is performed at the 4x4 block level. For all pixels in the block, bordering pixels in adjacent blocks are also evaluated when choosing the quantization values for that block. Double level overlap processing (-l 2) also analyzes neighboring adjacent pixels when choosing quantization values at the 16x16 macro-block level. The default value for the l parameter is 1 and single level overlap processing should be used for most typical encoding scenarios. For very high quantization levels, double-level overlap processing may be appropriate, but this will trade off the potential for macro block artifacts for a loss of image detail. Setting the l parameter to 0 suppresses any overlap processing. This can speed performance, but is only recommended for very low quantization values. Specific quantization thresholds for choosing the appropriate level of overlap processing are highly dependent on the image content and cannot be predicted. Trial and error will be your best guide. But when in doubt, stick with the default. Image Organization Choices: -f, -U, -V, -H & -a Options In addition to controlling the quality vs. the size of the image, JPEG XR provides a number of choices on exactly how the image information is structured or organized within the file. This includes the alpha channel structure, image tiling, and the overall data order of frequency vs. spatial. -a Alpha Channel Structure Obviously, this option only applies to images with alpha channels. The a option is required for any uncompressed source image that contains an alpha channel and it will be ignored if the image does not include an alpha channel. JPEG XR supports both interleaved and planar alpha channels. An interleaved alpha channel is stored in sequence with the channels that describe the image contents (RGB or CMYK). It simply adds an additional channel to each pixel. A planar alpha channel is stored as a completely separate image within the JPEG XR file container. The alpha channel is encoded separately from the image RGB or CMYK data. The decoder can decode both and re-interleave the channels to deliver a bitmap with alpha channel. Or if only one element (the image content or the alpha channel) is required, a decoder can return just that portion with no need for all the additional processing required for the other portion. Setting the a parameter to 3 specifies that the image be encoded with an interleaved alpha channel. Conversely, setting this option to 2 will encode an image with a planar alpha channel. Any other value is illegal and will generate an error. The default value is 2, and the parameter is only meaningful when encoding an image with alpha. -Q Planar Alpha Quantization (1-255) This option set the quantization level for the planar alpha image, and the values are interpreted the same as the Image Quantization (-q) parameter. If ommited, it is set to 1, lossless. This parameter is meaningful when encoding either planar or interleaved alpha channels. -f Frequency Order vs. Spatial Order JPEG XR makes it possible to organize the compressed image data sequentially in either spatial or frequency order. Spatial order is the typical choice for encoding by a device. The sequential compressed data stream represents the image in macro block rows starting at the upper left corner, from left to right and from top to bottom. It allows the image to be encoded sequentially in rows of pixels, minimizing the total memory required. Frequency order groups the data in three different frequencies and places it sequentially in the file starting with the low frequency information, followed by the middle frequency, and finally by the high frequency details. Frequency order makes it much more efficient to decode a low resolution version of the image, minimizing the amount of compressed image data that must be parsed to find the required low frequency content. When