use std::error::Error; #[cfg(feature = "naist-jdic")] fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { use std::{ env, fs::{copy, create_dir, rename, File}, io::{self, Cursor, Read, Write}, path::Path, }; use jpreprocess_dictionary::serializer::jpreprocess::JPreprocessSerializer; use jpreprocess_dictionary_builder::ipadic_builder::IpadicBuilder; use lindera_core::dictionary_builder::DictionaryBuilder; use encoding::{ all::UTF_8, {EncoderTrap, Encoding}, }; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use tar::Archive; println!(""); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=Cargo.toml"); // Directory path for build package let build_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); // ex) target/debug/build//out // Dictionary file name let file_name = "v0.1.3.tar.gz"; // MeCab IPADIC directory let input_dir = Path::new(&build_dir).join("naist-jdic-0.1.3"); if std::env::var("DOCS_RS").is_ok() { // Create directory for dummy input directory for build docs create_dir(&input_dir)?; // Create dummy char.def let mut dummy_char_def = File::create(input_dir.join("char.def"))?; dummy_char_def.write_all(b"DEFAULT 0 1 0\n")?; // Create dummy CSV file let mut dummy_dict_csv = File::create(input_dir.join("dummy_dict.csv"))?; dummy_dict_csv.write_all( &UTF_8 .encode( "テスト,1343,1343,3195,名詞,サ変接続,*,*,*,*,テスト,テスト,テスト,1/3,C1\n", EncoderTrap::Ignore, ) .unwrap(), )?; // Create dummy unk.def File::create(input_dir.join("unk.def"))?; let mut dummy_matrix_def = File::create(input_dir.join("matrix.def"))?; dummy_matrix_def.write_all(b"0 1 0\n")?; } else { // Source file path for build package let source_path_for_build = Path::new(&build_dir).join(file_name); // Download source file to build directory if !source_path_for_build.exists() { // copy(&source_path, &source_path_for_build)?; let tmp_path = Path::new(&build_dir).join(file_name.to_owned() + ".download"); // Download a tarball let download_url = ""; let resp = ureq::get(download_url).call()?; let mut dest = File::create(&tmp_path)?; io::copy(&mut resp.into_reader(), &mut dest)?; dest.flush()?; rename(tmp_path, &source_path_for_build).expect("Failed to rename temporary file"); } // Decompress a tar.gz file let mut tar_gz = File::open(source_path_for_build)?; let mut buffer = Vec::new(); tar_gz.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?; let cursor = Cursor::new(buffer); let gzdecoder = GzDecoder::new(cursor); let mut archive = Archive::new(gzdecoder); archive.unpack(&build_dir)?; } // Lindera IPADIC directory let output_dir = Path::new(&build_dir).join("naist-jdic"); // Build a dictionary let builder = IpadicBuilder::new(Box::new(JPreprocessSerializer)); builder.build_dictionary(&input_dir, &output_dir)?; let license_file = &input_dir.join(Path::new("COPYING")); if license_file.exists() { copy(license_file, output_dir.join(Path::new("COPYING")))?; } Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(feature = "naist-jdic"))] fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { Ok(()) }