/* * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * Copyright (C) 2003-2009, 2012-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef JSObject_h #define JSObject_h #include "ArgList.h" #include "ArrayConventions.h" #include "ArrayStorage.h" #include "Butterfly.h" #include "CallFrame.h" #include "ClassInfo.h" #include "CommonIdentifiers.h" #include "CopyBarrier.h" #include "CustomGetterSetter.h" #include "DeferGC.h" #include "Heap.h" #include "HeapInlines.h" #include "IndexingHeaderInlines.h" #include "JSCell.h" #include "PropertySlot.h" #include "PropertyStorage.h" #include "PutDirectIndexMode.h" #include "PutPropertySlot.h" #include "RuntimeType.h" #include "Structure.h" #include "VM.h" #include "JSString.h" #include "SparseArrayValueMap.h" #include namespace JSC { inline JSCell* getJSFunction(JSValue value) { if (value.isCell() && (value.asCell()->type() == JSFunctionType)) return value.asCell(); return 0; } class GetterSetter; class InternalFunction; class JSFunction; class LLIntOffsetsExtractor; class MarkedBlock; class PropertyDescriptor; class PropertyNameArray; class Structure; struct HashTable; struct HashTableValue; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSObject* throwTypeError(ExecState*, const String&); extern JS_EXPORTDATA const char* StrictModeReadonlyPropertyWriteError; extern JS_EXPORTDATA const char* UnconfigurablePropertyChangeAccessMechanismError; COMPILE_ASSERT(None < FirstInternalAttribute, None_is_below_FirstInternalAttribute); COMPILE_ASSERT(ReadOnly < FirstInternalAttribute, ReadOnly_is_below_FirstInternalAttribute); COMPILE_ASSERT(DontEnum < FirstInternalAttribute, DontEnum_is_below_FirstInternalAttribute); COMPILE_ASSERT(DontDelete < FirstInternalAttribute, DontDelete_is_below_FirstInternalAttribute); COMPILE_ASSERT(Accessor < FirstInternalAttribute, Accessor_is_below_FirstInternalAttribute); class JSFinalObject; class JSObject : public JSCell { friend class BatchedTransitionOptimizer; friend class JIT; friend class JSCell; friend class JSFinalObject; friend class MarkedBlock; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend bool setUpStaticFunctionSlot(VM&, const HashTableValue*, JSObject*, PropertyName, PropertySlot&); enum PutMode { PutModePut, PutModeDefineOwnProperty, }; public: typedef JSCell Base; // This is a super dangerous method for JITs. Sometimes the JITs will want to create either a // JSFinalObject or a JSArray. This is the method that will do that. static JSObject* createRawObject(ExecState* exec, Structure* structure, Butterfly* = nullptr); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static size_t estimatedSize(JSCell*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void visitChildren(JSCell*, SlotVisitor&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void copyBackingStore(JSCell*, CopyVisitor&, CopyToken); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void heapSnapshot(JSCell*, HeapSnapshotBuilder&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static String className(const JSObject*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static String calculatedClassName(JSObject*); // This is the fully virtual [[GetPrototypeOf]] internal function defined // in the ECMAScript 6 specification. Use this when doing a [[GetPrototypeOf]] // operation as dictated in the specification. JSValue getPrototype(VM&, ExecState*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static JSValue getPrototype(JSObject*, ExecState*); // This gets the prototype directly off of the structure. This does not do // dynamic dispatch on the getPrototype method table method. It is not valid // to use this when performing a [[GetPrototypeOf]] operation in the specification. // It is valid to use though when you know that you want to directly get it // without consulting the method table. This is akin to getting the [[Prototype]] // internal field directly as described in the specification. JSValue getPrototypeDirect() const; // This sets the prototype without checking for cycles and without // doing dynamic dispatch on [[SetPrototypeOf]] operation in the specification. // It is not valid to use this when performing a [[SetPrototypeOf]] operation in // the specification. It is valid to use though when you know that you want to directly // set it without consulting the method table and when you definitely won't // introduce a cycle in the prototype chain. This is akin to setting the // [[Prototype]] internal field directly as described in the specification. JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void setPrototypeDirect(VM&, JSValue prototype); private: // This is OrdinarySetPrototypeOf in the specification. Section // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinarysetprototypeof JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool setPrototypeWithCycleCheck(VM&, ExecState*, JSValue prototype, bool shouldThrowIfCantSet); public: // This is the fully virtual [[SetPrototypeOf]] internal function defined // in the ECMAScript 6 specification. Use this when doing a [[SetPrototypeOf]] // operation as dictated in the specification. bool setPrototype(VM&, ExecState*, JSValue prototype, bool shouldThrowIfCantSet = false); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool setPrototype(JSObject*, ExecState*, JSValue prototype, bool shouldThrowIfCantSet); bool mayInterceptIndexedAccesses() { return structure()->mayInterceptIndexedAccesses(); } JSValue get(ExecState*, PropertyName) const; JSValue get(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName) const; bool getPropertySlot(ExecState*, PropertyName, PropertySlot&); bool getPropertySlot(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot&); template typename std::result_of::type getPropertySlot(ExecState*, PropertyName, CallbackWhenNoException) const; template typename std::result_of::type getPropertySlot(ExecState*, PropertyName, PropertySlot&, CallbackWhenNoException) const; static bool getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyName, PropertySlot&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool getOwnPropertySlotByIndex(JSObject*, ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot&); // The key difference between this and getOwnPropertySlot is that getOwnPropertySlot // currently returns incorrect results for the DOM window (with non-own properties) // being returned. Once this is fixed we should migrate code & remove this method. JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ExecState*, PropertyName, PropertyDescriptor&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool allowsAccessFrom(ExecState*); unsigned getArrayLength() const { if (!hasIndexedProperties(indexingType())) return 0; return m_butterfly.get()->publicLength(); } unsigned getVectorLength() { if (!hasIndexedProperties(indexingType())) return 0; return m_butterfly.get()->vectorLength(); } static bool putInline(JSCell*, ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool put(JSCell*, ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&); // putByIndex assumes that the receiver is this JSCell object. JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool putByIndex(JSCell*, ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue, bool shouldThrow); ALWAYS_INLINE bool putByIndexInline(ExecState* exec, unsigned propertyName, JSValue value, bool shouldThrow) { if (canSetIndexQuickly(propertyName)) { setIndexQuickly(exec->vm(), propertyName, value); return true; } return methodTable(exec->vm())->putByIndex(this, exec, propertyName, value, shouldThrow); } // This is similar to the putDirect* methods: // - the prototype chain is not consulted // - accessors are not called. // - it will ignore extensibility and read-only properties if PutDirectIndexLikePutDirect is passed as the mode (the default). // This method creates a property with attributes writable, enumerable and configurable all