# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2010 Gabor Rapcsanyi (rgabor@inf.u-szeged.hu), University of Szeged # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import datetime import logging import signal from webkitpy.layout_tests.models import test_expectations from webkitpy.layout_tests.models import test_failures _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) INTERRUPTED_EXIT_STATUS = signal.SIGINT + 128 class TestRunResults(object): def __init__(self, expectations, num_tests): self.total = num_tests self.remaining = self.total self.expectations = expectations self.expected = 0 self.unexpected = 0 self.unexpected_failures = 0 self.unexpected_crashes = 0 self.unexpected_timeouts = 0 self.tests_by_expectation = {} self.tests_by_timeline = {} self.results_by_name = {} # Map of test name to the last result for the test. self.all_results = [] # All results from a run, including every iteration of every test. self.unexpected_results_by_name = {} self.failures_by_name = {} self.total_failures = 0 self.expected_skips = 0 for expectation in test_expectations.TestExpectations.EXPECTATIONS.values(): self.tests_by_expectation[expectation] = set() for timeline in test_expectations.TestExpectations.TIMELINES.values(): self.tests_by_timeline[timeline] = expectations.model().get_tests_with_timeline(timeline) self.slow_tests = set() self.interrupted = False self.keyboard_interrupted = False def add(self, test_result, expected, test_is_slow): self.tests_by_expectation[test_result.type].add(test_result.test_name) self.results_by_name[test_result.test_name] = test_result if test_result.is_other_crash: return if test_result.type != test_expectations.SKIP: self.all_results.append(test_result) self.remaining -= 1 if len(test_result.failures): self.total_failures += 1 self.failures_by_name[test_result.test_name] = test_result.failures if expected: self.expected += 1 if test_result.type == test_expectations.SKIP: self.expected_skips += 1 else: self.unexpected_results_by_name[test_result.test_name] = test_result self.unexpected += 1 if len(test_result.failures): self.unexpected_failures += 1 if test_result.type == test_expectations.CRASH: self.unexpected_crashes += 1 elif test_result.type == test_expectations.TIMEOUT: self.unexpected_timeouts += 1 if test_is_slow: self.slow_tests.add(test_result.test_name) class RunDetails(object): def __init__(self, exit_code, summarized_results=None, initial_results=None, retry_results=None, enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry=False): self.exit_code = exit_code self.summarized_results = summarized_results self.initial_results = initial_results self.retry_results = retry_results self.enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry = enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry def _interpret_test_failures(failures): test_dict = {} failure_types = [type(failure) for failure in failures] # FIXME: get rid of all this is_* values once there is a 1:1 map between # TestFailure type and test_expectations.EXPECTATION. if test_failures.FailureMissingAudio in failure_types: test_dict['is_missing_audio'] = True if test_failures.FailureMissingResult in failure_types: test_dict['is_missing_text'] = True if test_failures.FailureMissingImage in failure_types or test_failures.FailureMissingImageHash in failure_types: test_dict['is_missing_image'] = True if 'image_diff_percent' not in test_dict: for failure in failures: if isinstance(failure, test_failures.FailureImageHashMismatch) or isinstance(failure, test_failures.FailureReftestMismatch): test_dict['image_diff_percent'] = failure.diff_percent return test_dict # These results must match ones in print_unexpected_results() in views/buildbot_results.py. def summarize_results(port_obj, expectations, initial_results, retry_results, enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry, include_passes=False, include_time_and_modifiers=False): """Returns a dictionary containing a summary of the test runs, with the following fields: 'version': a version indicator 'fixable': The number of fixable tests (NOW - PASS) 'skipped': The number of skipped tests (NOW & SKIPPED) 'num_regressions': The number of non-flaky failures 'num_flaky': The number of flaky failures 'num_missing': The number of tests with missing results 'num_passes': The number of unexpected passes 'tests': a dict of tests -> {'expected': '...', 'actual': '...'