# Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import itertools import random import re from webkitpy.common.config import irc as config_irc from webkitpy.common.config import urls from webkitpy.common.config.committers import CommitterList from webkitpy.common.net.web import Web from webkitpy.common.system.executive import ScriptError from webkitpy.tool.bot.queueengine import TerminateQueue from webkitpy.tool.grammar import join_with_separators from webkitpy.tool.grammar import pluralize def _post_error_and_check_for_bug_url(tool, nicks_string, exception): tool.irc().post("%s" % exception) bug_id = urls.parse_bug_id(exception.output) if bug_id: bug_url = tool.bugs.bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id) tool.irc().post("%s: Ugg... Might have created %s" % (nicks_string, bug_url)) # FIXME: Merge with Command? class IRCCommand(object): usage_string = None help_string = None def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): raise NotImplementedError("subclasses must implement") @classmethod def usage(cls, nick): return "%s: Usage: %s" % (nick, cls.usage_string) @classmethod def help(cls, nick): return "%s: %s" % (nick, cls.help_string) class CreateBug(IRCCommand): usage_string = "create-bug BUG_TITLE" help_string = "Creates a Bugzilla bug with the given title." def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): if not args: return self.usage(nick) bug_title = " ".join(args) bug_description = "%s\nRequested by %s on %s." % (bug_title, nick, config_irc.channel) # There happens to be a committers list hung off of Bugzilla, so # re-using that one makes things easiest for now. requester = tool.bugs.committers.contributor_by_irc_nickname(nick) requester_email = requester.bugzilla_email() if requester else None try: bug_id = tool.bugs.create_bug(bug_title, bug_description, cc=requester_email, assignee=requester_email) bug_url = tool.bugs.bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id) return "%s: Created bug: %s" % (nick, bug_url) except Exception, e: return "%s: Failed to create bug:\n%s" % (nick, e) class Help(IRCCommand): usage_string = "help [COMMAND]" help_string = "Provides help on my individual commands." def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): if args: for command_name in args: if command_name in commands: self._post_command_help(nick, tool, commands[command_name]) else: tool.irc().post("%s: Available commands: %s" % (nick, ", ".join(sorted(visible_commands.keys())))) tool.irc().post('%s: Type "%s: help COMMAND" for help on my individual commands.' % (nick, sheriff.name())) def _post_command_help(self, nick, tool, command): tool.irc().post(command.usage(nick)) tool.irc().post(command.help(nick)) aliases = " ".join(sorted(filter(lambda alias: commands[alias] == command and alias not in visible_commands, commands))) if aliases: tool.irc().post("%s: Aliases: %s" % (nick, aliases)) class Hi(IRCCommand): usage_string = "hi" help_string = "Responds with hi." def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): if len(args) and re.match(sheriff.name() + r'_*\s*!\s*', ' '.join(args)): return "%s: hi %s!" % (nick, nick) if sheriff.name() == 'WKR': # For some unknown reason, WKR can't use tool.bugs.quips(). return "You're doing it wrong" quips = tool.bugs.quips() quips.append('"Only you can prevent forest fires." -- Smokey the Bear') return random.choice(quips) class PingPong(IRCCommand): usage_string = "ping" help_string = "Responds with pong." def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): return nick + ": pong" class YouThere(IRCCommand): usage_string = "yt?" help_string = "Responds with yes." def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): return "%s: yes" % nick class Restart(IRCCommand): usage_string = "restart" help_string = "Restarts sherrifbot. Will update its WebKit checkout, and re-join the channel momentarily." def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): tool.irc().post("Restarting...") raise TerminateQueue() class Rollout(IRCCommand): usage_string = "rollout SVN_REVISION [SVN_REVISIONS] REASON" help_string = "Opens a rollout bug, CCing author + reviewer, and attaching the reverse-diff of the given revisions marked as commit-queue=?." def _extract_revisions(self, arg): revision_list = [] possible_revisions = arg.split(",") for revision in possible_revisions: revision = revision.strip() if not revision: continue revision = revision.lstrip("r") # If one part of the arg isn't in the correct format, # then none of the arg should be considered a revision. if not revision.isdigit(): return None revision_list.append(int(revision)) return revision_list def _parse_args(self, args): if not args: return (None, None) svn_revision_list = [] remaining_args = args[:] # First process all revisions. while remaining_args: new_revisions = self._extract_revisions(remaining_args[0]) if not new_revisions: break svn_revision_list += new_revisions remaining_args = remaining_args[1:] # Was there a revision number? if not len(svn_revision_list): return (None, None) # Everything