set to true. bool putDirectIndex(ExecState* exec, unsigned propertyName, JSValue value, unsigned attributes, PutDirectIndexMode mode) { if (!attributes && canSetIndexQuicklyForPutDirect(propertyName)) { setIndexQuickly(exec->vm(), propertyName, value); return true; } return putDirectIndexBeyondVectorLength(exec, propertyName, value, attributes, mode); } bool putDirectIndex(ExecState* exec, unsigned propertyName, JSValue value) { return putDirectIndex(exec, propertyName, value, 0, PutDirectIndexLikePutDirect); } // A non-throwing version of putDirect and putDirectIndex. JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool putDirectMayBeIndex(ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue); bool hasIndexingHeader() const { return structure()->hasIndexingHeader(this); } bool canGetIndexQuickly(unsigned i) { Butterfly* butterfly = m_butterfly.get(); switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_BLANK_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_UNDECIDED_INDEXING_TYPES: return false; case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: return i < butterfly->vectorLength() && butterfly->contiguous()[i]; case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: { if (i >= butterfly->vectorLength()) return false; double value = butterfly->contiguousDouble()[i]; if (value != value) return false; return true; } case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: return i < butterfly->arrayStorage()->vectorLength() && butterfly->arrayStorage()->m_vector[i]; default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } } JSValue getIndexQuickly(unsigned i) { Butterfly* butterfly = m_butterfly.get(); switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: return jsNumber(butterfly->contiguous()[i].get().asInt32()); case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: return butterfly->contiguous()[i].get(); case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: return JSValue(JSValue::EncodeAsDouble, butterfly->contiguousDouble()[i]); case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: return butterfly->arrayStorage()->m_vector[i].get(); default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return JSValue(); } } JSValue tryGetIndexQuickly(unsigned i) const { Butterfly* butterfly = m_butterfly.get(); switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_BLANK_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_UNDECIDED_INDEXING_TYPES: break; case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: if (i < butterfly->publicLength()) { JSValue result = butterfly->contiguous()[i].get(); ASSERT(result.isInt32() || !result); return result; } break; case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: if (i < butterfly->publicLength()) return butterfly->contiguous()[i].get(); break; case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: { if (i >= butterfly->publicLength()) break; double result = butterfly->contiguousDouble()[i]; if (result != result) break; return JSValue(JSValue::EncodeAsDouble, result); } case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: if (i < butterfly->arrayStorage()->vectorLength()) return butterfly->arrayStorage()->m_vector[i].get(); break; default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); break; } return JSValue(); } JSValue getDirectIndex(ExecState* exec, unsigned i) { if (JSValue result = tryGetIndexQuickly(i)) return result; PropertySlot slot(this, PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::Get); if (methodTable(exec->vm())->getOwnPropertySlotByIndex(this, exec, i, slot)) return slot.getValue(exec, i); return JSValue(); } JSValue getIndex(ExecState* exec, unsigned i) const { if (JSValue result = tryGetIndexQuickly(i)) return result; return get(exec, i); } bool canSetIndexQuickly(unsigned i) { Butterfly* butterfly = m_butterfly.get(); switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_BLANK_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_UNDECIDED_INDEXING_TYPES: return false; case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: case NonArrayWithArrayStorage: case ArrayWithArrayStorage: return i < butterfly->vectorLength(); case NonArrayWithSlowPutArrayStorage: case ArrayWithSlowPutArrayStorage: return i < butterfly->arrayStorage()->vectorLength() && !!butterfly->arrayStorage()->m_vector[i]; default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } } bool canSetIndexQuicklyForPutDirect(unsigned i) { switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_BLANK_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_UNDECIDED_INDEXING_TYPES: return false; case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: return i < m_butterfly.get()->vectorLength(); default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } } void setIndexQuickly(VM& vm, unsigned i, JSValue v) { Butterfly* butterfly = m_butterfly.get(); switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: { ASSERT(i < butterfly->vectorLength()); if (!v.isInt32()) { convertInt32ToDoubleOrContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(vm, i, v); return; } FALLTHROUGH; } case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: { ASSERT(i < butterfly->vectorLength()); butterfly->contiguous()[i].set(vm, this, v); if (i >= butterfly->publicLength()) butterfly->setPublicLength(i + 1); break; } case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: { ASSERT(i < butterfly->vectorLength()); if (!v.isNumber()) { convertDoubleToContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(vm, i, v); return; } double value = v.asNumber(); if (value != value) { convertDoubleToContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(vm, i, v); return; } butterfly->contiguousDouble()[i] = value; if (i >= butterfly->publicLength()) butterfly->setPublicLength(i + 1); break; } case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: { ArrayStorage* storage = butterfly->arrayStorage(); WriteBarrier& x = storage->m_vector[i]; JSValue old = x.get(); x.set(vm, this, v); if (!old) { ++storage->m_numValuesInVector; if (i >= storage->length()) storage->setLength(i + 1); } break; } default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void initializeIndex(VM& vm, unsigned i, JSValue v) { initializeIndex(vm, i, v, indexingType()); } void initializeIndex(VM& vm, unsigned i, JSValue v, IndexingType indexingType) { Butterfly* butterfly = m_butterfly.get(); switch (indexingType) { case ALL_UNDECIDED_INDEXING_TYPES: { setIndexQuicklyToUndecided(vm, i, v); break; } case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: { ASSERT(i < butterfly->publicLength()); ASSERT(i < butterfly->vectorLength()); if (!v.isInt32()) { convertInt32ToDoubleOrContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(vm, i, v); break; } FALLTHROUGH; } case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: { ASSERT(i < butterfly->publicLength()); ASSERT(i < butterfly->vectorLength()); butterfly->contiguous()[i].set(vm, this, v); break; } case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: { ASSERT(i < butterfly->publicLength()); ASSERT(i < butterfly->vectorLength()); if (!v.isNumber()) { convertDoubleToContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(vm, i, v); return; } double value = v.asNumber(); if (value != value) { convertDoubleToContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(vm, i, v); return; } butterfly->contiguousDouble()[i] = value; break; } case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: { ArrayStorage* storage = butterfly->arrayStorage(); ASSERT(i < storage->length()); ASSERT(i < storage->m_numValuesInVector); storage->m_vector[i].set(vm, this, v); break; } default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } bool hasSparseMap() { switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_BLANK_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_UNDECIDED_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: