/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef Options_h #define Options_h #include "GCLogging.h" #include "JSExportMacros.h" #include #include #include #include namespace WTF { class StringBuilder; } using WTF::StringBuilder; namespace JSC { // How do JSC VM options work? // =========================== // The JSC_OPTIONS() macro below defines a list of all JSC options in use, // along with their types and default values. The options values are actually // realized as an array of Options::Entry elements. // // Options::initialize() will initialize the array of options values with // the defaults specified in JSC_OPTIONS() below. After that, the values can // be programmatically read and written to using an accessor method with the // same name as the option. For example, the option "useJIT" can be read and // set like so: // // bool jitIsOn = Options::useJIT(); // Get the option value. // Options::useJIT() = false; // Sets the option value. // // If you want to tweak any of these values programmatically for testing // purposes, you can do so in Options::initialize() after the default values // are set. // // Alternatively, you can override the default values by specifying // environment variables of the form: JSC_. // // Note: Options::initialize() tries to ensure some sanity on the option values // which are set by doing some range checks, and value corrections. These // checks are done after the option values are set. If you alter the option // values after the sanity checks (for your own testing), then you're liable to // ensure that the new values set are sane and reasonable for your own run. class OptionRange { private: enum RangeState { Uninitialized, InitError, Normal, Inverted }; public: OptionRange& operator= (const int& rhs) { // Only needed for initialization if (!rhs) { m_state = Uninitialized; m_rangeString = 0; m_lowLimit = 0; m_highLimit = 0; } return *this; } bool init(const char*); bool isInRange(unsigned); const char* rangeString() const { return (m_state > InitError) ? m_rangeString : s_nullRangeStr; } void dump(PrintStream& out) const; private: static const char* const s_nullRangeStr; RangeState m_state; const char* m_rangeString; unsigned m_lowLimit; unsigned m_highLimit; }; typedef OptionRange optionRange; typedef const char* optionString; #define JSC_OPTIONS(v) \ v(bool, validateOptions, false, Normal, "crashes if mis-typed JSC options were passed to the VM") \ v(unsigned, dumpOptions, 0, Normal, "dumps JSC options (0 = None, 1 = Overridden only, 2 = All, 3 = Verbose)") \ \ v(bool, useLLInt, true, Normal, "allows the LLINT to be used if true") \ v(bool, useJIT, true, Normal, "allows the baseline JIT to be used if true") \ v(bool, useDFGJIT, true, Normal, "allows the DFG JIT to be used if true") \ v(bool, useRegExpJIT, true, Normal, "allows the RegExp JIT to be used if true") \ \ v(bool, reportMustSucceedExecutableAllocations, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, maxPerThreadStackUsage, 4 * MB, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, reservedZoneSize, 128 * KB, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, errorModeReservedZoneSize, 64 * KB, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, crashIfCantAllocateJITMemory, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, jitMemoryReservationSize, 0, Normal, "Set this number to change the executable allocation size in ExecutableAllocatorFixedVMPool. (In bytes.)") \ v(bool, useSeparatedWXHeap, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, forceCodeBlockLiveness, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, forceICFailure, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, repatchCountForCoolDown, 8, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, initialCoolDownCount, 20, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, repatchBufferingCountdown, 8, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, dumpGeneratedBytecodes, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, dumpBytecodeLivenessResults, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, validateBytecode, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, forceDebuggerBytecodeGeneration, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useFunctionDotArguments, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, useTailCalls, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, alwaysUseShadowChicken, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, shadowChickenLogSize, 1000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, shadowChickenMaxTailDeletedFramesSize, 128, Normal, nullptr) \ \ /* dumpDisassembly implies dumpDFGDisassembly. */ \ v(bool, dumpDisassembly, false, Normal, "dumps disassembly of all JIT compiled code upon compilation") \ v(bool, asyncDisassembly, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, dumpDFGDisassembly, false, Normal, "dumps disassembly of DFG function upon compilation") \ v(bool, dumpFTLDisassembly, false, Normal, "dumps disassembly of FTL function upon compilation") \ v(bool, dumpAllDFGNodes, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(optionRange, bytecodeRangeToJITCompile, 0, Normal, "bytecode size range to allow compilation on, e.g. 1:100") \ v(optionRange, bytecodeRangeToDFGCompile, 0, Normal, "bytecode size range to allow DFG compilation on, e.g. 1:100") \ v(optionRange, bytecodeRangeToFTLCompile, 0, Normal, "bytecode size range to allow FTL compilation on, e.g. 1:100") \ v(optionString, jitWhitelist, nullptr, Normal, "file with list of function signatures to allow compilation on") \ v(optionString, dfgWhitelist, nullptr, Normal, "file with list of function signatures to allow DFG compilation on") \ v(bool, dumpSourceAtDFGTime, false, Normal, "dumps source code of JS function being DFG compiled") \ v(bool, dumpBytecodeAtDFGTime, false, Normal, "dumps bytecode of JS function being DFG compiled") \ v(bool, dumpGraphAfterParsing, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, dumpGraphAtEachPhase, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, dumpDFGGraphAtEachPhase, false, Normal, "dumps the DFG graph at each phase DFG of complitaion (note this excludes DFG graphs during FTL compilation)") \ v(bool, dumpDFGFTLGraphAtEachPhase, false, Normal, "dumps the DFG graph at each phase DFG of complitaion when compiling FTL code") \ v(bool, dumpB3GraphAtEachPhase, false, Normal, "dumps the B3 graph at each phase of compilation") \ v(bool, dumpAirGraphAtEachPhase, false, Normal, "dumps the Air graph at each phase of compilation") \ v(bool, verboseDFGByteCodeParsing, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseCompilation, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseFTLCompilation, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, logCompilationChanges, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, printEachOSRExit, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, validateGraph, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, validateGraphAtEachPhase, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseValidationFailure, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseOSR, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseFTLOSRExit, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseCallLink, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseCompilationQueue, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, reportCompileTimes, false, Normal, "dumps JS function signature and the time it took to compile in all tiers") \ v(bool, reportBaselineCompileTimes, false, Normal, "dumps JS function signature and the time it took to BaselineJIT compile") \ v(bool, reportDFGCompileTimes, false, Normal, "dumps JS function signature and the time it took to DFG and FTL compile") \ v(bool, reportFTLCompileTimes, false, Normal, "dumps JS function signature and the time it took to FTL compile") \ v(bool, reportTotalCompileTimes, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseExitProfile, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseCFA, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseFTLToJSThunk, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseFTLFailure, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, alwaysComputeHash, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, testTheFTL, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseSanitizeStack, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, useGenerationalGC, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, eagerlyUpdateTopCallFrame, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useOSREntryToDFG, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, useOSREntryToFTL, true, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useFTLJIT, true, Normal, "allows the FTL JIT to be used if true") \ v(bool, useFTLTBAA, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, validateFTLOSRExitLiveness, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, b3AlwaysFailsBeforeCompile, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, b3AlwaysFailsBeforeLink, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, ftlCrashes, false, Normal, nullptr) /* fool-proof way of checking that you ended up in the FTL. ;-) */\ v(bool, clobberAllRegsInFTLICSlowPath, !ASSERT_DISABLED, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, useAccessInlining, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maxAccessVariantListSize, 8, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, megamorphicLoadCost, 999, Normal, nullptr) /* This used to be 10, but