encoding on a typical personal computer, the performance difference between encoding in frequency order vs. spatial order is insignificant. By default the image is encoded in frequency order. This is typically preferred because of the performance benefits when decoding the image to lower resolutions. Including the f option will encode the image in spatial order. This makes progressive encoding impossible (see below). -p Progressive Mode Progressive Mode is an enhancement to frequency order under image tiling (see below). It does not affect spatial order or non-tiled images. Progressive mode groups the data in three different frequencies over all tiles and places it sequentially in the file starting with the low frequency information, followed by the middle frequency, and finally by the high frequency details. Otherwise, the three different frequencies are stored sequentially on a per-tile basis. Progressive mode makes it much more efficient to decode a low resolution version of a tiled image, minimizing the amount of compressed image data that must be parsed to find the required low frequency content. By default the image is encoded in progressive mode. This is typically preferred because of the performance benefits when decoding a tiled image to lower resolutions. Including the p option will encode the tiled image in sequential order. Image Tiling: -U, -V, -H JPEG XR allows an image to be subdivided into individual rectangular tiles. Each tile is stored in the compressed bit stream as a fully self-describing sub-picture. This makes it possible to decode a tile without ever having to process the compressed data for any other tile. The main purpose for this feature is to optimize an image for region decoding. The request to decode an arbitrary region only needs to process the tiles that represent that region. Both uniform tiling and non-uniform tiling are supported. With uniform tiling, all tiles (with the potential exception of the right-most column and bottom-most row) share the same width and height. With non-uniform tiling, the desired with and height for each tile row and column can be specified. Tiles always have uniform height within each tile row, and uniform width within each tile column. The U option, followed by the column and row count, specifies uniform tiling. The image is sliced into the requested number of columns and rows, spacing them as evenly as possible. Tiles are always a multiple of macro blocks (16x16 pixels.) If the image width or height is not evenly divisible in macro block increments by the requested column and row count, the right-most column and/or bottom-most row will be re-sized accordingly. The remaining columns and rows will always be of uniform width and height. Columns cannot be less than one macro block in width and rows cannot be less than one macro block in height. If the requested column or row count results in tiles smaller than this, the appropriate column or row count will be adjusted accordingly. Instead of using the U option for uniform tiling, the H and V options can be used to specify a vector of non-uniform tile widths and heights. The vector of space-delimited values following each parameter expresses the tile dimension in macro blocks (multiples of 16 pixels.) If insufficient values are specified to describe the entire width or height of the image, the right-most column and/or bottom-most row will be sized to contain the remaining pixels. If the vector of macro block sizes exceeds the dimension of the image, the extra values in the vector will be ignored and the right-most column and/or bottom-most row will be resized to match the remaining pixels in that image dimension. In general, image tiling is not required. Its use, and the appropriate choice of tile size, is application dependent. Its recommended that to minimize the performance penalties associated