build_file_contents = """\ package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) filegroup( name = "include", srcs = glob(["include/**"]), ) cc_library( name = "headers", hdrs = [":include"], includes = ["include"] ) """ def _impl(repository_ctx): rctx = repository_ctx if "/" in rctx.attr.path or "\\" in rctx.attr.path: # Canonicalize the path realpath = rctx.path(rctx.attr.path) else: # Find it in $PATH realpath = rctx.which(rctx.attr.path) rctx.symlink(realpath, "bin/python") include_path = rctx.execute([ realpath, "-c", "import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc())", ]) if include_path.return_code != 0: fail("Failed to locate Python headers:\n" + include_path.stderr) rctx.symlink(include_path.stdout.strip(), "include") rctx.file( "WORKSPACE", 'workspace(name = "{}")\n'.format(, ) rctx.file("BUILD", build_file_contents) python_headers = repository_rule( implementation = _impl, local = True, attrs = { "path": attr.string( default = "python3", ), }, )