% Brillouin Function % Author: Mark Wibrow \documentclass[tikz,border=10pt]{standalone} %%%< \usepackage{verbatim} %%%> \begin{comment} :Title: Plot of the Brillouin Function :Tags: LuaTeX;Plots;Plotting;Mathematics :Author: Mark Wibrow :Slug: brillouin-function The Brillouin function[1][2] is a special function, used for example in statistical mechanics. It's plotting using standard TikZ, pgfplots is not required. The calculation is done using Lua, so LuaLaTeX has to be used for compiling. This example was written by Mark Wibrow answering a question on TeX.SE, with modifications by Stefan Kottwitz (formula, scaling, styles for axis and plot). \end{comment} \usepackage{amsmath} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \directlua{ function coth (i) return math.cosh(i) / math.sinh(i) end function brillouin (J, x) if x == 0 then return 0 else return (2*J+1)/(2*J)*coth((2*J+1)/(2*J)*x) - 1/(2*J)*coth(1/(2*J)*x) end end } \pgfmathdeclarefunction{Brillouin}{2}{% \edef\pgfmathresult{% \directlua{tex.print("" .. brillouin(#1,#2))}% }% } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ x = 2cm/10, scale = 3, axis/.style = {help lines, -{Stealth[length = 1.5ex]}}, brillouin/.style = {domain = -5:10, samples = 100} ] \draw [axis] (-5,0) -- (10,0); \draw [axis] (0,-1) -- (0,1.5); \draw [densely dotted] (0,{ Brillouin(1, 100)} ) -- ++(10,0); \draw [red] plot [brillouin] (\x, { Brillouin(1, \x)}); \draw [green] plot [brillouin] (\x, { Brillouin(5, \x)}); \draw [blue] plot [brillouin] (\x, { Brillouin(50, \x)}); \node [align = center, anchor = west] at (1,1.3) {% $\begin{alignedat}{2} B_J(x) &= \tfrac{2J + 1}{2J} &&\coth \left ( \tfrac{2J + 1}{2J} x \right ) \\ &\quad - \tfrac{1}{2J} &&\coth \left ( \tfrac{1}{2J} x \right ) \end{alignedat}$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}