# json-log-parse CLI tool for tailing logs from deployments using JSON log format. ## Installing This is implemented in Rust and published as binary crate on [crates.io](crates.io) First, install rust if you don't already have it: ```shell curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh ``` Then, install the tool: ```shell cargo install json-log-parse ``` You will also need `stern` installed: ```shell brew install stern ``` ## Usage Example, using service-mortgage and leveraging stern for a standalone command: ```shell json-log-parse stern -a service-mortgage -s 5m ``` Example, using stdin: ```shell echo -n '{"timestamp": "1", "logger.thread_name": "thread1", "logger.name": "name1", "level": "INFO", "message": "log message 1"}' | json-log-parse stdin ``` To get help: ```shell json-log-parse --help ```