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# json2file
Simplifies the process of serializing JSON data to a file.
## Usage
- name: Set output
id: set-output
run: |
echo "color=green" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Generate file output from json
uses: tj-actions/json2file@v1
directory: 'output'
outputs: ${{ toJSON(steps.set-output.outputs) }}
keys: 'color'
extension: 'txt'
The above example will create a file named `color.txt` in the `output` directory with the contents `green`.
$ cat ./output/color.txt
## Inputs
| [bin\_path](#input_bin_path) | string | false | | Path to the binary |
| [directory](#input_directory) | string | true | `".github/outputs"` | Directory to write to |
| [extension](#input_extension) | string | false | `"txt"` | File extension to use, possible
values: txt, json |
| [keys](#input_keys) | string | true | | List of Keys to read
from the `outputs` JSON string |
| [outputs](#input_outputs) | string | true | | JSON string |
| [skip\_missing\_keys](#input_skip_missing_keys) | string | false | `"false"` | Skip missing keys not found
in the `outputs` JSON string |
## Installation
To install `json2file`, open a terminal window (Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows) and run the following command:
cargo install json2file
### Building from Source
If you prefer to build from the source, follow these steps:
git clone https://github.com/tj-actions/json2file
cd json2file
cargo build --release
## CLI Reference
Run `json2file --help` for more information.
$ json2file --help
Generate file output from JSON
Usage: json2file [OPTIONS] --keys --outputs --directory
-k, --keys Space delimited list of keys to extract from the JSON output
-o, --outputs The JSON output to use
-d, --directory The directory to output the files to
-s, --skip-missing-keys Skip missing keys
-e, --extension The extension to use for the files [default: txt] [possible values: txt, json, csv]
-v, --verbose
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
### Example
json2file --keys="foo bar" --outputs="{\"foo\": \"value1\", \"bar\": \"value2\"}" --directory=/tmp --extension=txt
This creates two files with the following contents:
* Free software: [MIT license](LICENSE)
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## Credits
This package was created with [Cookiecutter](https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter) using [cookiecutter-action](https://github.com/tj-actions/cookiecutter-action)
## Report Bugs
Report bugs at https://github.com/tj-actions/json2file/issues.
If you are reporting a bug, please include:
* Your operating system name and VERSION.
* Any details about your workflow that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
* Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.