# jump-kun Directory jumper made by Rust ## Why jump-kun? Can you count how many times did you typed ```cd``` on your teminal? Typing.. ```cd \where\you\wanna\go ``` everytime is cumbersome. Just use jump-kun. ![demo](./demo-gif.gif) jump-kun... - Automatically records dirs you visited and shows. - Lists parents and child dirs of current dirs (This crate is heavyly inspired by [b4b4r07's enhancd](https://github.com/b4b4r07/enhancd)) # How to install ## Run cargo install ```cargo install jump-kun``` ### (or clone this repo then...) ```cargo install --path .``` ## Add following script to your .zshrc (Might work on fish or bash, but not sure...) ``` function jump-kun-jump(){ local selected=$(jump-kun) if [[ -n $selected ]]; then \cd $selected fi } ``` Then type ``` jump-kun-jump ``` on your terminal. ## WindowsOS Sorry Windows users. jump-kun is not supported on WindowsOS. jump-kun uses skim as a user interface and skim is dependent on tuikit. Since tuikit is not supported on Windows, I can't guarantee that my library works on Windows. [Issue](https://github.com/TakaakiFuruse/jump-kun/issues/18)