const ignoreList = [ // # All '^npm-debug\\.log$', // Error log for npm '^\\..*\\.swp$', // Swap file for vim state // # macOS '^\\.DS_Store$', // Stores custom folder attributes '^\\.AppleDouble$', // Stores additional file resources '^\\.LSOverride$', // Contains the absolute path to the app to be used '^Icon\\r$', // Custom Finder icon: '^\\._.*', // Thumbnail '^\\.Spotlight-V100(?:$|\\/)', // Directory that might appear on external disk '\\.Trashes', // File that might appear on external disk '^__MACOSX$', // Resource fork // # Linux '~$', // Backup file // # Windows '^Thumbs\\.db$', // Image file cache '^ehthumbs\\.db$', // Folder config file '^[Dd]esktop\\.ini$', // Stores custom folder attributes '@eaDir$', // Synology Diskstation "hidden" folder where the server stores thumbnails ]; export const junkRegex = new RegExp(ignoreList.join('|')); export function isJunk(filename) { return junkRegex.test(filename); } export function isNotJunk(filename) { return !isJunk(filename); }