# Jsonnet Release Checklist ## Preparation Before doing the release, make sure that the project is in good state: * Triage issues – make sure that all issues are labelled. * Check for release-blocking bugs. All bugs which results in a wrong result of the evaluation are release-blocking. * Go through the open PRs – consider merging any outstanding ones. Do not merge big changes right before the release. * Sync google/go-jsonnet and google/jsonnet 1) Check out master from both 1) Check go-jsonnet/cpp-jsonnet submodule is HEAD of jsonnet tree, if not: 1) Inside cpp-jsonnet: 1) `git checkout master` 1) `git pull` 1) `cd ..` 1) `git checkout -b release` 1) Update the standard library: `go run cmd/dumpstdlibast/dumpstdlibast.go cpp-jsonnet/stdlib/std.jsonnet > astgen/stdast.go` 1) `./tests.sh` 1) Fix any failing tests. 1) Send a PR with the updated version, so that all the CI tests are run * Check that CI is green. * Make sure that the project can be built and the tests pass using all build systems. * C++: 1) `make test` 1) `bazel test ...:all` 1) `mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make ; make test` * Go: 1) `./tests.sh` 2) `bazel test //:go_default_test` * Make sure the Python bindings work (build and run tests locally). * Go through the commits since the last release and prepare the release notes. * The release notes should have separate sections for the language changes and changes specific to each implementation. * Make sure that the stdlib documentation is complete. Check the release notes for any additions or changes to stdlib and make sure they are reflected in the documentation. * Make sure that you can build the website locally. * `make doc/js/libjsonnet.js` * `tools/scripts/serve_docs.sh` * Check that it works in two different browsers. Make sure that live evaluation in the tutorial works. All the above points apply to both google/jsonnet and google/go-jsonnet. ## Make a final decision to release A this point you should be confident that the project is ready for the release. Some of subsequent steps leave project are hard to reverse and/or leave the project in an inconsistent state, so proceed only if you have time to complete the release process in one sitting and fix any unexpected problems. ## Release the C++ version * Modify `include/libjsonnet.h` to bump the version number but add `-pre1` suffix. * Update `test_cmd` golden file version numbers: ``` ./tools/scripts/replace_test_cmd_version.sh -pre1 ``` * Upload and test the pre-release Python package. 1) `python setup.py build sdist` 1) `twine upload dist/whatever.tar.gz` (Needs credentials on pypi) 1) ON ANOTHER MACHINE AND CHECK THAT THE VERSION IS CORRECT AND IT ACTUALLY IS BUILDING THINGS IN THE LOG: `sudo pip install jsonnet --pre --upgrade` 1) `python` 1) `import _jsonnet` 1) `_jsonnet.evaluate_snippet('foo', '1+1')` * Remove -pre from version in `include/libjsonnet.h`. * Update version in `cpp/CMakeLists.txt`. * Update `test_cmd` golden file version numbers: ``` ./tools/scripts/replace_test_cmd_version.sh ``` * In `doc/_stdlib_gen/stdlib-content.jsonnet` replace any `availableSince: "upcoming"` with NEW_VERSION". * Send a PR and wait for CI to be green before merging. * Create a release on Github. Put the previously prepared release notes there. * Upload the Python package. 1) `python setup.py build sdist` 1) `twine upload dist/whatever.tar.gz` (the version without the -pre) ## Release the Go version * Sync with the (freshly-released) C++ version. * At this point the C++ tests will not pass due to a different version in test_cmd tests. * Modify `vm.go` to bump the version number, but add `-pre1` suffix. * Upload and test the pre-release Python package. 1) `python setup.py build sdist` 1) `twine upload dist/whatever.tar.gz` (Needs credentials on pypi) 1) ON ANOTHER MACHINE AND CHECK THAT THE VERSION IS CORRECT AND IT ACTUALLY IS BUILDING THINGS IN THE LOG: `sudo pip install gojsonnet --pre --upgrade` 1) `python` 1) `import _gojsonnet` 1) `_gojsonnet.evaluate_snippet('foo', '1+1')` * Remove the `-pre1` from version in `vm.go`. Now the tests should pass again. * Send a PR and wait for CI to be green before merging. * Create a release on Github. Link to the C++ release in the description. * Upload the Python package. 1) `python setup.py build sdist` 1) `twine upload dist/whatever.tar.gz` (the version without the -pre) ## Update the website In google/jsonnet: * `make doc/js/libjsonnet.js` * `tools/scripts/serve_docs.sh` * Check that the local version works in two different browsers. Make sure that live evaluation in the tutorial works. * `tools/scripts/push_docs.sh` * Check that the public works in two different browsers. Make sure that you are getting the new version (and not an old cached version). Make sure that live evaluation in the tutorial works. ## Make the announcement * Send an email to the mailing list. * Announce the new release on Slack. ## After the release It's a good time to merge big PRs.