// require enable the toml feature such as: // cargo test -F toml (or --all-features) use json_ops::ValuePath; use toml::Value; fn load_test_toml() -> Value { let str_toml = include_str!("./sample.toml"); let v: Value = str_toml.parse().unwrap(); return v; } #[test] fn path_test() { let v = load_test_toml(); assert_eq!(v.pathto("ip").unwrap().as_str(), Some("")); assert_eq!(v["ip"].as_str(), Some("")); let op = v.path(); let ip = op / "ip"; assert_eq!(ip.unwrap().as_str(), Some("")); let ip = op / "host" / "ip"; assert_eq!(ip.unwrap().as_str(), Some("")); let host = v.path() / "host"; let ip = host / "ip"; assert_eq!(ip.unwrap().as_str(), Some("")); let port = host / "port"; assert_eq!(port.unwrap().as_integer(), Some(8080)); let proto = host / "protocol" / 1; assert_eq!(proto.unwrap().as_str(), Some("udp")); let proto = v.path() / "host" / "protocol" / 2; assert_eq!(proto.unwrap().as_str(), Some("mmp")); let proto = v.path() / "host/protocol/2"; assert_eq!(proto.unwrap().as_str(), Some("mmp")); let proto = v.pathto("/host/protocol/2"); assert_eq!(proto.unwrap().as_str(), Some("mmp")); let server = v.path() / "service" / 0 / "name"; assert_eq!(server.unwrap().as_str(), Some("serv_1")); // path() produce immutable reference, cannot write or assign // let server = server.unwrap(); // *server = Value::String(String::from("serv 1")); let mut mv = load_test_toml(); let ip = mv.get_mut("ip").unwrap(); *ip = Value::String(String::from("")); assert_eq!((mv.path() / "ip").unwrap().as_str(), Some("")); } #[test] fn path_none_test() { let v = load_test_toml(); let root = v.path(); assert_eq!(root.is_none(), false); let node = root / "ip"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let node = root / "IP"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), true); let node = root / "host" /"protocol"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let node = root / "host" /"protocol" / 1; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let node = root / "host" /"protocol" / 3; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), true); let node = root / "service" / 0; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let node = root / "service" / 0 / "description"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), true); let node = root / "service" / 0 / "desc"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let node = root / "service" / 2; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), true); } #[test] fn path_mut_test() { let mut v = load_test_toml(); let root = v.path(); assert_eq!(root.is_none(), false); let node = root / "ip"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let node = root / "IP"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), true); assert_eq!((*node).is_none(), true); let node = v.path_mut() / "ip"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let node = v.path_mut() / "IP"; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), true); assert_eq!(node.is_none(), true); } #[test] fn pipe_test() { let v = load_test_toml(); // pipe ending slash operator to get inner scalar primitive value let ip = v.path() / "ip" | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip = v.path() / "host" / "ip" | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip_default = "127"; let ip = v.path() / "host" / "ip" | ip_default; assert_eq!(ip, ""); // pipe convertor accept &'static str or String, // but ofcourse &str is more efficient let ip_default: String = String::from("127"); let ip = v.path() / "host" / "ip" | ip_default; assert_eq!(ip, ""); // ip_default is moved by | operator, and cannot use non-static &String // println!("{ip_default}"); let port = v.path() / "host" / "port" | 0; assert_eq!(port, 8080); let port_default = 80; let port = v.path() / "host" / "port" | port_default; assert_eq!(port, 8080); assert_eq!(port_default, 80); // simple primitive wont moved // can save intermedia tmp value let misc = v.path() / "misc"; let value = misc / "int" | 0; assert_eq!(value, 1234); let value = misc / "float" | 0.0; assert_eq!(value, 3.14); let value = misc / "bool" | false; assert_eq!(value, true); // path ignore repeated slash or dot let value = v.pathto("/misc/int") | 0; assert_eq!(value, 1234); let value = v.pathto("misc/int") | 0; assert_eq!(value, 1234); let value = v.pathto("misc/int/") | 0; assert_eq!