# Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import logging from webkitpy.tool.bot.irc_command import IRCCommand from webkitpy.tool.bot.irc_command import Help from webkitpy.tool.bot.irc_command import Hi from webkitpy.tool.bot.irc_command import Restart from webkitpy.tool.bot.ircbot import IRCBot from webkitpy.tool.bot.patchanalysistask import PatchAnalysisTask, PatchAnalysisTaskDelegate, UnableToApplyPatch from webkitpy.tool.bot.sheriff import Sheriff from webkitpy.tool.commands.queues import AbstractQueue from webkitpy.tool.commands.stepsequence import StepSequenceErrorHandler _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PerfalizerTask(PatchAnalysisTask): def __init__(self, tool, patch, logger): PatchAnalysisTask.__init__(self, self, patch) self._port = tool.port_factory.get() self._tool = tool self._logger = logger def _copy_build_product_without_patch(self): filesystem = self._tool.filesystem configuration = filesystem.basename(self._port._build_path()) self._build_directory = filesystem.dirname(self._port._build_path()) self._build_directory_without_patch = self._build_directory + 'WithoutPatch' try: filesystem.rmtree(self._build_directory_without_patch) filesystem.copytree(filesystem.join(self._build_directory, configuration), filesystem.join(self._build_directory_without_patch, configuration)) return True except: return False def run(self): if not self._patch.committer() and not self._patch.attacher().can_commit: self._logger('The patch %d is not authorized by a commmitter' % self._patch.id()) return False self._logger('Preparing to run performance tests for the attachment %d...' % self._patch.id()) if not self._clean() or not self._update(): return False head_revision = self._tool.scm().head_svn_revision() self._logger('Building WebKit at r%s without the patch' % head_revision) if not self._build_without_patch(): return False if not self._port.check_build(needs_http=False): self._logger('Failed to build DumpRenderTree.') return False if not self._copy_build_product_without_patch(): self._logger('Failed to copy the build product from %s to %s' % (self._build_directory, self._build_directory_without_patch)) return False self._logger('Building WebKit at r%s with the patch' % head_revision) if not self._apply() or not self._build(): return False if not self._port.check_build(needs_http=False): self._logger('Failed to build DumpRenderTree.') return False filesystem = self._tool.filesystem if filesystem.exists(self._json_path()): filesystem.remove(self._json_path()) self._logger("Running performance tests...") if self._run_perf_test(self._build_directory_without_patch, 'without %d' % self._patch.id()) < 0: self._logger('Failed to run performance tests without the patch.') return False if self._run_perf_test(self._build_directory, 'with %d' % self._patch.id()) < 0: self._logger('Failed to run performance tests with the patch.') return False if not filesystem.exists(self._results_page_path()): self._logger('Failed to generate the results page.') return False results_page = filesystem.read_text_file(self._results_page_path()) self._tool.bugs.add_attachment_to_bug(self._patch.bug_id(), results_page, description="Performance tests results for %d" % self._patch.id(), mimetype='text/html') self._logger("Uploaded the results on the bug %d" % self._patch.bug_id()) return True def parent_command(self): return "perfalizer" def run_webkit_patch(self, args): webkit_patch_args = [self._tool.path()] webkit_patch_args.extend(args) return self._tool.executive.run_and_throw_if_fail(webkit_patch_args, cwd=self._tool.scm().checkout_root) def _json_path(self): return self._tool.filesystem.join(self._build_directory, 'PerformanceTestResults.json') def _results_page_path(self): return self._tool.filesystem.join(self._build_directory, 'PerformanceTestResults.html') def _run_perf_test(self, build_path, description): filesystem = self._tool.filesystem script_path = filesystem.join(filesystem.dirname(self._tool.path()), 'run-perf-tests') perf_test_runner_args = [script_path, '--no-build', '--no-show-results', '--build-directory', build_path, '--output-json-path', self._json_path(), '--description', description] return self._tool.executive.run_and_throw_if_fail(perf_test_runner_args, cwd=self._tool.scm().checkout_root) def run_command(self, command): self.run_webkit_patch(command) def command_passed(self, message, patch): pass def command_failed(self, message, script_error, patch): self._logger(message) def refetch_patch(self, patch): return self._tool.bugs.fetch_attachment(patch.id()) def build_style(self): return "release" class PerfTest(IRCCommand): def execute(self, nick, args, tool, sheriff): if not args: tool.irc().post(nick + ": Please specify an attachment/patch id") return patch_id = args[0] patch = tool.bugs.fetch_attachment(patch_id) if not patch: tool.irc().post(nick + ": Could not fetch the patch") return task = PerfalizerTask(tool, patch, lambda message: tool.irc().post('%s: %s' % (nick, message))) task.run() class Perfalizer(AbstractQueue, StepSequenceErrorHandler): name = "perfalizer" watchers = AbstractQueue.watchers + ["rniwa@webkit.org"] _commands = { "help": Help, "hi": Hi, "restart": Restart, "test": PerfTest, } # AbstractQueue methods def begin_work_queue(self): AbstractQueue.begin_work_queue(self) self._sheriff = Sheriff(self._tool, self) self._irc_bot = IRCBot("perfalizer", self._tool, self._sheriff, self._commands) self._tool.ensure_irc_connected(self._irc_bot.irc_delegate()) def work_item_log_path(self, failure_map): return None def _is_old_failure(self, revision): return self._tool.status_server.svn_revision(revision) def next_work_item(self): self._irc_bot.process_pending_messages() return def process_work_item(self, failure_map): return True def handle_unexpected_error(self, failure_map, message): _log.error(message) # StepSequenceErrorHandler methods @classmethod def handle_script_error(cls, tool, state, script_error): # Ideally we would post some information to IRC about what went wrong # here, but we don't have the IRC password in the child process. pass