} 'date': the current date and time """ results = {} results['version'] = 4 tbe = initial_results.tests_by_expectation tbt = initial_results.tests_by_timeline results['fixable'] = len(tbt[test_expectations.NOW] - tbe[test_expectations.PASS]) results['skipped'] = len(tbt[test_expectations.NOW] & tbe[test_expectations.SKIP]) num_passes = 0 num_flaky = 0 num_missing = 0 num_regressions = 0 keywords = {} for expecation_string, expectation_enum in test_expectations.TestExpectations.EXPECTATIONS.iteritems(): keywords[expectation_enum] = expecation_string.upper() for modifier_string, modifier_enum in test_expectations.TestExpectations.MODIFIERS.iteritems(): keywords[modifier_enum] = modifier_string.upper() tests = {} other_crashes_dict = {} for test_name, result in initial_results.results_by_name.iteritems(): # Note that if a test crashed in the original run, we ignore # whether or not it crashed when we retried it (if we retried it), # and always consider the result not flaky. expected = expectations.model().get_expectations_string(test_name) result_type = result.type actual = [keywords[result_type]] if result_type == test_expectations.SKIP: continue if result.is_other_crash: other_crashes_dict[test_name] = {} continue test_dict = {} if result.has_stderr: test_dict['has_stderr'] = True if result.reftest_type: test_dict.update(reftest_type=list(result.reftest_type)) if expectations.model().has_modifier(test_name, test_expectations.WONTFIX): test_dict['wontfix'] = True if result_type == test_expectations.PASS: num_passes += 1 # FIXME: include passing tests that have stderr output. if expected == 'PASS' and not include_passes: continue elif result_type == test_expectations.CRASH: if test_name in initial_results.unexpected_results_by_name: num_regressions += 1 test_dict['report'] = 'REGRESSION' elif result_type == test_expectations.MISSING: if test_name in initial_results.unexpected_results_by_name: num_missing += 1 test_dict['report'] = 'MISSING' elif test_name in initial_results.unexpected_results_by_name: if retry_results and test_name not in retry_results.unexpected_results_by_name: actual.extend(expectations.model().get_expectations_string(test_name).split(" ")) num_flaky += 1 test_dict['report'] = 'FLAKY' elif retry_results: retry_result_type = retry_results.unexpected_results_by_name[test_name].type if result_type != retry_result_type: if enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry and result_type == test_expectations.TEXT and (retry_result_type == test_expectations.IMAGE_PLUS_TEXT or retry_result_type == test_expectations.MISSING): if retry_result_type == test_expectations.MISSING: num_missing += 1 num_regressions += 1 test_dict['report'] = 'REGRESSION' else: num_flaky += 1 test_dict['report'] = 'FLAKY' actual.append(keywords[retry_result_type]) else: num_regressions += 1 test_dict['report'] = 'REGRESSION' else: num_regressions += 1 test_dict['report'] = 'REGRESSION' test_dict['expected'] = expected test_dict['actual'] = " ".join(actual) if include_time_and_modifiers: test_dict['time'] = round(1000 * result.test_run_time) # FIXME: Fix get_modifiers to return modifiers in new format. test_dict['modifiers'] = ' '.join(expectations.model().get_modifiers(test_name)).replace('BUGWK', 'webkit.org/b/') test_dict.update(_interpret_test_failures(result.failures)) if retry_results: retry_result = retry_results.unexpected_results_by_name.get(test_name) if retry_result: test_dict.update(_interpret_test_failures(retry_result.failures)) # Store test hierarchically by directory. e.g. # foo/bar/baz.html: test_dict # foo/bar/baz1.html: test_dict # # becomes # foo: { # bar: { # baz.html: test_dict, # baz1.html: test_dict # } # } parts = test_name.split('/') current_map = tests for i, part in enumerate(parts): if i == (len(parts) - 1): current_map[part] = test_dict break if part not in current_map: current_map[part] = {} current_map = current_map[part] results['tests'] = tests results['num_passes'] = num_passes results['num_flaky'] = num_flaky results['num_missing'] = num_missing results['num_regressions'] = num_regressions results['uses_expectations_file'] = port_obj.uses_test_expectations_file() results['interrupted'] = initial_results.interrupted # Does results.html have enough information to compute this itself? (by checking total number of results vs. total number of tests?) results['layout_tests_dir'] = port_obj.layout_tests_dir() results['has_pretty_patch'] = port_obj.pretty_patch.pretty_patch_available() results['pixel_tests_enabled'] = port_obj.get_option('pixel_tests') results['other_crashes'] = other_crashes_dict results['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y") try: # We only use the svn revision for using trac links in the results.html file, # Don't do this by default since it takes >100ms. # FIXME: Do we really need to populate this both here and in the json_results_generator? if port_obj.get_option("builder_name"): port_obj.host.initialize_scm() results['revision'] = port_obj.host.scm().head_svn_revision() except Exception, e: _log.warn("Failed to determine svn revision for checkout (cwd: %s, webkit_base: %s), leaving 'revision' key blank in full_results.json.\n%s" % (port_obj._filesystem.getcwd(), port_obj.path_from_webkit_base(), e)) # Handle cases where we're running outside of version control. import traceback _log.debug('Failed to learn head svn revision:') _log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) results['revision'] = "" return results