we're temporarily testing what happens when the feature is disabled. */\ v(bool, usePolyvariantDevirtualization, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, usePolymorphicAccessInlining, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, usePolymorphicCallInlining, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, usePolymorphicCallInliningForNonStubStatus, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maxPolymorphicCallVariantListSize, 15, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maxPolymorphicCallVariantListSizeForTopTier, 5, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maxPolymorphicCallVariantsForInlining, 5, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, frequentCallThreshold, 2, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, minimumCallToKnownRate, 0.51, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, createPreHeaders, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, useMovHintRemoval, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, usePutStackSinking, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, useObjectAllocationSinking, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, logExecutableAllocation, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useConcurrentJIT, true, Normal, "allows the DFG / FTL compilation in threads other than the executing JS thread") \ v(unsigned, numberOfDFGCompilerThreads, computeNumberOfWorkerThreads(2, 2) - 1, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, numberOfFTLCompilerThreads, computeNumberOfWorkerThreads(8, 2) - 1, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, priorityDeltaOfDFGCompilerThreads, computePriorityDeltaOfWorkerThreads(-1, 0), Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, priorityDeltaOfFTLCompilerThreads, computePriorityDeltaOfWorkerThreads(-2, 0), Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useProfiler, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, disassembleBaselineForProfiler, true, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useArchitectureSpecificOptimizations, true, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, breakOnThrow, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, maximumOptimizationCandidateInstructionCount, 100000, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, maximumFunctionForCallInlineCandidateInstructionCount, 180, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maximumFunctionForClosureCallInlineCandidateInstructionCount, 100, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maximumFunctionForConstructInlineCandidateInstructionCount, 100, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, maximumFTLCandidateInstructionCount, 20000, Normal, nullptr) \ \ /* Depth of inline stack, so 1 = no inlining, 2 = one level, etc. */ \ v(unsigned, maximumInliningDepth, 5, Normal, "maximum allowed inlining depth. Depth of 1 means no inlining") \ v(unsigned, maximumInliningRecursion, 2, Normal, nullptr) \ \ /* Maximum size of a caller for enabling inlining. This is purely to protect us */\ /* from super long compiles that take a lot of memory. */\ v(unsigned, maximumInliningCallerSize, 10000, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, maximumVarargsForInlining, 100, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, usePolyvariantCallInlining, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, usePolyvariantByIdInlining, true, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useMaximalFlushInsertionPhase, false, Normal, "Setting to true allows the DFG's MaximalFlushInsertionPhase to run.") \ \ v(unsigned, maximumBinaryStringSwitchCaseLength, 50, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maximumBinaryStringSwitchTotalLength, 2000, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(double, jitPolicyScale, 1.0, Normal, "scale JIT thresholds to this specified ratio between 0.0 (compile ASAP) and 1.0 (compile like normal).") \ v(bool, forceEagerCompilation, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, thresholdForJITAfterWarmUp, 500, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, thresholdForJITSoon, 100, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(int32, thresholdForOptimizeAfterWarmUp, 1000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, thresholdForOptimizeAfterLongWarmUp, 1000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, thresholdForOptimizeSoon, 1000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, executionCounterIncrementForLoop, 1, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, executionCounterIncrementForEntry, 15, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(int32, thresholdForFTLOptimizeAfterWarmUp, 100000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, thresholdForFTLOptimizeSoon, 