#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from webkitpy.layout_tests.models import test_expectations from webkitpy.common.net import resultsjsonparser TestExpectations = test_expectations.TestExpectations TestExpectationParser = test_expectations.TestExpectationParser class BuildBotPrinter(object): # This output is parsed by buildbots and must only be changed in coordination with buildbot scripts (see webkit.org's # Tools/BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg: RunWebKitTests._parseNewRunWebKitTestsOutput # and chromium.org's buildbot/master.chromium/scripts/master/log_parser/webkit_test_command.py). def __init__(self, stream, debug_logging): self.stream = stream self.debug_logging = debug_logging def print_results(self, run_details): if self.debug_logging: self.print_run_results(run_details.initial_results) self.print_unexpected_results(run_details.summarized_results, run_details.enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry) def _print(self, msg): self.stream.write(msg + '\n') def print_run_results(self, run_results): failed = run_results.total_failures total = run_results.total passed = total - failed - run_results.remaining percent_passed = 0.0 if total > 0: percent_passed = float(passed) * 100 / total self._print("=> Results: %d/%d tests passed (%.1f%%)" % (passed, total, percent_passed)) self._print("") self._print_run_results_entry(run_results, test_expectations.NOW, "Tests to be fixed") self._print("") # FIXME: We should be skipping anything marked WONTFIX, so we shouldn't bother logging these stats. self._print_run_results_entry(run_results, test_expectations.WONTFIX, "Tests that will only be fixed if they crash (WONTFIX)") self._print("") def _print_run_results_entry(self, run_results, timeline, heading): total = len(run_results.tests_by_timeline[timeline]) not_passing = (total - len(run_results.tests_by_expectation[test_expectations.PASS] & run_results.tests_by_timeline[timeline])) self._print("=> %s (%d):" % (heading, not_passing)) for result in TestExpectations.EXPECTATION_ORDER: if result in (test_expectations.PASS, test_expectations.SKIP): continue results = (run_results.tests_by_expectation[result] & run_results.tests_by_timeline[timeline]) desc = TestExpectations.EXPECTATION_DESCRIPTIONS[result] if not_passing and len(results): pct = len(results) * 100.0 / not_passing self._print(" %5d %-24s (%4.1f%%)" % (len(results), desc, pct)) # These results must match ones in summarize_results() in models/test_run_results.py. def print_unexpected_results(self, summarized_results, enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry=False): passes = {} flaky = {} regressions = {} def add_to_dict_of_lists(dict, key, value): dict.setdefault(key, []).append(value) def add_result(test, results, passes=passes, flaky=flaky, regressions=regressions): actual = results['actual'].split(" ") expected = results['expected'].split(" ") def is_expected(result): return (result in expected) or (result in ('AUDIO', 'TEXT', 'IMAGE+TEXT') and 'FAIL' in expected) if all(is_expected(actual_result) for actual_result in actual): # Don't print anything for tests that ran as expected. return if actual == ['PASS']: if 'CRASH' in expected: add_to_dict_of_lists(passes, 'Expected to crash, but passed', test) elif 'TIMEOUT' in expected: add_to_dict_of_lists(passes, 'Expected to timeout, but passed', test) else: add_to_dict_of_lists(passes, 'Expected to fail, but passed', test) elif enabled_pixel_tests_in_retry and (actual == ['TEXT', 'IMAGE+TEXT'] or actual == ['TEXT', 'MISSING']): add_to_dict_of_lists(regressions, actual[0], test) elif len(actual) > 1: # We group flaky tests by the first actual result we got. add_to_dict_of_lists(flaky, actual[0], test) else: add_to_dict_of_lists(regressions, results['actual'], test) resultsjsonparser.for_each_test(summarized_results['tests'], add_result) if len(passes) or len(flaky) or len(regressions): self._print("") if len(passes): for key, tests in passes.iteritems(): self._print("%s: (%d)" % (key, len(tests))) tests.sort() for test in tests: self._print(" %s" % test) self._print("") self._print("") if len(flaky): descriptions = TestExpectations.EXPECTATION_DESCRIPTIONS for key, tests in flaky.iteritems(): result = TestExpectations.EXPECTATIONS[key.lower()] self._print("Unexpected flakiness: %s (%d)" % (descriptions[result], len(tests))) tests.sort() for test in tests: result = resultsjsonparser.result_for_test(summarized_results['tests'], test) actual = result['actual'].split(" ") expected = result['expected'].split(" ") result = TestExpectations.EXPECTATIONS[key.lower()] # FIXME: clean this up once the old syntax is gone new_expectations_list = [TestExpectationParser._inverted_expectation_tokens[exp] for exp in list(set(actual) | set(expected))] self._print(" %s [ %s ]" % (test, " ".join(new_expectations_list))) self._print("") self._print("") if len(regressions): descriptions = TestExpectations.EXPECTATION_DESCRIPTIONS for key, tests in regressions.iteritems(): result = TestExpectations.EXPECTATIONS[key.lower()] self._print("Regressions: Unexpected %s (%d)" % (descriptions[result], len(tests))) tests.sort() for test in tests: self._print(" %s [ %s ]" % (test, TestExpectationParser._inverted_expectation_tokens[key])) self._print("") if len(summarized_results['tests']) and self.debug_logging: self._print("%s" % ("-" * 78))