# JSON to Arrow [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/json2arrow.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/json2arrow) Convert JSON files to Apache Arrow. This package is part of [Arrow CLI tools](https://github.com/domoritz/arrow-tools). ## Installation ### Download prebuilt binaries You can get the latest releases from https://github.com/domoritz/arrow-tools/releases. ### With Homebrew ``` brew install domoritz/homebrew-tap/json2arrow ``` ### With Cargo ``` cargo install json2arrow ``` ## With [Cargo B(inary)Install](https://github.com/cargo-bins/cargo-binstall) To avoid re-compilation and speed up installation, you can install this tool with `cargo binstall`: ``` cargo binstall json2arrow ``` ## Usage ``` Usage: json2arrow [OPTIONS] [ARROW] Arguments: Input JSON file, stdin if not present [ARROW] Output file, stdout if not present Options: -s, --schema-file File with Arrow schema in JSON format -m, --max-read-records The number of records to infer the schema from. All rows if not present. Setting max-read-records to zero will stop schema inference and all columns will be string typed -p, --print-schema Print the schema to stderr -n, --dry Only print the schema -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` The --schema-file option uses the same file format as --dry and --print-schema. ## Examples For usage examples, see the [`csv2parquet` examples](https://github.com/domoritz/arrow-tools/tree/main/crates/csv2parquet#examples) which shares a similar interface. ## Limitations Since we use the Arrow JSON loader, we are limited to what it supports. Right now, it supports JSON line-delimited files. ```json { "a": 42, "b": true } { "a": 12, "b": false } { "a": 7, "b": true } ```