1000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, ftlTierUpCounterIncrementForLoop, 1, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, ftlTierUpCounterIncrementForReturn, 15, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, ftlOSREntryFailureCountForReoptimization, 15, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, ftlOSREntryRetryThreshold, 100, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(int32, evalThresholdMultiplier, 10, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maximumEvalCacheableSourceLength, 256, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, randomizeExecutionCountsBetweenCheckpoints, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, maximumExecutionCountsBetweenCheckpointsForBaseline, 1000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(int32, maximumExecutionCountsBetweenCheckpointsForUpperTiers, 50000, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, likelyToTakeSlowCaseMinimumCount, 20, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, couldTakeSlowCaseMinimumCount, 10, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, osrExitCountForReoptimization, 100, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, osrExitCountForReoptimizationFromLoop, 5, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, reoptimizationRetryCounterMax, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, minimumOptimizationDelay, 1, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maximumOptimizationDelay, 5, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, desiredProfileLivenessRate, 0.75, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, desiredProfileFullnessRate, 0.35, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(double, doubleVoteRatioForDoubleFormat, 2, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, structureCheckVoteRatioForHoisting, 1, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, checkArrayVoteRatioForHoisting, 1, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, minimumNumberOfScansBetweenRebalance, 100, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, numberOfGCMarkers, computeNumberOfGCMarkers(7), Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, opaqueRootMergeThreshold, 1000, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, minHeapUtilization, 0.8, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, minCopiedBlockUtilization, 0.9, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, minMarkedBlockUtilization, 0.9, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, slowPathAllocsBetweenGCs, 0, Normal, "force a GC on every Nth slow path alloc, where N is specified by this option") \ \ v(double, percentCPUPerMBForFullTimer, 0.0003125, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, percentCPUPerMBForEdenTimer, 0.0025, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, collectionTimerMaxPercentCPU, 0.05, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, forceWeakRandomSeed, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, forcedWeakRandomSeed, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useZombieMode, false, Normal, "debugging option to scribble over dead objects with 0xdeadbeef") \ v(bool, useImmortalObjects, false, Normal, "debugging option to keep all objects alive forever") \ v(bool, dumpObjectStatistics, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(gcLogLevel, logGC, GCLogging::None, Normal, "debugging option to log GC activity (0 = None, 1 = Basic, 2 = Verbose)") \ v(bool, useGC, true, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, gcAtEnd, false, Normal, "If true, the jsc CLI will do a GC before exiting") \ v(bool, forceGCSlowPaths, false, Normal, "If true, we will force all JIT fast allocations down their slow paths.")\ v(unsigned, gcMaxHeapSize, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, forceRAMSize, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, recordGCPauseTimes, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, logHeapStatisticsAtExit, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useTypeProfiler, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, useControlFlowProfiler, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useSamplingProfiler, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, sampleInterval, 1000, Normal, "Time between stack traces in microseconds.") \ v(bool, collectSamplingProfilerDataForJSCShell, false, Normal, "This corresponds to the JSC shell's --sample option.") \ v(optionString, samplingProfilerPath, nullptr, Normal, "The path to the directory to write sampiling profiler output to. This probably will not work with WK2 unless the path is in the whitelist.") \ \ v(bool, alwaysGeneratePCToCodeOriginMap, false, Normal, "This will make