use std::fmt::Debug; use tracing::{ field::Visit, span::{Attributes, Id, Record}, Subscriber, }; use tracing_core::Field; use tracing_subscriber::{ layer::{Context, SubscriberExt}, registry::LookupSpan, util::SubscriberInitExt, Layer, Registry, }; fn main() { let mut json_layer = json_subscriber::layer(); json_layer .inner_layer_mut() .add_dynamic_field("app_id", |event, ctx| { let mut app_id = None; event.record(&mut AppIdVisitor(&mut app_id)); if let Some(app_id) = app_id { return Some(app_id); } for span in ctx.event_scope(event)? { if let Some(app_id) = span.extensions().get::() { return Some(app_id.0.clone()); } } None }); Registry::default().with(json_layer).with(AppIdLayer).init(); tracing::info!("Normal log without app_id."); tracing::info!(app_id = 7, "Log with app_id."); let _span = tracing::info_span!("operation", app_id = "from_span").entered(); tracing::info!("Log with inherited app_id."); tracing::info!(app_id = "from_event", "Log with overridden app_id."); } struct AppId(String); struct AppIdLayer; impl LookupSpan<'lookup>> Layer for AppIdLayer { fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &Attributes<'_>, id: &Id, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { let mut app_id = None; attrs.record(&mut AppIdVisitor(&mut app_id)); if let Some(app_id) = app_id { let span = ctx.span(id).expect("This span was just created."); span.extensions_mut().insert(AppId(app_id)); } } fn on_record(&self, id: &Id, values: &Record<'_>, ctx: Context<'_, S>) { let mut app_id = None; values.record(&mut AppIdVisitor(&mut app_id)); if let Some(app_id) = app_id { let span = ctx.span(id).expect("This span was just created."); span.extensions_mut().replace(AppId(app_id)); } } } struct AppIdVisitor<'a>(&'a mut Option); impl Visit for AppIdVisitor<'_> { fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &dyn Debug) { if == "app_id" { *self.0 = Some(format!("{value:?}")); } } }