(value, 0); //< tail / means an extar empty string key let value = v.pathto("misc.int") | 0; assert_eq!(value, 1234); let value = v.pathto("/misc/./int/") | 0; assert_eq!(value, 0); } #[test] fn pipe_mut_test() { let mut v = load_test_toml(); let ip = v.path_mut() / "ip" | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip = v.path_mut() / "host" / "ip" | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip_default = "127"; let ip = v.path_mut() / "host" / "ip" | ip_default; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip_default: String = String::from("127"); let ip = v.path_mut() / "host" / "ip" | ip_default; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let port = v.path_mut() / "host" / "port" | 0; assert_eq!(port, 8080); let port_default = 80; let port = v.path_mut() / "host" / "port" | port_default; assert_eq!(port, 8080); assert_eq!(port_default, 80); // can save intermedia tmp value let misc = v.path_mut() / "misc"; let value = misc / "int" | 0; assert_eq!(value, 1234); let value = v.pathto_mut("/misc.int") | 0; assert_eq!(value, 1234); let value = v.path_mut() / "misc" / "float" | 0.0; assert_eq!(value, 3.14); let value = v.path_mut() / "misc" / "bool" | false; assert_eq!(value, true); } #[test] fn push_test() { let mut v = load_test_toml(); let ip = v.path() / "ip" | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip_node = v.path_mut() / "ip" << ""; let ip = ip_node | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip = v.path() / "ip" | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); // push mistype value silently overwrite let ip_node = v.path_mut() / "ip"; let ip_node = ip_node << 127; assert_eq!(ip_node.is_none(), false); let ip = v.path() / "ip" | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); let ip = v.path() / "ip" | 0; assert_eq!(ip, 127); let ip = v.path() / "ip" | "".to_string(); assert_eq!(ip, "127"); // push scalar to leat node with supported type. let node = v.path_mut() / "misc" / "int" << 4242; let val = node | 0; assert_eq!(val, 4242); let node = v.path_mut() / "misc" / "float"; let _ = node << 31.4; let val = v.path() / "misc" / "float" | 0.0; assert_eq!(val, 31.4); let node = v.path_mut() / "misc" / "float"; let node = node << 3142; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let val = node | 0.0; assert_eq!(val, 0.0); let val = v.path() / "misc" / "float" | 0; assert_eq!(val, 3142); let node = v.path_mut() / "misc" / "bool"; let _ = node << false; let val = v.path() / "misc" / "bool" | true; assert_eq!(val, false); // push a item to toml array let node = v.path_mut() / "host" / "protocol"; let node = node << ("abc", ) << ["edf"]; // enable print by: cargo test -- --nocapture // dbg!(node); let val = node / 3 | ""; assert_eq!(val, "abc"); let val = v.path() / "host" / "protocol" / 4 | ""; assert_eq!(val, "edf"); // push slice to toml array let node = v.path_mut() / "host" / "protocol"; let _ = node << &["xyz"][..] << &["ABC", "DEF"][..]; let node = v.path() / "host" / "protocol"; println!("{}", node.unwrap()); assert_eq!(node.unwrap().as_array().unwrap().len(), 8); // push key-val pair to toml table let node = v.path_mut() / "host"; let _ = node << ("newkey1", 1) << ("newkey2", "2"); let val = v.path() / "host" / "newkey1" | 0; assert_eq!(val, 1); let val = v.path() / "host" / "newkey2" | ""; assert_eq!(val, "2"); // use i32, must cast to i64, because toml integer save i64 let input: i32 = 32; let output_default: i32 = 2; let node = v.path_mut() / "misc" / "int"; let _ = node << input as i64; let val = v.path() / "misc" / "int" | output_default as i64; assert_eq!(val, input as i64); } #[test] fn path_if_test() { let mut v = load_test_toml(); let node = v.path() / "ip"; if node.is_some() { let ip = node | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); } let node = v.path() / "IP"; if node.is_none() { let ip = node | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); } let node = v.path_mut() / "ip"; // in mut version operator !node would move self if node.is_some() { let ip = node | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); } let mut node = v.path_mut() / "ip"; if !node.is_none() { node = node << ""; let ip = node | ""; assert_eq!(ip, ""); } let mut node = v.path_mut() / "host" / "port"; if !node.is_none() { node = node << ""; assert_eq!(node.is_none(), false); let val = node | ""; assert_eq!(val, ""); } }