return false; case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: return !!m_butterfly.get()->arrayStorage()->m_sparseMap; default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } } bool inSparseIndexingMode() { switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_BLANK_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_UNDECIDED_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_INT32_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_DOUBLE_INDEXING_TYPES: case ALL_CONTIGUOUS_INDEXING_TYPES: return false; case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: return m_butterfly.get()->arrayStorage()->inSparseMode(); default: RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } } void enterDictionaryIndexingMode(VM&); // putDirect is effectively an unchecked vesion of 'defineOwnProperty': // - the prototype chain is not consulted // - accessors are not called. // - attributes will be respected (after the call the property will exist with the given attributes) // - the property name is assumed to not be an index. bool putDirect(VM&, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes = 0); bool putDirect(VM&, PropertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&); void putDirectWithoutTransition(VM&, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes = 0); bool putDirectNonIndexAccessor(VM&, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes); bool putDirectAccessor(ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool putDirectCustomAccessor(VM&, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes); bool putGetter(ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes); bool putSetter(ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool hasProperty(ExecState*, PropertyName) const; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool hasProperty(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName) const; bool hasPropertyGeneric(ExecState*, PropertyName, PropertySlot::InternalMethodType) const; bool hasPropertyGeneric(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot::InternalMethodType) const; bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState*, PropertyName) const; bool hasOwnProperty(ExecState*, unsigned) const; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool deleteProperty(JSCell*, ExecState*, PropertyName); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool deletePropertyByIndex(JSCell*, ExecState*, unsigned propertyName); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static JSValue defaultValue(const JSObject*, ExecState*, PreferredPrimitiveType); JSValue ordinaryToPrimitive(ExecState*, PreferredPrimitiveType) const; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool hasInstance(ExecState*, JSValue value, JSValue hasInstanceValue); bool hasInstance(ExecState*, JSValue); static bool defaultHasInstance(ExecState*, JSValue, JSValue prototypeProperty); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getOwnPropertyNames(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getOwnNonIndexPropertyNames(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getPropertyNames(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static uint32_t getEnumerableLength(ExecState*, JSObject*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getStructurePropertyNames(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getGenericPropertyNames(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSValue toPrimitive(ExecState*, PreferredPrimitiveType = NoPreference) const; bool getPrimitiveNumber(ExecState*, double& number, JSValue&) const; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE double toNumber(ExecState*) const; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSString* toString(ExecState*) const; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static JSValue toThis(JSCell*, ExecState*, ECMAMode); // This get function only looks at the property map. JSValue getDirect(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName) const { Structure* structure = this->structure(vm); PropertyOffset offset = structure->get(vm, propertyName); checkOffset(offset, structure->inlineCapacity()); return offset != invalidOffset ? getDirect(offset) : JSValue(); } JSValue getDirect(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, unsigned& attributes) const { Structure* structure = this->structure(vm); PropertyOffset offset = structure->get(vm, propertyName, attributes); checkOffset(offset, structure->inlineCapacity()); return offset != invalidOffset ? getDirect(offset) : JSValue(); } PropertyOffset getDirectOffset(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName) { Structure* structure = this->structure(vm); PropertyOffset offset = structure->get(vm, propertyName); checkOffset(offset, structure->inlineCapacity()); return offset; } PropertyOffset getDirectOffset(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, unsigned& attributes) { Structure* structure = this->structure(vm); PropertyOffset offset = structure->get(vm, propertyName, attributes); checkOffset(offset, structure->inlineCapacity()); return offset; } bool hasInlineStorage() const { return structure()->hasInlineStorage(); } ConstPropertyStorage inlineStorageUnsafe() const { return bitwise_cast(this + 1); } PropertyStorage inlineStorageUnsafe() { return bitwise_cast(this + 1); } ConstPropertyStorage inlineStorage() const { ASSERT(hasInlineStorage()); return inlineStorageUnsafe(); } PropertyStorage inlineStorage() { ASSERT(hasInlineStorage()); return inlineStorageUnsafe(); } const Butterfly* butterfly() const { return m_butterfly.get(); } Butterfly* butterfly() { return m_butterfly.get(); } ConstPropertyStorage outOfLineStorage() const { return m_butterfly.get()->propertyStorage(); } PropertyStorage outOfLineStorage() { return m_butterfly.get()->propertyStorage(); } const WriteBarrierBase* locationForOffset(PropertyOffset offset) const { if (isInlineOffset(offset)) return &inlineStorage()[offsetInInlineStorage(offset)]; return &outOfLineStorage()[offsetInOutOfLineStorage(offset)]; } WriteBarrierBase* locationForOffset(PropertyOffset offset) { if (isInlineOffset(offset)) return &inlineStorage()[offsetInInlineStorage(offset)]; return &outOfLineStorage()[offsetInOutOfLineStorage(offset)]; } void transitionTo(VM&, Structure*); bool hasCustomProperties() { return structure()->didTransition(); } bool hasGetterSetterProperties() { return structure()->hasGetterSetterProperties(); } bool hasCustomGetterSetterProperties() { return structure()->hasCustomGetterSetterProperties(); } // putOwnDataProperty has 'put' like semantics, however this method: // - assumes the object contains no own getter/setter properties. // - provides no special handling for __proto__ // - does not walk the prototype chain (to check for accessors or non-writable properties). // This is used by JSLexicalEnvironment. bool putOwnDataProperty(VM&, PropertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&); bool putOwnDataPropertyMayBeIndex(ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&); // Fast access to known property offsets. JSValue getDirect(PropertyOffset offset) const { return locationForOffset(offset)->get(); } void putDirect(VM& vm, PropertyOffset offset, JSValue value) { locationForOffset(offset)->set(vm, this, value); } void putDirectUndefined(PropertyOffset offset) { locationForOffset(offset)->setUndefined(); } JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool putDirectNativeIntrinsicGetter(VM&, JSGlobalObject*, Identifier, NativeFunction, Intrinsic, unsigned attributes); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool putDirectNativeFunction(VM&, JSGlobalObject*, const PropertyName&, unsigned functionLength, NativeFunction, Intrinsic, unsigned attributes); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSFunction* putDirectBuiltinFunction(VM&, JSGlobalObject*, const