# v3.0.2 * MSRV update to 1.49 due to dependencies. # v3.0.1 ## Changes * There is now a `Director::watch_directory_in` `async` method which can be used when providing an appropriate runtime from the caller. ## Fixes * The `inotify` watch is not ordered before the "list existing jobs" part to avoid missing jobs that show up in between. # v3.0.0 ## Breaking changes * There is now a `HandlerCore` trait which provides the `add_to_director` method. * The `Director` now runs registered handlers asynchronously. * The `Handler` trait is now `async` since the `Director` only handles `async` handlers anyways. * MSRV bumped to 1.47. Some of the `async` implementation details use new features introduced in newer Rust releases (here, generic array bounds). * `HandlerResult` is now `JobResult` since it is the result of a job, not a handler. ## Changes * `Handler` now works with `JobError` rather than `Box` (as an alias) to make reading the code much easier. # v2.0.1 * Error types are now expected to be `Send` and `Sync` as well. * Added `HandlerResult::accept()`, `HandlerResult::restart()`, and `HandlerResult::done()`. # v2.0.0 * `error-chain` has been removed in favor of custom error types using `thiserror`. * `utils::archive_queue` safety has improved. Errors while archiving should no longer lose jobs. * `Director` now accepts an iterator of paths to run. * Add `defer()`, `reject()`, and `fail()` constructor methods to `HandlerResult`. These take arguments by traits to avoid unnecessary calls to `Box::new()` and `.into()` in callers # v1.2.0 * Fix test suite to not rely on `io::Error`'s `Debug` output. * Add `utils::drop_job`. # v1.1.2 * Dependency specifications for `serde_json`. # v1.1.1 * Dependency specifications for `git-workarea` and `error-chain` have been relaxed. # v1.1.0 * `utils::write_job` now waits for the job file to have been processed before returning. * At least `serde_json-0.9.8` is now required for the `entry` method. # v1.0.1 * Archives are now written using RFC3339. This removes the spaces that were previously there. * Jobs are added to the archive properly now as well. # v1.0.0 * Initial stable release.