#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2005, 2013-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Script to run the WebKit Open Source Project JavaScriptCore tests (adapted from Mozilla), # as well as other tests: testapi on Mac and LayoutTests/js. use strict; use File::Spec; use FindBin; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); use JSON::PP; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use List::Util qw(min max); use POSIX; use webkitdirs; # determine configuration setConfiguration(); my $configuration = configuration(); # These variables are intentionally left undefined. my $root; my $showHelp; my $extraTests; my $jsDriverArgs; my $childProcesses; my $shellRunner; my $makeRunner; my $buildJSC = 1; my $runTestAPI = isAppleMacWebKit() || isAppleWinWebKit() || isWinCairo(); my $runJSCStress = 1; my $runJITStressTests = 1; my $runQuickMode = 0; my $envVars = ""; my $gmallocPath = undef; my $gmallocDefaultPath = "/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib"; my $enableFTL = isAppleMacWebKit() || isX86_64() && (isGtk() || isEfl()); my $createTarball = 0; my $remoteHost = 0; my $failFast = 1; my %jsonData = (); my $remoteConfigFile; my $jsonFileName; my $programName = basename($0); my $buildJSCDefault = $buildJSC ? "will check" : "will not check"; my $testapiDefault = $runTestAPI ? "will run" : "will not run"; my $jscStressDefault = $runJSCStress ? "will run" : " will not run"; my $jitStressTestsDefault = $runJITStressTests ? "will run" : " will not run"; my $quickModeDefault = $runQuickMode ? "some" : "all"; my $failFastDefault = $failFast ? "fail fast" : "don't fail fast"; my $filter; my $usage = < \$root, 'extra-tests=s' => \$extraTests, 'build!' => \$buildJSC, 'ftl-jit!' => \$enableFTL, 'testapi!' => \$runTestAPI, 'jsc-stress!' => \$runJSCStress, 'jit-stress-tests!' => \$runJITStressTests, 'quick!' => \$runQuickMode, 'fail-fast!' => \$failFast, 'json-output=s' => \$jsonFileName, 'tarball!' => \$createTarball, 'remote=s' => \$remoteHost, 'remote-config-file=s' => \$remoteConfigFile, 'child-processes=s' => \$childProcesses, 'shell-runner' => \$shellRunner, 'make-runner' => \$makeRunner, 'filter=s' => \$filter, 'help' => \$showHelp, 'env-vars=s' => \$envVars, 'gmalloc:s' => \$gmallocPath, ); # Assume any arguments left over from GetOptions are assumed to be build arguments my @buildArgs = @ARGV; # The --ftl-jit argument gets passed as a build argument. if ($enableFTL) { push(@buildArgs, '--ftl-jit'); } if ($showHelp) { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } setConfigurationProductDir(Cwd::abs_path($root)) if (defined($root)); if (defined($jsonFileName)) { $jsonFileName = File::Spec->rel2abs($jsonFileName); } if (!defined($root) && $buildJSC) { chdirWebKit(); push(@buildArgs, argumentsForConfiguration()); print "Running: build-jsc " . join(" ", @buildArgs) . "\n"; my $buildResult = system "perl", File::Spec->catfile("Tools", "Scripts", "build-jsc"), @buildArgs; if ($buildResult) { print STDERR "Compiling jsc failed!\n"; exit exitStatus($buildResult); } } if (defined($gmallocPath)) { if ($gmallocPath eq "") { $envVars .= " DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=" . $gmallocDefaultPath; } else { $envVars .= " DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=" . $gmallocPath; } } my $productDir = jscProductDir(); $ENV{DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH} = $productDir; $ENV{JSCTEST_timeout} = 60 unless $ENV{JSCTEST_timeout}; # Set a 60 second timeout on all jsc tests (if environment variable not defined already). $ENV{TZ}="US/Pacific"; # Some tests fail if the time zone is not set to US/Pacific () setPathForRunningWebKitApp(\%ENV) if isCygwin(); sub testapiPath($) { my ($productDir) = @_; my $jscName = "testapi"; $jscName .= "_debug" if configuration() eq "Debug_All"; return File::Spec->catfile($productDir, $jscName); } #run api tests if ($runTestAPI) { chdirWebKit(); chdir($productDir) or die "Failed to switch directory to '$productDir'\n"; my @command = (testapiPath($productDir)); unshift @command, ("xcrun", "-sdk", xcodeSDK(), "sim") if willUseIOSSimulatorSDK(); if ($envVars ne "") { foreach my $var (split(/\s+/, $envVars)) { if ($var =~ /([^=]*)=(.