PropertyName&, FunctionExecutable*, unsigned attributes); JSFunction* putDirectBuiltinFunctionWithoutTransition(VM&, JSGlobalObject*, const PropertyName&, FunctionExecutable*, unsigned attributes); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void putDirectNativeFunctionWithoutTransition(VM&, JSGlobalObject*, const PropertyName&, unsigned functionLength, NativeFunction, Intrinsic, unsigned attributes); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool defineOwnProperty(JSObject*, ExecState*, PropertyName, const PropertyDescriptor&, bool shouldThrow); bool isGlobalObject() const; bool isJSLexicalEnvironment() const; bool isGlobalLexicalEnvironment() const; bool isErrorInstance() const; bool isWithScope() const; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void seal(VM&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void freeze(VM&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool preventExtensions(JSObject*, ExecState*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool isExtensible(JSObject*, ExecState*); bool isSealed(VM& vm) { return structure(vm)->isSealed(vm); } bool isFrozen(VM& vm) { return structure(vm)->isFrozen(vm); } private: ALWAYS_INLINE bool isExtensibleImpl() { return isStructureExtensible(); } public: // You should only call isStructureExtensible() when: // - Performing this check in a way that isn't described in the specification // as calling the virtual [[IsExtensible]] trap. // - When you're guaranteed that object->methodTable()->isExtensible isn't // overridden. ALWAYS_INLINE bool isStructureExtensible() { return structure()->isStructureExtensible(); } // You should call this when performing [[IsExtensible]] trap in a place // that is described in the specification. This performs the fully virtual // [[IsExtensible]] trap. bool isExtensible(ExecState*); bool indexingShouldBeSparse() { return !isStructureExtensible() || structure()->typeInfo().interceptsGetOwnPropertySlotByIndexEvenWhenLengthIsNotZero(); } bool staticPropertiesReified() { return structure()->staticPropertiesReified(); } void reifyAllStaticProperties(ExecState*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE Butterfly* growOutOfLineStorage(VM&, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize); void setButterflyWithoutChangingStructure(VM&, Butterfly*); void setStructure(VM&, Structure*); void setStructureAndButterfly(VM&, Structure*, Butterfly*); void setStructureAndReallocateStorageIfNecessary(VM&, unsigned oldCapacity, Structure*); void setStructureAndReallocateStorageIfNecessary(VM&, Structure*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void convertToDictionary(VM&); void flattenDictionaryObject(VM& vm) { structure(vm)->flattenDictionaryStructure(vm, this); } void shiftButterflyAfterFlattening(VM&, size_t outOfLineCapacityBefore, size_t outOfLineCapacityAfter); JSGlobalObject* globalObject() const { ASSERT(structure()->globalObject()); ASSERT(!isGlobalObject() || ((JSObject*)structure()->globalObject()) == this); return structure()->globalObject(); } void switchToSlowPutArrayStorage(VM&); // The receiver is the prototype in this case. The following: // // asObject(foo->structure()->storedPrototype())->attemptToInterceptPutByIndexOnHoleForPrototype(...) // // is equivalent to: // // foo->attemptToInterceptPutByIndexOnHole(...); bool attemptToInterceptPutByIndexOnHoleForPrototype(ExecState*, JSValue thisValue, unsigned propertyName, JSValue, bool shouldThrow, bool& putResult); // Returns 0 if int32 storage cannot be created - either because // indexing should be sparse, we're having a bad time, or because // we already have a more general form of storage (double, // contiguous, array storage). ContiguousJSValues ensureInt32(VM& vm) { if (LIKELY(hasInt32(indexingType()))) return m_butterfly.get()->contiguousInt32(); return ensureInt32Slow(vm); } // Returns 0 if double storage cannot be created - either because // indexing should be sparse, we're having a bad time, or because // we already have a more general form of storage (contiguous, // or array storage). ContiguousDoubles ensureDouble(VM& vm) { if (LIKELY(hasDouble(indexingType()))) return m_butterfly.get()->contiguousDouble(); return ensureDoubleSlow(vm); } // Returns 0 if contiguous storage cannot be created - either because // indexing should be sparse or because we're having a bad time. ContiguousJSValues ensureContiguous(VM& vm) { if (LIKELY(hasContiguous(indexingType()))) return m_butterfly.get()->contiguous(); return ensureContiguousSlow(vm); } // Ensure that the object is in a mode where it has array storage. Use // this if you're about to perform actions that would have required the // object to be converted to have array storage, if it didn't have it // already. ArrayStorage* ensureArrayStorage(VM& vm) { if (LIKELY(hasAnyArrayStorage(indexingType()))) return m_butterfly.get()->arrayStorage(); return ensureArrayStorageSlow(vm); } static size_t offsetOfInlineStorage(); static ptrdiff_t butterflyOffset() { return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSObject, m_butterfly); } void* butterflyAddress() { return &m_butterfly; } JSValue getMethod(ExecState* exec, CallData& callData, CallType& callType, const Identifier& ident, const String& errorMessage); DECLARE_EXPORT_INFO; protected: void finishCreation(VM& vm) { Base::finishCreation(vm); ASSERT(inherits(info())); ASSERT(getPrototypeDirect().isNull() || Heap::heap(this) == Heap::heap(getPrototypeDirect())); ASSERT(structure()->isObject()); ASSERT(classInfo()); } static Structure* createStructure(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue prototype) { return Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, TypeInfo(ObjectType, StructureFlags), info()); } // To instantiate objects you likely want JSFinalObject, below. // To create derived types you likely want JSNonFinalObject, below. JSObject(VM&, Structure*, Butterfly* = 0); void visitButterfly(SlotVisitor&, Butterfly*, Structure*); void copyButterfly(CopyVisitor&, Butterfly*, size_t storageSize); // Call this if you know that the object is in a mode where it has array // storage. This will assert otherwise. ArrayStorage* arrayStorage() { ASSERT(hasAnyArrayStorage(indexingType())); return m_butterfly.get()->arrayStorage(); } // Call this if you want to predicate some actions on whether or not the // object is in a mode where it has array storage. ArrayStorage* arrayStorageOrNull() { switch (indexingType()) { case ALL_ARRAY_STORAGE_INDEXING_TYPES: return m_butterfly.get()->arrayStorage(); default: return 0; } } size_t butterflyTotalSize(); size_t butterflyPreCapacity(); Butterfly* createInitialUndecided(VM&, unsigned length); ContiguousJSValues createInitialInt32(VM&, unsigned length); ContiguousDoubles createInitialDouble(VM&, unsigned length); ContiguousJSValues createInitialContiguous(VM&, unsigned length); void convertUndecidedForValue(VM&, JSValue); void createInitialForValueAndSet(VM&, unsigned index, JSValue); void convertInt32ForValue(VM&, JSValue); ArrayStorage* createArrayStorage(VM&, unsigned length, unsigned vectorLength); ArrayStorage* createInitialArrayStorage(VM&); ContiguousJSValues convertUndecidedToInt32(VM&); ContiguousDoubles convertUndecidedToDouble(VM&); ContiguousJSValues convertUndecidedToContiguous(VM&); ArrayStorage* convertUndecidedToArrayStorage(VM&, NonPropertyTransition); ArrayStorage* convertUndecidedToArrayStorage(VM&); ContiguousDoubles convertInt32ToDouble(VM&); ContiguousJSValues convertInt32ToContiguous(VM&); ArrayStorage* convertInt32ToArrayStorage(VM&, NonPropertyTransition); ArrayStorage* convertInt32ToArrayStorage(VM&); ContiguousJSValues convertDoubleToContiguous(VM&); ArrayStorage* convertDoubleToArrayStorage(VM&, NonPropertyTransition); ArrayStorage* convertDoubleToArrayStorage(VM&); ArrayStorage* convertContiguousToArrayStorage(VM&, NonPropertyTransition); ArrayStorage* convertContiguousToArrayStorage(VM&); ArrayStorage* ensureArrayStorageExistsAndEnterDictionaryIndexingMode(VM&); bool