%!TEX TS-program = xetex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode \hoffset -27mm \voffset -27mm \nopagenumbers \frenchspacing \def\green{999922} \newbox\front \setbox\front=\vbox to 148.5mm {\hsize=105mm \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hss \XeTeXpicfile "john1.jpg" width .9\hsize \hss} \font\txt="Hoefler Text/B:color=\green" at 16pt \txt \hrule height 0pt \vss \leftline{\kern10mm In the beginning…} \bigskip \box0 \bigskip \rightline{…was the Word\kern10mm} \vss \hrule height 0pt } \newbox\text \setbox\text=\vbox to 148.5mm {\hsize=105mm \parindent=0pt \leftskip=10mm \rightskip=10mm plus 10mm minus 2mm \parskip=\medskipamount \font\txt="Hoefler Text" at 10pt \txt \font\it="Hoefler Text/I" at 10pt \baselineskip=12.5pt \hrule height 0pt \bigskip \bigskip {\special{x:textcolor=\green}\it In principio erat verbum…} in the beginning was the Word.\special{x:textcolor}\break And that Word still speaks to us today, bringing life and hope in a world that is so often dark and troubled. He speaks into our hearts by His Spirit, and He speaks through His written word as we read and study it. Created nearly 1300 years ago, the Lindisfarne Gospels are a stunning presentation of His word in the form expected and appreciated in that day. But beautiful though they are, today most of us find a modern printed English translation far easier to use. As you read the Christmas story, have you ever wondered what words Mary actually heard, or the shepherds, when the angel announced the Lord’s birth? Gabriel didn’t say, “Fear not!” in King James English. Nor, I think, did he speak Greek, as it was eventually written by Matthew and Luke. To be readily understood, he probably spoke to them in Aramaic, the everyday language of the Jews at that time—and of Jesus himself. As this Christmas approaches, I am beginning the formatting of the New Testament in modern-day Chaldean, a direct descendant of the Aramaic spoken by Jesus and his companions. Once printed in Arabic script, it will look quite different from either the Lindisfarne Gospels or our English Bibles. But it will be the appropriate form of God’s word for the Chaldean-speaking community of today; our hope is that this new translation will communicate as clearly and powerfully in the 21st century as the angel’s voice did 2000 years ago. \vfill \hrule height 0pt } \newbox\back \setbox\back=\vbox to 148.5mm {\hsize=105mm \parindent=0pt \leftskip=10mm \rightskip=10mm plus 10mm minus 2mm \parskip=\medskipamount \font\txt="Arial Narrow:color=000066" at 9.5pt \txt \font\bf="Arial Narrow/B:color=660000" at 9.5pt \font\ack="Arial Narrow" at 7.5pt \hrule height 0pt \bigskip \vfill \centerline{\bf Home address} \def\_{\char`\_} \centerline{NN Xxxxxx Xxxxx • Xxxxx • Xxxx XXN NXX • England} \centerline{Email: jonathan\_kew(at)sil.org, priscilla\_kew(at)sil.org} \centerline{Tel: +44 (0)9999 999999 \ \ AIM: nnnnnnnn} \bigskip \centerline{\XeTeXpicfile "wbtlogo.jpg" scaled 750} \centerline{Wycliffe UK • Horsleys Green • High Wycombe • Bucks HP14 3XL • England} \bigskip \rightline{\ack Image of Lindisfarne Gospels, f.211 © The British Library Board\kern6.5mm} \bigskip \hrule height 0pt } \newbox\greeting \setbox\greeting=\vbox to 148.5mm {\hsize=105mm \parindent=0pt \leftskip=10mm plus 1fill \rightskip=\leftskip \parskip=\medskipamount \font\swsh="Hoefler Text/BI:color=FFCC00" at 16pt \font\txt="Hoefler Text/BI:color=FFCC00; Smart Swashes=!Line Final Swashes,!Line Initial Swashes" at 16pt \txt \font\small="Hoefler Text/BI:color=FFCC00; Smart Swashes=!Line Final Swashes,!Line Initial Swashes" at 12pt \txt \def\\{\break} \lineskip=6pt \hrule height 0pt \bigskip \vfil Wishing you a very\\ Happy Christmas\\ and every blessing\\ in the New Year \bigskip {\swsh with our love} \bigskip Jonathan \& Priscilla\\ Timothy, Christopher, Elizabeth \vfil \small December 2004 \bigskip \bigskip \hrule height 0pt } \def\crotate#1#2{{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\rlap{\kern0.5\wd0 \dimen0=\ht0 \advance\dimen0 by -\dp0 \raise0.5\dimen0\hbox{\special{x:gsave}\special{x:rotate #2}}}% \box0 \special{x:grestore}}} \vbox{\offinterlineskip \line{\crotate{\hbox{\box\text\box\greeting\hss}}{180}\hss} \line{\box\back\box\front\hss} \vskip-8in } \bye