# `cargo-deny` configuration. [output] feature-depth = 1 [graph] # Check all features except for `exonum-crypto`, which is morally outdated. # Since the crate isn't actually built for the check, we don't care about conflicting features. features = ["ed25519-dalek", "ed25519-compact", "rsa", "p256", "k256", "es256k"] [advisories] db-urls = ["https://github.com/rustsec/advisory-db"] yanked = "deny" ignore = [ # "Marvin" attack for the `rsa` crate; no fix is available ATM. # A warning is added to crate readme and crate docs as a stopgap measure. "RUSTSEC-2023-0071", ] [licenses] allow = [ # Permissive open-source licenses "MIT", "Apache-2.0", "BSD-3-Clause", "Unicode-DFS-2016", # Creative Commons licenses (FSF-approved, not OSI-approved); used by `secp256k1-sys` "CC0-1.0", ] confidence-threshold = 0.8 [bans] multiple-versions = "deny" wildcards = "deny" allow-wildcard-paths = true skip-tree = [ # `cortex-m` crates (which are only used in the no-std test crate) have some outdated deps. { name = "cortex-m", version = "^0.7" }, { name = "cortex-m-rt", version = "^0.7" }, ] [sources] unknown-registry = "deny" unknown-git = "deny"