defineOwnNonIndexProperty(ExecState*, PropertyName, const PropertyDescriptor&, bool throwException); template bool putByIndexBeyondVectorLengthWithoutAttributes(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue); bool putByIndexBeyondVectorLengthWithArrayStorage(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue, bool shouldThrow, ArrayStorage*); bool increaseVectorLength(VM&, unsigned newLength); void deallocateSparseIndexMap(); bool defineOwnIndexedProperty(ExecState*, unsigned, const PropertyDescriptor&, bool throwException); SparseArrayValueMap* allocateSparseIndexMap(VM&); void notifyPresenceOfIndexedAccessors(VM&); bool attemptToInterceptPutByIndexOnHole(ExecState*, unsigned index, JSValue, bool shouldThrow, bool& putResult); // Call this if you want setIndexQuickly to succeed and you're sure that // the array is contiguous. bool WARN_UNUSED_RETURN ensureLength(VM& vm, unsigned length) { ASSERT(length < MAX_ARRAY_INDEX); ASSERT(hasContiguous(indexingType()) || hasInt32(indexingType()) || hasDouble(indexingType()) || hasUndecided(indexingType())); bool result = true; if (m_butterfly.get()->vectorLength() < length) result = ensureLengthSlow(vm, length); if (m_butterfly.get()->publicLength() < length) m_butterfly.get()->setPublicLength(length); return result; } // Call this if you want to shrink the butterfly backing store, and you're // sure that the array is contiguous. void reallocateAndShrinkButterfly(VM&, unsigned length); template unsigned countElements(Butterfly*); // This is relevant to undecided, int32, double, and contiguous. unsigned countElements(); private: friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor; // Nobody should ever ask any of these questions on something already known to be a JSObject. using JSCell::isAPIValueWrapper; using JSCell::isGetterSetter; void getObject(); void getString(ExecState* exec); void isObject(); void isString(); Butterfly* createInitialIndexedStorage(VM&, unsigned length, size_t elementSize); ArrayStorage* enterDictionaryIndexingModeWhenArrayStorageAlreadyExists(VM&, ArrayStorage*); template bool putDirectInternal(VM&, PropertyName, JSValue, unsigned attr, PutPropertySlot&); bool canPerformFastPutInline(ExecState* exec, VM&, PropertyName); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE NEVER_INLINE bool putInlineSlow(ExecState*, PropertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&); bool getNonIndexPropertySlot(ExecState*, PropertyName, PropertySlot&); bool getOwnNonIndexPropertySlot(VM&, Structure&, PropertyName, PropertySlot&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void fillGetterPropertySlot(PropertySlot&, JSValue, unsigned, PropertyOffset); void fillCustomGetterPropertySlot(PropertySlot&, JSValue, unsigned, Structure&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool getOwnStaticPropertySlot(VM&, PropertyName, PropertySlot&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE const HashTableValue* findPropertyHashEntry(PropertyName) const; bool putIndexedDescriptor(ExecState*, SparseArrayEntry*, const PropertyDescriptor&, PropertyDescriptor& old); bool putByIndexBeyondVectorLength(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue, bool shouldThrow); bool putDirectIndexBeyondVectorLengthWithArrayStorage(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes, PutDirectIndexMode, ArrayStorage*); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool putDirectIndexBeyondVectorLength(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue, unsigned attributes, PutDirectIndexMode); unsigned getNewVectorLength(unsigned currentVectorLength, unsigned currentLength, unsigned desiredLength); unsigned getNewVectorLength(unsigned desiredLength); ArrayStorage* constructConvertedArrayStorageWithoutCopyingElements(VM&, unsigned neededLength); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void setIndexQuicklyToUndecided(VM&, unsigned index, JSValue); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void convertInt32ToDoubleOrContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(VM&, unsigned index, JSValue); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void convertDoubleToContiguousWhilePerformingSetIndex(VM&, unsigned index, JSValue); bool ensureLengthSlow(VM&, unsigned length); ContiguousJSValues ensureInt32Slow(VM&); ContiguousDoubles ensureDoubleSlow(VM&); ContiguousJSValues ensureContiguousSlow(VM&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE ArrayStorage* ensureArrayStorageSlow(VM&); protected: CopyBarrier m_butterfly; #if USE(JSVALUE32_64) private: uint32_t m_padding; #endif }; // JSNonFinalObject is a type of JSObject that has some internal storage, // but also preserves some space in the collector cell for additional // data members in derived types. class JSNonFinalObject : public JSObject { friend class JSObject; public: typedef JSObject Base; static Structure* createStructure(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue prototype) { return Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, TypeInfo(ObjectType, StructureFlags), info()); } protected: explicit JSNonFinalObject(VM& vm, Structure* structure, Butterfly* butterfly = 0) : JSObject(vm, structure, butterfly) { } void finishCreation(VM& vm) { Base::finishCreation(vm); ASSERT(!this->structure()->hasInlineStorage()); ASSERT(classInfo()); } }; class JSFinalObject; // JSFinalObject is a type of JSObject that contains sufficent internal // storage to fully make use of the colloctor cell containing it. class JSFinalObject : public JSObject { friend class JSObject; public: typedef JSObject Base; static const unsigned StructureFlags = Base::StructureFlags; static size_t allocationSize(size_t inlineCapacity) { return sizeof(JSObject) + inlineCapacity * sizeof(WriteBarrierBase); } static inline const TypeInfo typeInfo() { return TypeInfo(FinalObjectType, StructureFlags); } static const IndexingType defaultIndexingType = NonArray; static const unsigned defaultSize = 64; static inline unsigned defaultInlineCapacity() { return (defaultSize - allocationSize(0)) / sizeof(WriteBarrier); } static const unsigned maxSize = 512; static inline unsigned maxInlineCapacity() { return (maxSize - allocationSize(0)) / sizeof(WriteBarrier); } static JSFinalObject* create(ExecState*, Structure*, Butterfly* = nullptr); static JSFinalObject* create(VM&, Structure*); static Structure* createStructure(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue prototype, unsigned inlineCapacity) { return Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, typeInfo(), info(), defaultIndexingType, inlineCapacity); } JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void visitChildren(JSCell*, SlotVisitor&); DECLARE_EXPORT_INFO; protected: void visitChildrenCommon(SlotVisitor&); void finishCreation(VM& vm) { Base::finishCreation(vm); ASSERT(structure()->totalStorageCapacity() == structure()->inlineCapacity()); ASSERT(classInfo()); } private: friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor; explicit JSFinalObject(VM& vm, Structure* structure, Butterfly* butterfly = nullptr) : JSObject(vm, structure, butterfly) { } }; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL objectPrivateFuncInstanceOf(ExecState*); inline JSObject* JSObject::createRawObject( ExecState* exec, Structure* structure, Butterfly* butterfly) { JSObject* finalObject = new ( NotNull, allocateCell( *exec->heap(), JSFinalObject::allocationSize(structure->inlineCapacity()) ) ) JSObject(exec->vm(), structure, butterfly); finalObject->finishCreation(exec->vm()); return finalObject; } inline JSFinalObject* JSFinalObject::create( ExecState* exec, Structure* structure, Butterfly* butterfly) { JSFinalObject* finalObject = new ( NotNull, allocateCell( *exec->heap(), allocationSize(structure->inlineCapacity()) ) ) JSFinalObject(exec->vm(), structure, butterfly); finalObject->finishCreation(exec->vm()); return finalObject; } inline JSFinalObject* JSFinalObject::create(VM& vm, Structure* structure) { JSFinalObject* finalObject = new (NotNull, allocateCell(vm.heap, allocationSize(structure->inlineCapacity()))) JSFinalObject(vm, structure); finalObject->finishCreation(vm); return finalObject; } inline bool isJSFinalObject(JSCell* cell) { return cell->classInfo() == JSFinalObject::info(); } inline bool isJSFinalObject(JSValue value) { return value.isCell() && isJSFinalObject(value.asCell()); } inline size_t JSObject::offsetOfInlineStorage() { return sizeof(JSObject); } inline bool JSObject::isGlobalObject() const { return type() == GlobalObjectType; } inline bool JSObject::isJSLexicalEnvironment() const { return type() == LexicalEnvironmentType || type() == ModuleEnvironmentType; } inline bool JSObject::isGlobalLexicalEnvironment() const { return type() == GlobalLexicalEnvironmentType; } inline bool JSObject::isErrorInstance() const { return type() == ErrorInstanceType; } inline bool JSObject::isWithScope() const { return type() == WithScopeType; } inline void JSObject::setStructureAndButterfly(VM& vm, Structure* structure, Butterfly* butterfly) { ASSERT(structure); ASSERT(!butterfly == (!structure->outOfLineCapacity() && !structure->hasIndexingHeader(this))); m_butterfly.set(vm, this, butterfly); setStructure(vm, structure); } inline void JSObject::setStructure(VM& vm, Structure* structure) { ASSERT(structure); ASSERT(!m_butterfly == !(structure->outOfLineCapacity() || structure->hasIndexingHeader(this))); JSCell::setStructure(vm, structure); } inline void JSObject::setButterflyWithoutChangingStructure(VM& vm, Butterfly* butterfly) { m_butterfly.set(vm, this, butterfly); } inline CallType getCallData(JSValue value, CallData& callData) { CallType result = value.isCell() ? value.asCell()->methodTable()->getCallData(value.asCell(), callData) : CallType::None; ASSERT(result == CallType::None || value.isValidCallee()); return result; } inline ConstructType getConstructData(JSValue value, ConstructData& constructData) { ConstructType result = value.isCell() ? value.asCell()->methodTable()->getConstructData(value.asCell(), constructData) : ConstructType::None; ASSERT(result == ConstructType::None || value.isValidCallee()); return result; } inline JSObject* asObject(JSCell* cell) { ASSERT(cell->isObject()); return jsCast(cell); } inline JSObject* asObject(JSValue value) { return asObject(value.asCell()); } inline JSObject::JSObject(VM& vm, Structure* structure, Butterfly* butterfly) : JSCell(vm, structure) , m_butterfly(vm, this, butterfly) { vm.heap.ascribeOwner(this, butterfly); } inline JSValue JSObject::getPrototypeDirect() const { return structure()->storedPrototype(); } inline JSValue JSObject::getPrototype(VM& vm, ExecState* exec) { auto getPrototypeMethod = methodTable(vm)->getPrototype; MethodTable::GetPrototypeFunctionPtr defaultGetPrototype = JSObject::getPrototype; if (LIKELY(getPrototypeMethod == defaultGetPrototype)) return getPrototypeDirect(); return getPrototypeMethod(this, exec); } // It is safe to call this method with a PropertyName that is actually an index, // but if so will always return false (doesn't search index storage). ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSObject::getOwnNonIndexPropertySlot(VM& vm, Structure& structure, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { unsigned attributes; PropertyOffset offset = structure.get(vm, propertyName, attributes); if (!isValidOffset(offset)) { if (!TypeInfo::hasStaticPropertyTable(inlineTypeFlags())) return false; return getOwnStaticPropertySlot(vm, propertyName, slot); } // getPropertySlot relies on this method never returning index properties! ASSERT(!parseIndex(propertyName)); JSValue value = getDirect(offset); if (value.isCell()) { ASSERT(value); JSCell* cell = value.asCell(); JSType type = cell->type(); switch (type) { case GetterSetterType: fillGetterPropertySlot(slot, value, attributes, offset); return true; case CustomGetterSetterType: fillCustomGetterPropertySlot(slot, value, attributes, structure); return true; default: break; } } slot.setValue(this, attributes, value, offset); return true; } ALWAYS_INLINE void JSObject::fillCustomGetterPropertySlot(PropertySlot& slot, JSValue customGetterSetter, unsigned attributes, Structure& structure) { if (structure.isUncacheableDictionary()) { slot.setCustom(this, attributes, jsCast(customGetterSetter)->getter()); return; } // This access is cacheable because Structure requires an attributeChangedTransition // if this property stops being an accessor. slot.setCacheableCustom(this, attributes, jsCast(customGetterSetter)->getter()); } // It may seem crazy to inline a function this large, especially a virtual function, // but it makes a big difference to property lookup that derived classes can inline their // base class call to this. ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { VM& vm = exec->vm(); Structure& structure = *object->structure(vm); if (object->getOwnNonIndexPropertySlot(vm, structure, propertyName, slot)) return true; if (Optional index = parseIndex(propertyName)) return getOwnPropertySlotByIndex(object, exec, index.value(), slot); return false; } // It may seem crazy to inline a function this large but it makes a big difference // since this is function very hot in variable lookup ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSObject::getPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { VM& vm = exec->vm(); auto& structureIDTable = vm.heap.structureIDTable(); JSObject* object = this; while (true) { if (UNLIKELY(TypeInfo::overridesGetOwnPropertySlot(object->inlineTypeFlags()))) { // If propertyName is an index then we may have missed it (as this loop is using // getOwnNonIndexPropertySlot), so we cannot safely call the overridden getOwnPropertySlot // (lest we return a property from a prototype that is shadowed). Check now for an index, // if so we need to start afresh from this object. if (Optional index = parseIndex(propertyName)) return getPropertySlot(exec, index.value(), slot); // Safe to continue searching from current position; call getNonIndexPropertySlot to avoid // parsing the int again. return object->getNonIndexPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot); } ASSERT(object->type() != ProxyObjectType); Structure& structure = *structureIDTable.get(object->structureID()); if (object->getOwnNonIndexPropertySlot(vm, structure, propertyName, slot)) return true; JSValue prototype = structure.storedPrototype(); if (!prototype.isObject()) break; object = asObject(prototype); } if (Optional index = parseIndex(propertyName)) return getPropertySlot(exec, index.value(), slot); return false; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSObject::getPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { VM& vm = exec->vm(); auto& structureIDTable = vm.heap.structureIDTable(); JSObject* object = this; MethodTable::GetPrototypeFunctionPtr defaultGetPrototype = JSObject::getPrototype; while (true) { Structure& structure = *structureIDTable.get(object->structureID()); if (structure.classInfo()->methodTable.getOwnPropertySlotByIndex(object, exec, propertyName, slot)) return true; if (UNLIKELY(vm.exception())) return false; JSValue prototype; if (LIKELY(structure.classInfo()->methodTable.getPrototype == defaultGetPrototype || slot.internalMethodType() == PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::VMInquiry)) prototype = structure.storedPrototype(); else { prototype = object->getPrototype(vm, exec); if (vm.exception()) return false; } if (!prototype.isObject()) return false; object = asObject(prototype); } } ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSObject::getNonIndexPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { // This method only supports