# Contributing to julia-rs Any contribution is welcome. - Did you spot an error? Fork and make a pull request. - Is there an overflow or memory leak happening anywhere? Fork and make a pull request. - Did you spot a typo? Fork and make a pull request. - Is there any missing documentation? Fork and make a pull request. However before requesting a pull request, you are expected to validate your code using the following steps. 1. `cargo clean && cargo update && cargo build` 2. `cargo clippy` and fix any lints. (You'll need `cargo-clippy` installed.) If you think a lint warning should be ignored, explain why. 3. `rustfmt` Additionally, you are expected to test any new code or any code you've modified. Currently for reasons unknown, test builds made with `cargo test` will fail when calling any extern Julia function, so tests might have to be written as **[examples](/examples)**.