# junco `junco` performs common gnss conversions like ECEF to LLH, or GPS time to UTC. ![Dark-eyed Junco](./docs/dark-eyed-junco.png) A junco is a small North American bird in the New World sparrow family Passerellidae # How to use `junco` has a subcommand for each conversion, and each conversion has it's own special set of arguments. ## Coordinate conversions - `ecef2llh` - Converts an ECEF set of coordinates to Latitude/Longitude/Height. By default it represents the latitude and longitude in degrees, but it can switch to radians with the `-r`/`--radians` flag - `llh2ecef` - Converts LLH coordinates to ECEF. By default it assumes the latitude and longitude are given in degrees, if you want them interpretted as radians you can use the `-r`/`--radians` flag ## Time conversions - `gps2utc` - Converts a GPS time into UTC while taking leaps seconds into account. By default a RFC 3339 compatible representation of the UTC time is given, but you can customize the way the output is formatted by passing in a format specification with the `-f`/`--format` option. The format string follows the [rules described here](https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.19/chrono/format/strftime/index.html) - `utc2gps` - Converts a UTC time into a GPS time. You can either provide it a UTC time to convert, or you can use the `-n/--now` flag to have it convert the current system time. When providing the time yourself it will assume a RFC 3339 representation or you can use the same formatting option as the `gps2utc` command. - `gps2gal` - Converts a GPS time into a Galileo time - `gps2bds` - Converts a GPS time into a Beidou time - `gal2gps` - Converts a Galileo time into a GPS time - `gps2bds` - Converts a Galileo time into a Beidou time - `bds2gps` - Converts a Beidou time into a GPS time - `bds2gal` - Converts a Beidou time into a Galileo time - `gps2glo` - Converts a GPS time into a Glonass time - `glo2gps` - Converts a Glonass time into a GPS time ## Miscellaneous - `geoid` - Gets the geoid offset at a given location. This offset is the difference between the WGS84 ellipsoid and the EGM2008 geoid. The given offset is in meters. Use the `--help` option for `junco` or any of the subcommands to get a list of all options and required arguments. # Release Use [`cargo-release`](https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-release) tool to publish. Release process is run from the master branch, for example: ``` cargo release --skip-publish 1.2.0 git push origin master v1.2.0 ```