sure we always generate a PCToCodeOriginMap for JITed code.") \ \ v(bool, verifyHeap, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, numberOfGCCyclesToRecordForVerification, 3, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useExceptionFuzz, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, fireExceptionFuzzAt, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, validateDFGExceptionHandling, false, Normal, "Causes the DFG to emit code validating exception handling for each node that can exit") /* This is true by default on Debug builds */\ \ v(bool, useExecutableAllocationFuzz, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, fireExecutableAllocationFuzzAt, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, fireExecutableAllocationFuzzAtOrAfter, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, verboseExecutableAllocationFuzz, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useOSRExitFuzz, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, fireOSRExitFuzzAtStatic, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, fireOSRExitFuzzAt, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, fireOSRExitFuzzAtOrAfter, 0, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, logB3PhaseTimes, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(double, rareBlockPenalty, 0.001, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, airSpillsEverything, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, logAirRegisterPressure, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maxB3TailDupBlockSize, 3, Normal, nullptr) \ v(unsigned, maxB3TailDupBlockSuccessors, 3, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useDollarVM, false, Restricted, "installs the $vm debugging tool in global objects") \ v(optionString, functionOverrides, nullptr, Restricted, "file with debugging overrides for function bodies") \ \ v(unsigned, watchdog, 0, Normal, "watchdog timeout (0 = Disabled, N = a timeout period of N milliseconds)") \ \ v(bool, useICStats, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(unsigned, prototypeHitCountForLLIntCaching, 2, Normal, "Number of prototype property hits before caching a prototype in the LLInt. A count of 0 means never cache.") \ \ v(bool, dumpModuleRecord, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, dumpModuleLoadingState, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, exposeInternalModuleLoader, false, Normal, "expose the internal module loader object to the global space for debugging") \ \ v(bool, dumpAirAsJSBeforeAllocateStack, false, Normal, nullptr) \ v(bool, dumpAirAfterAllocateStack, false, Normal, nullptr) \ \ v(bool, useSuperSampler, false, Normal, nullptr) enum OptionEquivalence { SameOption, InvertedOption, }; #define JSC_ALIASED_OPTIONS(v) \ v(enableFunctionDotArguments, useFunctionDotArguments, SameOption) \ v(enableTailCalls, useTailCalls, SameOption) \ v(showDisassembly, dumpDisassembly, SameOption) \ v(showDFGDisassembly, dumpDFGDisassembly, SameOption) \ v(showFTLDisassembly, dumpFTLDisassembly, SameOption) \ v(showAllDFGNodes, dumpAllDFGNodes, SameOption) \ v(alwaysDoFullCollection, useGenerationalGC, InvertedOption) \ v(enableOSREntryToDFG, useOSREntryToDFG, SameOption) \ v(enableOSREntryToFTL, useOSREntryToFTL, SameOption) \ v(enableAccessInlining, useAccessInlining, SameOption) \ v(enablePolyvariantDevirtualization, usePolyvariantDevirtualization, SameOption) \ v(enablePolymorphicAccessInlining, usePolymorphicAccessInlining, SameOption) \ v(enablePolymorphicCallInlining, usePolymorphicCallInlining, SameOption) \ v(enableMovHintRemoval, useMovHintRemoval, SameOption) \ v(enableObjectAllocationSinking, useObjectAllocationSinking, SameOption) \ v(enableConcurrentJIT, useConcurrentJIT, SameOption) \ v(enableProfiler, useProfiler, SameOption) \ v(enableArchitectureSpecificOptimizations, useArchitectureSpecificOptimizations, SameOption) \ v(enablePolyvariantCallInlining, usePolyvariantCallInlining, SameOption) \ v(enablePolyvariantByIdInlining, usePolyvariantByIdInlining, SameOption) \ v(enableMaximalFlushInsertionPhase, useMaximalFlushInsertionPhase, SameOption) \ v(objectsAreImmortal, useImmortalObjects, SameOption) \ v(showObjectStatistics, dumpObjectStatistics, SameOption) \ v(disableGC, useGC, InvertedOption) \ v(enableTypeProfiler, useTypeProfiler, SameOption) \ v(enableControlFlowProfiler, useControlFlowProfiler, SameOption) \ v(enableExceptionFuzz, useExceptionFuzz, SameOption) \ v(enableExecutableAllocationFuzz, useExecutableAllocationFuzz, SameOption) \ v(enableOSRExitFuzz, useOSRExitFuzz, SameOption) \ v(enableDollarVM, useDollarVM, SameOption) \ class Options { public: enum class DumpLevel { None = 0, Overridden, All, Verbose }; enum class Availability { Normal = 0, Restricted }; // This typedef