# Copyright (C) 2012 Google, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2010 Chris Jerdonek (cjerdonek@webkit.org) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. 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"""this module is responsible for finding python tests.""" import logging import re _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _DirectoryTree(object): def __init__(self, filesystem, top_directory, starting_subdirectory): self.filesystem = filesystem self.top_directory = filesystem.realpath(top_directory) self.search_directory = self.top_directory self.top_package = '' if starting_subdirectory: self.top_package = starting_subdirectory.replace(filesystem.sep, '.') + '.' self.search_directory = filesystem.join(self.top_directory, starting_subdirectory) def find_modules(self, suffixes, sub_directory=None): if sub_directory: search_directory = self.filesystem.join(self.top_directory, sub_directory) else: search_directory = self.search_directory def file_filter(filesystem, dirname, basename): return any(basename.endswith(suffix) for suffix in suffixes) filenames = self.filesystem.files_under(search_directory, file_filter=file_filter) return [self.to_module(filename) for filename in filenames] def to_module(self, path): return path.replace(self.top_directory + self.filesystem.sep, '').replace(self.filesystem.sep, '.')[:-3] def subpath(self, path): """Returns the relative path from the top of the tree to the path, or None if the path is not under the top of the tree.""" realpath = self.filesystem.realpath(self.filesystem.join(self.top_directory, path)) if realpath.startswith(self.top_directory + self.filesystem.sep): return realpath.replace(self.top_directory + self.filesystem.sep, '') return None def clean(self): """Delete all .pyc files in the tree that have no matching .py file.""" _log.debug("Cleaning orphaned *.pyc files from: %s" % self.search_directory) filenames = self.filesystem.files_under(self.search_directory) for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith(".pyc") and filename[:-1] not in filenames: _log.info("Deleting orphan *.pyc file: %s" % filename) self.filesystem.remove(filename) class Finder(object): def __init__(self, filesystem): self.filesystem = filesystem self.trees = [] self._names_to_skip = [] def add_tree(self, top_directory, starting_subdirectory=None): self.trees.append(_DirectoryTree(self.filesystem, top_directory, starting_subdirectory)) def skip(self, names, reason, bugid): self._names_to_skip.append(tuple([names, reason, bugid])) def additional_paths(self, paths): return [tree.top_directory for tree in self.trees if tree.top_directory not in paths] def clean_trees(self): for tree in self.trees: tree.clean() def is_module(self, name): relpath = name.replace('.', self.filesystem.sep) + '.py' return any(self.filesystem.exists(self.filesystem.join(tree.top_directory, relpath)) for tree in self.trees) def is_dotted_name(self, name): return re.match(r'[a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*', name) def to_module(self, path): for tree in self.trees: if path.startswith(tree.top_directory): return tree.to_module(path) return None def find_names(self, args, find_all): suffixes = ['_unittest.py', '_integrationtest.py'] if args: names = [] for arg in args: names.extend(self._find_names_for_arg(arg, suffixes)) return names return self._default_names(suffixes, find_all) def _find_names_for_arg(self, arg, suffixes): realpath = self.filesystem.realpath(arg) if self.filesystem.exists(realpath): names = self._find_in_trees(realpath, suffixes) if not names: _log.error("%s is not in one of the test trees." % arg) return names # See if it's a python package in a tree (or a relative path from the top of a tree). names = self._find_in_trees(arg.replace('.', self.filesystem.sep), suffixes) if names: return names if self.is_dotted_name(arg): # The name may not exist, but that's okay; we'll find out later. return [arg] _log.error("%s is not a python name or an existing file or directory." % arg) return [] def _find_in_trees(self, path, suffixes): for tree in self.trees: relpath = tree.subpath(path) if not relpath: continue if self.filesystem.isfile(path): return [tree.to_module(path)] else: return tree.find_modules(suffixes, path) return [] def _default_names(self, suffixes, find_all): modules = [] for tree in self.trees: modules.extend(tree.find_modules(suffixes)) modules.sort() for module in modules: _log.debug("Found: %s" % module) if not find_all: for (names, reason, bugid) in self._names_to_skip: self._exclude(modules, names, reason, bugid) return modules def _exclude(self, modules, module_prefixes, reason, bugid): _log.info('Skipping tests in the following modules or packages because they %s:' % reason) for prefix in module_prefixes: _log.info(' %s' % prefix) modules_to_exclude = filter(lambda m: m.startswith(prefix), modules) for m in modules_to_exclude: if len(modules_to_exclude) > 1: _log.debug(' %s' % m) modules.remove(m) _log.info(' (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=%d; use --all to include)' % bugid) _log.info('')