with tiling, tiles smaller than 256x256 pixels should be avoided. Encoder Status Reporting: -v, -t The following are some additional encoding options that control the encoding process itself. -v Verbose mode When present, option enables the output of extended status and results information via the STDOUT output. This information can be piped to a file or other destination using the standard command line conventions (> or >>) for STDOUT piping. Most of the reported information is self-explanitory. -t Timing information When present, this option enables the output of encoder timing information via the STDOUT output. As above, it can also be redirected. This timing information was something we included for our own testing. It does not use a very accurate method to measure performance and while it may be informative, it should not be relied on as an precise performance indicator. Also, please remember that the DPK Tools do not include the platform optimization code that is implemented in the version for Microsoft Windows. JXRDecApp Command Line Decoder This sample application can convert JPEG XR files to different uncompressed file formats. This utility is provided as sample code, and is not designed to be a full-fledged application. It only supports the specific uncompressed file formats necessary to receive data in the various JPEG XR pixel formats. It only processes the image data and does not attempt to transfer or convert metadata other than the tags specifically required to define the image geometry, structure and format. It has only minimal error checking or resiliency to bad source data or incorrect parameters. jxrdecapp [options]... -i input.jxr Input JPEG XR file name -o output.bmp/tif/jxr Output image file name bmp: <=8bpc, BGR tif: >=8bpc, RGB jxr: for compressed domain transcode -c format Specifies the uncompressed output format 0: 24bppBGR 1: BlackWhite 2: 8bppGray 3: 16bppGray 4: 16bppGrayFixedPoint 5: 16bppGrayHalf 7: 32bppGrayFixedPoint 8: 32bppGrayFloat 9: 24bppRGB 10: 48bppRGB 11: 48bppRGBFixedPoint 12: 48bppRGBHalf 14: 96bppRGBFixedPoint 15: 128bppRGBFloat 16: 32bppRGBE 17: 32bppCMYK 18: 64bppCMYK 22: 32bppBGRA 23: 64bppRGBA 24: 64bppRGBAFixedPoint 25: 64bppRGBAHalf 27: 128bppRGBAFixedPoint 28: 128bppRGBAFloat 29: 16bppBGR555 30: 16bppBGR565 31: 32bppBGR101010 32: 40bppCMYKA 33: 80bppCMYKA 34: 32bppBGR -r top left height width Specifies the rectangle for region decode -T m Reduced resolution (mipmap) decode 0: Full resolution (default) 1: 1/2 resolution (down-sampled) 2: 1/4 resolution (native decode) 3: 1/8 resolution (down-sampled) 4: 1/16 resolution (native decode) >4: 1/(2^m) resolution (down-sampled) -O orientation 0: No transformation (default) 1: Flip vertically 2: Flip horizontally 3: Flip vertically & horizontally 4: Rotate 90 degrees CW 5: Rotate 90 degrees CW & vert flip 6: Rotate 90 degrees CW & horz flip 7: Rotate 90 degrees CW & horz/vert flip -s skip subbands Used for compressed domain transcoding 0: All subbands included (default) 1: Skip flexbits 2: Skip highpass 3: Skip highpass & lowpass (DC only) -a alpha decode 0: Decode without alpha channel 1: Decode only alpha channel 2: Decode image & alpha (default) -p strength Post processing filter strength 0: None (default) 1: Light 2: Medium 3: Strong 4: Very strong -C Suppress overlapping macro blocks (Used for compressed domain tile extraction) -t Display timing information -v Display verbose decoder information Eg: jxrdecapp -i input.jxr -o output.bmp -c 0 Additional Utilities ImageComp This is a basic command line utility that provides measurement data comparing two uncompressed image files. ImageComp provides a variety of image measurements, and can optionally provide a difference image for certain foramts. imagecomp ImageFileName1 ImageFileName2 [-i InputFormat] [-M 0/1] [-o diff.bmp / -O diff.raw] -k [scalefactor] -i