is to allow us to eliminate the '_' in the field name in // union inside Entry. This is needed to keep the style checker happy. typedef int32_t int32; // Declare the option IDs: enum OptionID { #define FOR_EACH_OPTION(type_, name_, defaultValue_, availability_, description_) \ name_##ID, JSC_OPTIONS(FOR_EACH_OPTION) #undef FOR_EACH_OPTION numberOfOptions }; enum class Type { boolType, unsignedType, doubleType, int32Type, optionRangeType, optionStringType, gcLogLevelType, }; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void initialize(); // Parses a string of options where each option is of the format "--=" // and are separated by a space. The leading "--" is optional and will be ignored. JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool setOptions(const char* optionsList); // Parses a single command line option in the format "=" // (no spaces allowed) and set the specified option if appropriate. JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool setOption(const char* arg); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void dumpAllOptions(FILE*, DumpLevel, const char* title = nullptr); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void dumpAllOptionsInALine(StringBuilder&); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void ensureOptionsAreCoherent(); // Declare accessors for each option: #define FOR_EACH_OPTION(type_, name_, defaultValue_, availability_, description_) \ ALWAYS_INLINE static type_& name_() { return s_options[name_##ID].type_##Val; } \ ALWAYS_INLINE static type_& name_##Default() { return s_defaultOptions[name_##ID].type_##Val; } JSC_OPTIONS(FOR_EACH_OPTION) #undef FOR_EACH_OPTION private: // For storing for an option value: union Entry { bool boolVal; unsigned unsignedVal; double doubleVal; int32 int32Val; OptionRange optionRangeVal; const char* optionStringVal; GCLogging::Level gcLogLevelVal; }; // For storing constant meta data about each option: struct EntryInfo { const char* name; const char* description; Type type; Availability availability; }; Options(); enum DumpDefaultsOption { DontDumpDefaults, DumpDefaults }; static void dumpOptionsIfNeeded(); static void dumpAllOptions(StringBuilder&, DumpLevel, const char* title, const char* separator, const char* optionHeader, const char* optionFooter, DumpDefaultsOption); static void dumpOption(StringBuilder&, DumpLevel, OptionID, const char* optionHeader, const char* optionFooter, DumpDefaultsOption); static bool setOptionWithoutAlias(const char* arg); static bool setAliasedOption(const char* arg); static bool overrideAliasedOptionWithHeuristic(const char* name); // Declare the singleton instance of the options store: JS_EXPORTDATA static Entry s_options[numberOfOptions]; static Entry s_defaultOptions[numberOfOptions]; static const EntryInfo s_optionsInfo[numberOfOptions]; friend class Option; }; class Option { public: Option(Options::OptionID id) : m_id(id) , m_entry(Options::s_options[m_id]) { } void dump(StringBuilder&) const; bool operator==(const Option& other) const; bool operator!=(const Option& other) const { return !(*this == other); } const char* name() const; const char* description() const; Options::Type type() const; Options::Availability availability() const; bool isOverridden() const; const Option defaultOption() const; bool& boolVal(); unsigned& unsignedVal(); double& doubleVal(); int32_t& int32Val(); OptionRange optionRangeVal(); const char* optionStringVal(); GCLogging::Level& gcLogLevelVal(); private: // Only used for constructing default Options. Option(Options::OptionID id, Options::Entry& entry) : m_id(id) , m_entry(entry) { } Options::OptionID m_id; Options::Entry& m_entry; }; inline const char* Option::name() const { return Options::s_optionsInfo[m_id].name; } inline const char* Option::description() const { return Options::s_optionsInfo[m_id].description; } inline Options::Type Option::type() const { return Options::s_optionsInfo[m_id].type; } inline Options::Availability Option::availability() const { return Options::s_optionsInfo[m_id].availability; } inline bool Option::isOverridden() const { return *this != defaultOption(); } inline const Option Option::defaultOption() const { return Option(m_id, Options::s_defaultOptions[m_id]); } inline bool& Option::boolVal() { return m_entry.boolVal; } inline unsigned& Option::unsignedVal() { return m_entry.unsignedVal; } inline double& Option::doubleVal() { return m_entry.doubleVal; } inline int32_t& Option::int32Val() { return m_entry.int32Val; } inline OptionRange Option::optionRangeVal() { return m_entry.optionRangeVal; } inline const char* Option::optionStringVal() { return m_entry.optionStringVal; } inline GCLogging::Level& Option::gcLogLevelVal() { return m_entry.gcLogLevelVal; } } // namespace JSC #endif // Options_h