# 0.10.0 ## Changed - Bumped dependencies to `bls12_381 0.8`, `ff 0.13`, `group 0.13`. # 0.9.0 ## Changed - Bumped MSRV to `1.56.0` - Bumped dependencies to `bls12_381 0.7`, `ff 0.12`, `group 0.12`, `bitvec 1.0`. # 0.8.0 ## Added - `jubjub::Base`, as an alias for `jubjub::Fq`. - `jubjub::AffinePoint::batch_from_bytes`, which enables the inversion inside `jubjub::AffinePoint::from_bytes` to be batched. ## Changed - Bumped dependencies to `bls12_381 0.6`, `ff 0.11`, `group 0.11`. # 0.7.0 ## Security - A bug in the `jubjub::{AffinePoint, ExtendedPoint, SubgroupPoint}::from_bytes` APIs (and their `group::GroupEncoding` implementations) has been fixed. The APIs were documented as rejecting non-canonical points, but were accidentally accepting two specific non-canonical encodings. This could potentially cause a problem in consensus-critical protocols that expect encodings to be round-trip compatible (i.e. `AffinePoint::from_bytes(b).unwrap().to_bytes() == b`). See [ZIP 216](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0216) for more details. - A new API `jubjub::AffinePoint::from_bytes_pre_zip216_compatibility` preserves the previous behaviour, for use where consensus compatibility is required. ## Changed - Bumped dependencies to `bitvec 0.22`, `bls12_381 0.5`, `ff 0.10`, `group 0.10`. - MSRV is now 1.51.0. # 0.6.0 ## Changed - Bumped dependencies to `bitvec 0.20`, `bls12_381 0.4`, `ff 0.9`, `group 0.9`, `rand_core 0.6`. - MSRV is now 1.47.0. # 0.5.1 # Fixed * The crate now compiles for non-64-bit targets, such as the `wasm32-*` targets. # 0.5.0 This upgrade bumps our dependencies `bls12_381`, `group` and `ff`, while making corresponding changes to the APIs. This release now only supports Rust compilers version 1.44.0 or later. # 0.4.0 This release adds implementations of the `ff` and `group` traits. Additional trait implementations (for standard traits) have been added where the `ff` and `group` trait bounds require them. ## Added * `jubjub::SubgroupPoint`, which represents an element of Jubjub's prime-order subgroup. It implements the following traits: * `group::{Group, GroupEncoding}` * `group::prime::PrimeGroup` * New trait implementations for `jubjub::ExtendedPoint`: * `group::{Curve, Group, GroupEncoding, WnafGroup}` * `group::cofactor::{CofactorCurve, CofactorGroup}` * New trait implementations for `jubjub::AffinePoint`: * `group::GroupEncoding` * `group::cofactor::CofactorCurveAffine` * New trait implementations for `jubjub::Fr`: * `ff::{Field, PrimeField}` * `jubjub::AffinePoint::is_identity` * `jubjub::AffinePoint::to_extended` * `jubjub::Scalar`, as an alias for `jubjub::Fr`. ## Changed * We've migrated to `bls12_381 0.2`. * `rand_core` is now a regular dependency. * We depend on the `byteorder` crate again, as it is part of the `ff::PrimeField` trait. * The benchmarks are now implemented using `criterion`. # 0.3.0 This release now depends on the `bls12_381` crate, which exposes the `Fq` field type that we re-export. * The `Fq` and `Fr` field types now have better constant function support for various operations and constructors. * We no longer depend on the `byteorder` crate. * We've bumped our `rand_core` dev-dependency up to 0.5. * We've removed the `std` and `nightly` features. * We've bumped our dependency of `subtle` up to `^2.2.1`. # 0.2.0 This release switches to `subtle 2.1` to bring in the `CtOption` type, and also makes a few useful API changes. * Implemented `Mul` for `AffineNielsPoint` and `ExtendedNielsPoint` * Changed `AffinePoint::to_niels()` to be a `const` function so that constant curve points can be constructed without statics. * Implemented `multiply_bits` for `AffineNielsPoint`, `ExtendedNielsPoint` * Removed `CtOption` and replaced it with `CtOption` from `subtle` crate. * Modified receivers of some methods to reduce stack usage * Changed various `into_bytes` methods into `to_bytes` # 0.1.0 Initial release.