non-index PropertyNames. ASSERT(!parseIndex(propertyName)); VM& vm = exec->vm(); auto& structureIDTable = vm.heap.structureIDTable(); JSObject* object = this; MethodTable::GetPrototypeFunctionPtr defaultGetPrototype = JSObject::getPrototype; while (true) { Structure& structure = *structureIDTable.get(object->structureID()); if (LIKELY(!TypeInfo::overridesGetOwnPropertySlot(object->inlineTypeFlags()))) { if (object->getOwnNonIndexPropertySlot(vm, structure, propertyName, slot)) return true; } else { if (structure.classInfo()->methodTable.getOwnPropertySlot(object, exec, propertyName, slot)) return true; if (UNLIKELY(vm.exception())) return false; } JSValue prototype; if (LIKELY(structure.classInfo()->methodTable.getPrototype == defaultGetPrototype || slot.internalMethodType() == PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::VMInquiry)) prototype = structure.storedPrototype(); else { prototype = object->getPrototype(vm, exec); if (vm.exception()) return false; } if (!prototype.isObject()) return false; object = asObject(prototype); } } inline JSValue JSObject::get(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName) const { PropertySlot slot(this, PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::Get); if (const_cast(this)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot)) return slot.getValue(exec, propertyName); return jsUndefined(); } inline JSValue JSObject::get(ExecState* exec, unsigned propertyName) const { PropertySlot slot(this, PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::Get); if (const_cast(this)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot)) return slot.getValue(exec, propertyName); return jsUndefined(); } template ALWAYS_INLINE typename std::result_of::type JSObject::getPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, CallbackWhenNoException callback) const { PropertySlot slot(this, PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::Get); return getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot, callback); } template ALWAYS_INLINE typename std::result_of::type JSObject::getPropertySlot(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot, CallbackWhenNoException callback) const { bool found = const_cast(this)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot); if (UNLIKELY(exec->hadException())) return { }; return callback(found, slot); } template ALWAYS_INLINE bool JSObject::putDirectInternal(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, unsigned attributes, PutPropertySlot& slot) { ASSERT(value); ASSERT(value.isGetterSetter() == !!(attributes & Accessor)); ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(this)); ASSERT(!parseIndex(propertyName)); Structure* structure = this->structure(vm); if (structure->isDictionary()) { ASSERT(!structure->hasInferredTypes()); unsigned currentAttributes; PropertyOffset offset = structure->get(vm, propertyName, currentAttributes); if (offset != invalidOffset) { if ((mode == PutModePut) && currentAttributes & ReadOnly) return false; putDirect(vm, offset, value); structure->didReplaceProperty(offset); slot.setExistingProperty(this, offset); if ((attributes & Accessor) != (currentAttributes & Accessor) || (attributes & CustomAccessor) != (currentAttributes & CustomAccessor)) { ASSERT(!(attributes & ReadOnly)); setStructure(vm, Structure::attributeChangeTransition(vm, structure, propertyName, attributes)); } return true; } if ((mode == PutModePut) && !isStructureExtensible()) return false; DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap); Butterfly* newButterfly = butterfly(); if (this->structure()->putWillGrowOutOfLineStorage()) newButterfly = growOutOfLineStorage(vm, this->structure()->outOfLineCapacity(), this->structure()->suggestedNewOutOfLineStorageCapacity()); offset = this->structure()->addPropertyWithoutTransition(vm, propertyName, attributes); setStructureAndButterfly(vm, this->structure(), newButterfly); validateOffset(offset); ASSERT(this->structure()->isValidOffset(offset)); putDirect(vm, offset, value); slot.setNewProperty(this, offset); if (attributes & ReadOnly) this->structure()->setContainsReadOnlyProperties(); return true; } PropertyOffset offset; size_t currentCapacity = this->structure()->outOfLineCapacity(); Structure* newStructure = Structure::addPropertyTransitionToExistingStructure( structure, propertyName, attributes, offset); if (newStructure) { newStructure->willStoreValueForExistingTransition( vm, propertyName, value, slot.context() == PutPropertySlot::PutById); DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap); Butterfly* newButterfly = butterfly(); if (currentCapacity != newStructure->outOfLineCapacity()) { ASSERT(newStructure != this->structure()); newButterfly = growOutOfLineStorage(vm, currentCapacity, newStructure->outOfLineCapacity()); } validateOffset(offset); ASSERT(newStructure->isValidOffset(offset)); setStructureAndButterfly(vm, newStructure, newButterfly); putDirect(vm, offset, value); slot.setNewProperty(this, offset); return true; } unsigned currentAttributes; bool hasInferredType; offset = structure->get(vm, propertyName, currentAttributes, hasInferredType); if (offset != invalidOffset) { if ((mode == PutModePut) && currentAttributes & ReadOnly) return false; structure->didReplaceProperty(offset); if (UNLIKELY(hasInferredType)) { structure->willStoreValueForReplace( vm, propertyName, value, slot.context() == PutPropertySlot::PutById); } slot.setExistingProperty(this, offset); putDirect(vm, offset, value); if ((attributes & Accessor) != (currentAttributes & Accessor) || (attributes & CustomAccessor) != (currentAttributes & CustomAccessor)) { ASSERT(!(attributes & ReadOnly)); setStructure(vm, Structure::attributeChangeTransition(vm, structure, propertyName, attributes)); } return true; } if ((mode == PutModePut) && !isStructureExtensible()) return false; // We want the structure transition watchpoint to fire after this object has switched // structure. This allows adaptive watchpoints to observe if the new structure is the one // we want. DeferredStructureTransitionWatchpointFire deferredWatchpointFire; newStructure = Structure::addNewPropertyTransition( vm, structure, propertyName, attributes, offset, slot.context(), &deferredWatchpointFire); newStructure->willStoreValueForNewTransition( vm, propertyName, value, slot.context() == PutPropertySlot::PutById); validateOffset(offset); ASSERT(newStructure->isValidOffset(offset)); setStructureAndReallocateStorageIfNecessary(vm, newStructure); putDirect(vm, offset, value); slot.setNewProperty(this, offset); if (attributes & ReadOnly) newStructure->setContainsReadOnlyProperties(); return true; } inline void JSObject::setStructureAndReallocateStorageIfNecessary(VM& vm, unsigned oldCapacity, Structure* newStructure) { ASSERT(oldCapacity <= newStructure->outOfLineCapacity()); if (oldCapacity == newStructure->outOfLineCapacity()) { setStructure(vm, newStructure); return; } DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap); Butterfly* newButterfly = growOutOfLineStorage( vm, oldCapacity, newStructure->outOfLineCapacity()); setStructureAndButterfly(vm, newStructure, newButterfly); } inline void JSObject::setStructureAndReallocateStorageIfNecessary(VM& vm, Structure* newStructure) { setStructureAndReallocateStorageIfNecessary( vm, structure(vm)->outOfLineCapacity(), newStructure); } inline bool JSObject::putOwnDataProperty(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot) { ASSERT(value); ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(this)); ASSERT(!structure()->hasGetterSetterProperties()); ASSERT(!structure()->hasCustomGetterSetterProperties()); return putDirectInternal(vm, propertyName, value, 0, slot); } inline bool JSObject::putOwnDataPropertyMayBeIndex(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot) { ASSERT(value); ASSERT(!Heap::heap(value) || Heap::heap(value) == Heap::heap(this)); ASSERT(!structure()->hasGetterSetterProperties()); ASSERT(!structure()->hasCustomGetterSetterProperties()); if (Optional index = parseIndex(propertyName)) return putDirectIndex(exec, index.value(), value, 0, PutDirectIndexLikePutDirect); return putDirectInternal(exec->vm(), propertyName, value, 0, slot); } inline bool JSObject::putDirect(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, unsigned attributes) { ASSERT(!value.isGetterSetter() && !