A variety of tests for malicious code injection. Everything here is safe to click (brson). Anyl local paths work on Win 10. ## javascript links [js](javascript:alert\(1\)) [reference js] [reference js]: javascript:alert\(1\) Case matters: [upcase js](JAVASCRIPT:alert\(1\)) ## local links [local file](file://C:/Windows/System32/license.rtf) [reference local file] [reference local file]: file://C:/Windows/System32/license.rtf ## inline html and scripts an inline html that invokes a script: click me an inline script: inline html with script onclick: click me ## funky images js image: ![js image](javascript:alert\(1\)) local file: ![local image](file:///C:/Windows/System32/SecurityAndMaintenance.png) local text file: ![local text file](file:///C:/Windows/System32/WindowsCodecsRaw.txt) regular non-local image: ![non-local image](https://i.imgur.com/bHO6PSi.gif) non-local html served as image: ![non-local html as image](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/brson/45a122f6414877b346932906f70f2901/raw/463f5cc968e8aee67146bc715febc2a93f029a43/foo.hml) non-local html served as gif (I actually can't trick GitHub inter serving this as non-html ContentType) ![non-local html served as gif](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/brson/45a122f6414877b346932906f70f2901/raw/463f5cc968e8aee67146bc715febc2a93f029a43/foo.gif) non-local html served as gif (I actually can't trick GitHub inter serving this as non-html ContentType) ![non-local html served as jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brson/jsdoctest/master/not-a-real-image.jpg) (I can't actually find a service that will serve a .jpg-named html as mimetype text/html - and the browser mime sniffer would probably figure it out anyway)