var section_names = function(q) { if (!q) { return []; } var matches = []; q = q.toLowerCase(); $.each(section_map, function(k, v) { if (k.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) != -1) { matches.push(k); } }); matches.sort(function(a, b) { // shortest to longest return a.length - b.length; }); return matches; } var section_names_cb = function(q, cb) { cb(section_names(q)); } var go_to_section = function() { query = $('#searchbox').val(); results = section_names(query); if (results.length == 0) { return; } result = results[0]; location.hash = '#' + section_map[result]; if (result != query) { $('#searchbox').val(result); } } $(function(){ $('#searchbox').typeahead( {hint: false, highlight: true, minLength: 1}, {name: "contents", source: section_names_cb, limit: 6} ).on('typeahead:selected', function(e, data) { go_to_section(); }); $('#searchbox').change(go_to_section); }); // add "Run" button to execute examples on $(function() { $.each($('.manual-example table'), function(index, value) { $value = $(value) var j = $value.find('tr:nth-child(2) td:first').text(); var q = $value.find('.jqprogram').text().replace(/^jq /, '').replace(/^'(.+)'$/, '$1'); var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(q) +'&j=' + encodeURIComponent(j) var $last_tr = $value.find('tr:last'); $last_tr.after('Run'); }); });