InputFormat: 1 BMP (Default) 2 TIF 3 HDR -M Mode 0 Only SSE, MSE and PSNR (Default) 1 More outputs (MaxDiff, Error Image...) -o filename.bmp Produces difference image in .bmp format -O filename.raw Produces difference image in raw BGR888 format -k Scale factor for difference image (default = 1) Difference image = clip((input1 - input2) * k + 128) Difference image options (-o, -O) only work with BMP images HDR2HDR This is a simple command line utility to convert a compressed .hdr file to an uncompressed .hdr file. JXREncApp.exe can encode JPEG XR files in the Radiance (RGBE) format from uncompressed .hdr files. However, Adobe Photoshop CS2 can only create compressed .hdr files. Usage: HDR2HDR compressed.hdr uncompressed.hdr Encoder and Decoder Internal Interfaces and Data Structures This section provides implementation details on tables and structures used in DPK encoder and decoder reference source code. Some information defined here is reserved for future use. ImageInfo Structure cWidth cHeightimage size; must be between 1-2^18; cWidth must be even for YUV_422 and YUV_420; cHeight must be even for YUV_420; for BAYER, if sensor image size is w & h, then cWidth = w / 2, cHeight = h / 2. BcfColorFormatcolor format; Y_ONLY, YUV_420, YUV_422, YUV_444, CMYK, BAYER, N_CHANNEL, CF_RGB, CF_RGBE, CF_PALLETIZED; for planar alpha, use Y_ONLY; see table 3 for valid encoder/decoder cfColorformat combinationsObdBitDepthcolor component bit depth; BD_1, BD_8, BD_16, BD_16S, BD_16F, BD_32, BD_32S, BD_32F, BD_5, BD_10; refer to the table 2 for supported cfColorFormat and bdBitDepth combinationsBcBitsPerUnitbits per pixel unit; a pixel unit is color components of a pixel with possible leading and/or tailing padding; if not BD_1, must be multiples of 8; for YUV_420, a pixel means YYYYUV; for YUV_422, a pixel means UYVY; for BAYER, a unit is a censor unit and no padding is allowed.UcLeadingPaddingNumber of leading padding of a pixel unitUbRGBRGB or BGR(valid only if BD_8 and CF_RGB); true for RGB order, false for BGR orderbpBayerPatternbayer pattern( valid only if BAYER); 0(GR/BG), 1(RG/BG), 2(BG/GR), 3(GB,RG)BcChromaCenteringrelative location of Chroma w.r.t LumaBcChromaInterpretationcolorspaceBbSkipFlexBitsdecode (false) or not decode(true) flex bitsDcThumbnailWidth cThumbnailHeightsize of a thumbnail; for s(= 2^t) : 1 thumbnail (s = 1 for full resolution), cThumbnailWidth = (cWidth + s 1) / s, cThumbnailHeight = (cHeight + s 1) / s; codec will reset invalid thumbnail to full resolutionDcROILeftX cROIWidth cROITopY cROIHeightregion to be decoded in a thumbnail; codec will trim to fit in [0, cThumbnailWidth), [0, cThumbnailHeight) or reset it to full thumbnail if the region is null or completely detached from the thumbnailD oOrientationdecoded image orientation; CRW FlipH FlipV O_NONE = 0, // 0 0 0 O_FLIPV, // 0 0 1 O_FLIPH, // 0 1 0 O_FLIPVH, // 0 1 1 O_RCW, // 1 0 0 O_RCW_FLIPV, // 1 0 1 O_RCW_FLIPH, // 1 1 0 O_RCW_FLIPVH, // 1 1 1DcPostProcStrengthstrength of post processing; 0(none) 1(light) 2(medium) 3(heavy) >3(very heavy)DfPaddedUserBufferboolean indicating whether the output buffer may use optimized code pathD B: info carried in bitstream and not decoder over writable O: info carried in bitstream and decoder over writable D: decoder only U: user input, could be different for encoder and decoder cfColorFormat and bdDepth Combinations Y_ONLYYUV_420YUV_422YUV_444CMYKBAYERN_CHANNELCF_RGBCF_RGBECF_PALLETIZEDBD_1"BD_8"""""""""BD_16""""""""BD_16S""""""BD_16F""""BD_32""""BD_32S""""BD_32F""""BD_5"BD_10"": supported : not supported blank: might be supported Encoder cfColorFormat and Decoder cfColorFormat Combinations decoder\encoderY_ONLYYUV_420YUV_422YUV_444CMYKBAYERN_CHANNELCF_RGBCF_RGBECF_PALLETIZEDY_ONLY""""""""YUV_420"""YUV_422""YUV_444"CMYK"BAYER"N_CHANNEL"CF_RGB""CF_RGBE"CF_PALLETIZED ": supported blank: not supported CodecParam