# `jvr` A simple and easy-to-use Java version manager(registry: `jvr`), similar to `Node.js`'s `nvm`, but it does not follow `nvm`'s naming convention. Otherwise, it would be named `jvm`, which could cause command conflicts or ambiguity. ## 1.`Install` ### 1.1.`Download executable ` Download the executable file directly from `GitHub` and put it in any `$PATH` path. ### 1.2.`Cargo` ```shell cargo install --git https://github.com/photowey/jvr.git [--branch main] ``` ## 2.`Usage` ### 2.1.`Commands` #### 2.1.1`Add` Register `JDK` ```shell $ jvr add -h | --help $ jvr add # e.g.: $ jvr add jdk8 ${YOUR_PATH}/jdk8 $ jvr add jdk11 ${YOUR_PATH}/jdk11 $ ... ``` #### 2.1.2`List` List all registered `JDK`s, and use a clear table to list the registrations. The `*` indicates the version currently in use. ```shell $ jvr list ``` #### 2.1.3`Use` Switch the `JDK` version and automatically update the user's `JAVA_HOME` environment variable. ```shell $ jvr use # e.g.: $ jvr use jdk11 ``` #### 2.1.4`Version` View the version of `jvr` itself. #### 2.1.5`Open` Open the directory where `jvr` `HOME` is located, if applicable.