*)/) { $ENV{$1} = $2; } } } # Use an "indirect object" so that system() won't get confused if the path # contains spaces (see perldoc -f exec). my $testapiResult = system { $command[0] } @command; my $exitStatus = exitStatus($testapiResult); print "testAPI completed with rc=$testapiResult ($exitStatus)\n"; if (defined($jsonFileName)) { my $apiStatus = ($exitStatus == 0)? JSON::PP::true: JSON::PP::false; $jsonData{'allApiTestsPassed'} = $apiStatus; } if ($testapiResult && $failFast) { writeJsonDataIfApplicable(); exit exitStatus($testapiResult); } } # Find JavaScriptCore directory chdirWebKit(); runJSCStressTests(); sub runJSCStressTests { my $jscStressResultsDir = $productDir . "/jsc-stress-results"; my @testList; if ($runJSCStress) { @testList = ( "PerformanceTests/SunSpider/tests/sunspider-1.0", "PerformanceTests/JetStream/cdjs/cdjs-tests.yaml", "PerformanceTests/Air.js/airjs-tests.yaml", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/executableAllocationFuzz.yaml", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/exceptionFuzz.yaml", "PerformanceTests/SunSpider/no-architecture-specific-optimizations.yaml", "PerformanceTests/SunSpider/shadow-chicken.yaml", "PerformanceTests/SunSpider/tests/v8-v6", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla/mozilla-tests.yaml", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/stress", "LayoutTests/js/regress/script-tests", "PerformanceTests/SunSpider/profiler-test.yaml", "LayoutTests/jsc-layout-tests.yaml", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/typeProfiler.yaml", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/controlFlowProfiler.yaml", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/es6.yaml", "Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/modules.yaml"); } else { @testList = ("Source/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla/mozilla-tests.yaml"); } # Set LANG environment variable so the stress tests will work with newer ruby () $ENV{LANG}="en_US.UTF-8"; my @jscStressDriverCmd = ( "/usr/bin/env", "ruby", "Tools/Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests", "-j", jscPath($productDir), "-o", $jscStressResultsDir); push(@jscStressDriverCmd, @testList); if (isWindows() && !isCygwin()) { shift @jscStressDriverCmd; # Remove /usr/bin/env } if (configuration() eq "Debug") { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--debug"); } if ($envVars ne "") { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--env-vars"); push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $envVars); } if ($runQuickMode) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--quick"); } if (!$runJITStressTests) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--no-jit"); } else { if ($enableFTL) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--ftl-jit"); } } if ($createTarball) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--tarball"); } if ($remoteHost) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--remote"); push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $remoteHost); } if ($remoteConfigFile) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--remote-config-file"); push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $remoteConfigFile); } if ($childProcesses) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--child-processes"); push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $childProcesses); } if ($shellRunner) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--shell-runner"); } if ($makeRunner) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--make-runner"); } if ($filter) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--filter"); push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $filter); } # End option processing, the rest of the arguments are tests push(@jscStressDriverCmd, "--"); if (defined($extraTests)) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $extraTests); } if (defined($ENV{"EXTRA_JSC_TESTS"})) { push(@jscStressDriverCmd, $ENV{"EXTRA_JSC_TESTS"}); } print "Running: " . join(" ", @jscStressDriverCmd) . "\n"; my $result = system(@jscStressDriverCmd); exit exitStatus($result) if $result; my @jscStressFailList = readAllLines($jscStressResultsDir . "/failed"); @jscStressFailList = sort @jscStressFailList; my $numJSCStressFailures = @jscStressFailList; if ($numJSCStressFailures) { print "\n** The following JSC stress test failures have been introduced:\n"; foreach my $testFailure (@jscStressFailList) { print "\t$testFailure\n"; } } print "\n"; print "Results for JSC stress tests:\n"; printThingsFound($numJSCStressFailures, "failure", "failures", "found"); print " OK.\n" if $numJSCStressFailures == 0; print "\n"; if (defined($jsonFileName)) { $jsonData{'stressTestFailures'} = \@jscStressFailList; } writeJsonDataIfApplicable(); exit(1) if $numJSCStressFailures; } sub readAllLines { my ($filename) = @_; my @array = (); eval { open FILE, $filename or die; while () { chomp; push @array, $_; } close FILE; }; return @array; } sub printThingsFound { my ($number, $label, $pluralLabel, $verb) = @_; print " $number "; if ($number == 1) { print $label; } else { print $pluralLabel; } print " $verb.\n"; } sub writeJsonDataIfApplicable { if (defined($jsonFileName)) { open(my $fileHandler, ">", $jsonFileName) or die; print $fileHandler "${\encode_json(\%jsonData)}\n"; close($fileHandler); } }