Structure uiDefaultQPIndex for macroblock quantization (DQUANT) BcfColorFormatInternal color format; Y_ONLY, YUV_420, YUV_422, YUV_444, CMYK, BAYER, N_CHANNEL; for planar alpha, use Y_ONLY; see table 5 for valid external / internal color format combinationsBbdBitDepthinternal bit depth; BD_SHORT, BD_LONG; Only support BD_LONG now.BolOverlaptype of overlap; OL_NONE, OL_ONE, OL_TWOBbfBitstreamFormatbitstream format; SPATIAL, FREQUENCYBuAlphaModealpha channel info; encoder:, 0: RGB only 1: A only 2: Planar RGBA 3: Interleaved RGBA this info is in the bitstream: 0(no alpha encoded), else(interleaved alpha encoded). decoder: 0: dont decode alpha or no alpha in the bitsream 1: only decode alpha if presents: x + alpha => alpha transcoding 2: decode alpha and other channelsOcChannelnumber of color channels including alpha if presents; user needs to set it properly only if N_CHANNEL; must be 1 to 16BcNumOfSliceMinus1V; uiTileX[256] cNumOfSliceMinus1H; uiTileY[256]tiling info: number of horizontal/vertical slices and width/height; no more than 256 slices each direction; slice width/height must be no bigger than 65536BsbSubbandkept subbandsDuiTrimFlexBitstrimmed flexbits during encodeUnLenMantissaOrShift; nExpBias; 32f and 32s conversion parametersBpWStream; cbStream; Bitsream pointer and number of bytes in the bitstreamUbBlackWhite the mode user would like to encode 1bpp black/white images. 0: 0 = black 1: 0 = whiteBbProgressiveModeturn on/off progressive modeBfMeasurePerfturn on/off perf measurementUbVerboseturn on/off verbose modeUExternal cfColorFormat and Internal cfColorFormat Combinations internal\externalY_ONLYYUV_420YUV_422YUV_444CMYKBAYERN_CHANNELCF_RGBCF_RGBECF_PALLETIZEDY_ONLYBIIIIIIIIYUV_420OBBBIBBYUV_422OBBIBBYUV_444OBIBBCMYKOBBAYEROBDN_CHANNELOB I: input image O: output image B: both input and output blank: not supported ImageBufInfo Structure pvpointer to input/output image buffercLinenumber pixel rows in buffer; for YUV_420, a pixel row means 2 Y rows and 1 U/V row; for YUV_422, a pixel row means 2 sensor row; on encoder side, one MB row at a time and cLine >= 16 (8 if YUV_420) except for the last MB row; on decoder side, cLine >= cROIHeight (cROIWidth if oOrientation >= O_RCW)cbStridehow many bytes each pixel row occupies in the buffer; must be enough to contain a pixel row An example: possible ways to encode a RGBA image (BD_8, cBitsPerPixel = 24) cfColorFormatcLeadingPaddinguAlphaModeEncode RGBAYUV_xxx or Y_ONLY02 (Planar) or 3 (Interleaved)Encode RGB only *YUV_xxx or Y_ONLY00 Encode Alpha only *Y_ONLY31Encode G channel only *Y_ONLY11* Not implemented.      PAGE 4 JPEG XR  SUBJECT \* MERGEFORMAT Device Porting Kit Specification Version  DOCPROPERTY Version \* MERGEFORMAT 1.0  DOCPROPERTY Status \* MERGEFORMAT Final Draft  SAVEDATE \@ "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss am/pm" \* MERGEFORMAT 5/2/2013 12:28:00 PM !"#6<GH\v  # $ e m   º©xtxxxxle^ h|ph* h54h&h=h&5h.Y h10h&h& h/5@CJ$KH\^JaJ`)jh>5@CJ$KHU\^JaJ` h>5@CJ$KH\^JaJ`h.Y0JCJhHh/0JCJh* hsh*hR'h*CJ8aJ8h.YCJ8aJ8h>CJ8aJ8jh>CJ8UaJ8$#H       G <<$If5gd&gd/(   A B E F H O P u v y z | }   K k + J t ʻrbrbrbrbrbrbrbhu/hu/CJOJQJ\aJhu/CJOJQJ\aJh&*5CJOJQJ\aJh~5CJOJQJ\aJh,H5CJOJQJ\aJh^o~5CJOJQJ\aJh*5CJOJQJ\aJ"hPh*5CJOJQJ\aJ h|ph*h/h! h*jh*Uh|ph*5&G H O { qgg <<$Ifkd$$IfTl0|v  t 0644 lap T{ | } ~   ( 4 qoooojjjbbj & F)gdu/gdu/kd$$IfTl0|v  t 0644 lap T &Ji<dƳ{l{Zl{l#j7h9UmHnHujh9UmHnHuh9mHnHu*jh0h90JTUmHnHuh9mHnHuh0h90JTmHnHu$jh0h90JTUmHnHujh*Uh*hPh*CJOJQJ\aJhu/hu/CJOJQJ\aJhu/CJOJQJ\aJ"#y)? k:&sRz68WV X !"#$%ABCDNOWXĻĥĚyĻcGĚ7hv 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All rights reserved. By using or providing feedback on these materials, you agree to the attached license agreement (also available at http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/print/metro.mspx). 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