(attributes & Accessor)); ASSERT(!value.isCustomGetterSetter()); PutPropertySlot slot(this); return putDirectInternal(vm, propertyName, value, attributes, slot); } inline bool JSObject::putDirect(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot) { ASSERT(!value.isGetterSetter()); ASSERT(!value.isCustomGetterSetter()); return putDirectInternal(vm, propertyName, value, 0, slot); } inline void JSObject::putDirectWithoutTransition(VM& vm, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, unsigned attributes) { DeferGC deferGC(vm.heap); ASSERT(!value.isGetterSetter() && !(attributes & Accessor)); ASSERT(!value.isCustomGetterSetter()); Butterfly* newButterfly = m_butterfly.get(); if (structure()->putWillGrowOutOfLineStorage()) newButterfly = growOutOfLineStorage(vm, structure()->outOfLineCapacity(), structure()->suggestedNewOutOfLineStorageCapacity()); Structure* structure = this->structure(); PropertyOffset offset = structure->addPropertyWithoutTransition(vm, propertyName, attributes); bool shouldOptimize = false; structure->willStoreValueForNewTransition(vm, propertyName, value, shouldOptimize); setStructureAndButterfly(vm, structure, newButterfly); putDirect(vm, offset, value); } ALWAYS_INLINE JSObject* Register::object() const { return asObject(jsValue()); } ALWAYS_INLINE Register& Register::operator=(JSObject* object) { u.value = JSValue::encode(JSValue(object)); return *this; } inline size_t offsetInButterfly(PropertyOffset offset) { return offsetInOutOfLineStorage(offset) + Butterfly::indexOfPropertyStorage(); } inline size_t JSObject::butterflyPreCapacity() { if (UNLIKELY(hasIndexingHeader())) return butterfly()->indexingHeader()->preCapacity(structure()); return 0; } inline size_t JSObject::butterflyTotalSize() { Structure* structure = this->structure(); Butterfly* butterfly = this->butterfly(); size_t preCapacity; size_t indexingPayloadSizeInBytes; bool hasIndexingHeader = this->hasIndexingHeader(); if (UNLIKELY(hasIndexingHeader)) { preCapacity = butterfly->indexingHeader()->preCapacity(structure); indexingPayloadSizeInBytes = butterfly->indexingHeader()->indexingPayloadSizeInBytes(structure); } else { preCapacity = 0; indexingPayloadSizeInBytes = 0; } return Butterfly::totalSize(preCapacity, structure->outOfLineCapacity(), hasIndexingHeader, indexingPayloadSizeInBytes); } inline int indexRelativeToBase(PropertyOffset offset) { if (isOutOfLineOffset(offset)) return offsetInOutOfLineStorage(offset) + Butterfly::indexOfPropertyStorage(); ASSERT(!(JSObject::offsetOfInlineStorage() % sizeof(EncodedJSValue))); return JSObject::offsetOfInlineStorage() / sizeof(EncodedJSValue) + offsetInInlineStorage(offset); } inline int offsetRelativeToBase(PropertyOffset offset) { if (isOutOfLineOffset(offset)) return offsetInOutOfLineStorage(offset) * sizeof(EncodedJSValue) + Butterfly::offsetOfPropertyStorage(); return JSObject::offsetOfInlineStorage() + offsetInInlineStorage(offset) * sizeof(EncodedJSValue); } // Returns the maximum offset (away from zero) a load instruction will encode. inline size_t maxOffsetRelativeToBase(PropertyOffset offset) { ptrdiff_t addressOffset = offsetRelativeToBase(offset); #if USE(JSVALUE32_64) if (addressOffset >= 0) return static_cast(addressOffset) + OBJECT_OFFSETOF(EncodedValueDescriptor, asBits.tag); #endif return static_cast(addressOffset); } COMPILE_ASSERT(!(sizeof(JSObject) % sizeof(WriteBarrierBase)), JSObject_inline_storage_has_correct_alignment); template ALWAYS_INLINE Identifier makeIdentifier(VM& vm, const char (&characters)[charactersCount]) { return Identifier::fromString(&vm, characters); } ALWAYS_INLINE Identifier makeIdentifier(VM& vm, const char* name) { return Identifier::fromString(&vm, name); } ALWAYS_INLINE Identifier makeIdentifier(VM&, const Identifier& name) { return name; } // Section 7.3.17 of the spec. template // Add function should have a type like: (JSValue, RuntimeType) -> bool void createListFromArrayLike(ExecState* exec, JSValue arrayLikeValue, RuntimeTypeMask legalTypesFilter, const String& errorMessage, AddFunction addFunction) { VM& vm = exec->vm(); Vector result; JSValue lengthProperty = arrayLikeValue.get(exec, exec->vm().propertyNames->length); if (vm.exception()) return; double lengthAsDouble = lengthProperty.toLength(exec); if (vm.exception()) return; RELEASE_ASSERT(lengthAsDouble >= 0.0 && lengthAsDouble == std::trunc(lengthAsDouble)); uint64_t length = static_cast(lengthAsDouble); for (uint64_t index = 0; index < length; index++) { JSValue next = arrayLikeValue.get(exec, index); if (vm.exception()) return; RuntimeType type = runtimeTypeForValue(next); if (!(type & legalTypesFilter)) { throwTypeError(exec, errorMessage); return; } bool exitEarly = addFunction(next, type); if (exitEarly) return; } } bool validateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(ExecState*, JSObject*, PropertyName, bool isExtensible, const PropertyDescriptor& descriptor, bool isCurrentDefined, const PropertyDescriptor& current, bool throwException); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE NEVER_INLINE bool ordinarySetSlow(ExecState*, JSObject*, PropertyName, JSValue, JSValue receiver, bool shouldThrow); // Helper for defining native functions, if you're not using a static hash table. // Use this macro from within finishCreation() methods in prototypes. This assumes // you've defined variables called exec, globalObject, and vm, and they // have the expected meanings. #define JSC_NATIVE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION(jsName, cppName, attributes, length, intrinsic) \ putDirectNativeFunction(\ vm, globalObject, makeIdentifier(vm, (jsName)), (length), cppName, \ (intrinsic), (attributes)) #define JSC_NATIVE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION_WITHOUT_TRANSITION(jsName, cppName, attributes, length, intrinsic) \ putDirectNativeFunctionWithoutTransition(\ vm, globalObject, makeIdentifier(vm, (jsName)), (length), cppName, \ (intrinsic), (attributes)) // As above, but this assumes that the function you're defining doesn't have an // intrinsic. #define JSC_NATIVE_FUNCTION(jsName, cppName, attributes, length) \ JSC_NATIVE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION(jsName, cppName, (attributes), (length), NoIntrinsic) #define JSC_NATIVE_FUNCTION_WITHOUT_TRANSITION(jsName, cppName, attributes, length) \ JSC_NATIVE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION_WITHOUT_TRANSITION(jsName, cppName, (attributes), (length), NoIntrinsic) // Identical helpers but for builtins. Note that currently, we don't support builtins that are // also intrinsics, but we probably will do that eventually. #define JSC_BUILTIN_FUNCTION(jsName, generatorName, attributes) \ putDirectBuiltinFunction(\ vm, globalObject, makeIdentifier(vm, (jsName)), (generatorName)(vm), (attributes)) #define JSC_BUILTIN_FUNCTION_WITHOUT_TRANSITION(jsName, generatorName, attributes) \ putDirectBuiltinFunctionWithoutTransition(\ vm, globalObject, makeIdentifier(vm, (jsName)), (generatorName)(vm), (attributes)) // Helper for defining native getters on properties. #define JSC_NATIVE_INTRINSIC_GETTER(jsName, cppName, attributes, intrinsic) \ putDirectNativeIntrinsicGetter(\ vm, globalObject, makeIdentifier(vm, (jsName)), (cppName), \ (intrinsic), ((attributes) | Accessor)) #define JSC_NATIVE_GETTER(jsName, cppName, attributes) \ JSC_NATIVE_INTRINSIC_GETTER((jsName), (cppName), (attributes), NoIntrinsic) } // namespace JSC #endif // JSObject_h