use json_pointer_simd::{JsonPointer,JsonPointerTarget}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use simd_json::{OwnedValue,json}; static JSON: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| json!({ "foo": ["bar", "baz"], "": 0, "a/b": 1, "c%d": 2, "e^f": 3, "g|h": 4, "i\\j": 5, "k\"l": 6, " ": 7, "m~n": 8, }) ); macro_rules! rfc_tests { ($($ptr:expr => $json:tt;)*) => { /// The tests in Sections [5]( /// and [6]( of RFC 6901. #[test] fn rfc_tests() { $({ let ptr = $ptr.parse::>().unwrap(); let value = JSON.get(&ptr); assert_eq!(value.unwrap(), &json!($json)); })* } } } rfc_tests! { // Section 5 "" => { "foo": ["bar", "baz"], "": 0, "a/b": 1, "c%d": 2, "e^f": 3, "g|h": 4, "i\\j": 5, "k\"l": 6, " ": 7, "m~n": 8, }; "/foo" => ["bar", "baz"]; "/foo/0" => "bar"; "/" => 0; "/a~1b" => 1; "/c%d" => 2; "/e^f" => 3; "/g|h" => 4; "/i\\j" => 5; "/k\"l" => 6; "/ " => 7; "/m~0n" => 8; // Section 6 "#" => { "foo": ["bar", "baz"], "": 0, "a/b": 1, "c%d": 2, "e^f": 3, "g|h": 4, "i\\j": 5, "k\"l": 6, " ": 7, "m~n": 8, }; "#/foo" => ["bar", "baz"]; "#/foo/0" => "bar"; "#/" => 0; "#/a~1b" => 1; "#/c%25d" => 2; "#/e%5Ef" => 3; "#/g%7Ch" => 4; "#/i%5Cj" => 5; "#/k%22l" => 6; "#/%20" => 7; "#/m~0n" => 8; }