left is the reason. rollout_reason = " ".join(remaining_args) return svn_revision_list, rollout_reason def _responsible_nicknames_from_revisions(self, tool, sheriff, svn_revision_list): commit_infos = map(tool.checkout().commit_info_for_revision, svn_revision_list) nickname_lists = map(sheriff.responsible_nicknames_from_commit_info, commit_infos) return sorted(set(itertools.chain(*nickname_lists))) def _nicks_string(self, tool, sheriff, requester_nick, svn_revision_list): # FIXME: _parse_args guarentees that our svn_revision_list is all numbers. # However, it's possible our checkout will not include one of the revisions, # so we may need to catch exceptions from commit_info_for_revision here. target_nicks = [requester_nick] + self._responsible_nicknames_from_revisions(tool, sheriff, svn_revision_list) return ", ".join(target_nicks) def _update_working_copy(self, tool): tool.scm().discard_local_changes() tool.executive.run_and_throw_if_fail(tool.deprecated_port().update_webkit_command(), quiet=True, cwd=tool.scm().checkout_root) def _check_diff_failure(self, error_log, tool): if not error_log: return None revert_failure_message_start = error_log.find("Failed to apply reverse diff for revision") if revert_failure_message_start == -1: return None lines = error_log[revert_failure_message_start:].split('\n')[1:] files = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda line: tool.filesystem.exists(tool.scm().absolute_path(line)), lines)) if files: return "Failed to apply reverse diff for %s: %s" % (pluralize(len(files), "file", showCount=False), ", ".join(files)) return None def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): svn_revision_list, rollout_reason = self._parse_args(args) if (not svn_revision_list or not rollout_reason): return self.usage(nick) revision_urls_string = join_with_separators([urls.view_revision_url(revision) for revision in svn_revision_list]) tool.irc().post("%s: Preparing rollout for %s ..." % (nick, revision_urls_string)) self._update_working_copy(tool) # FIXME: IRCCommand should bind to a tool and have a self._tool like Command objects do. # Likewise we should probably have a self._sheriff. nicks_string = self._nicks_string(tool, sheriff, nick, svn_revision_list) try: complete_reason = "%s (Requested by %s on %s)." % ( rollout_reason, nick, config_irc.channel) bug_id = sheriff.post_rollout_patch(svn_revision_list, complete_reason) bug_url = tool.bugs.bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id) tool.irc().post("%s: Created rollout: %s" % (nicks_string, bug_url)) except ScriptError, e: tool.irc().post("%s: Failed to create rollout patch:" % nicks_string) diff_failure = self._check_diff_failure(e.output, tool) if diff_failure: return "%s: %s" % (nicks_string, diff_failure) _post_error_and_check_for_bug_url(tool, nicks_string, e) class Whois(IRCCommand): usage_string = "whois SEARCH_STRING" help_string = "Searches known contributors and returns any matches with irc, email and full name. Wild card * permitted." def _full_record_and_nick(self, contributor): result = '' if contributor.irc_nicknames: result += ' (:%s)' % ', :'.join(contributor.irc_nicknames) if contributor.can_review: result += ' (r)' elif contributor.can_commit: result += ' (c)' return unicode(contributor) + result def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): if not args: return self.usage(nick) search_string = unicode(" ".join(args)) # FIXME: We should get the ContributorList off the tool somewhere. contributors = CommitterList().contributors_by_search_string(search_string) if not contributors: return unicode("%s: Sorry, I don't know any contributors matching '%s'.") % (nick, search_string) if len(contributors) > 5: return unicode("%s: More than 5 contributors match '%s', could you be more specific?") % (nick, search_string) if len(contributors) == 1: contributor = contributors[0] if not contributor.irc_nicknames: return unicode("%s: %s hasn't told me their nick. Boo hoo :-(") % (nick, contributor) return unicode("%s: %s is %s. Why do you ask?") % (nick, search_string, self._full_record_and_nick(contributor)) contributor_nicks = map(self._full_record_and_nick, contributors) contributors_string = join_with_separators(contributor_nicks, only_two_separator=" or ", last_separator=', or ') return unicode("%s: I'm not sure who you mean? %s could be '%s'.") % (nick, contributors_string, search_string) # FIXME: Lame. We should have an auto-registering CommandCenter. visible_commands = { "create-bug": CreateBug, "help": Help, "hi": Hi, "ping": PingPong, "restart": Restart, "rollout": Rollout, "whois": Whois, "yt?": YouThere, } # Add revert as an "easter egg" command. Why? # revert is the same as rollout and it would be confusing to list both when # they do the same thing. However, this command is a very natural thing for # people to use and it seems silly to have them hunt around for "rollout" instead. commands = visible_commands.copy() commands["revert"] = Rollout # "hello" Alias for "hi" command for the purposes of testing aliases commands["hello"] = Hi