use std::cmp; use std::env; use std::io::{stderr, stdout, BufWriter, Write}; use std::process; use std::thread; //use std::time as stdtime; use std::time::Duration; use std::time::SystemTime; use anyhow::{anyhow, Error, Result}; use kafka::client::{FetchOffset, GroupOffsetStorage, KafkaClient}; /// A very simple offset monitor for a particular topic able to show /// the lag for a particular consumer group. Dumps the offset/lag of /// the monitored topic/group to stdout every few seconds. fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); macro_rules! abort { ($e:expr) => {{ let mut out = stderr(); let _ = write!(out, "error: {}\n", $e); let _ = out.flush(); process::exit(1); }}; } let cfg = match Config::from_cmdline() { Ok(cfg) => cfg, Err(e) => abort!(e), }; if let Err(e) = run(cfg) { abort!(e); } } fn run(cfg: Config) -> Result<()> { let mut client = KafkaClient::new(cfg.brokers.clone()); client.set_group_offset_storage(Some(cfg.offset_storage)); client.load_metadata_all()?; // ~ if no topic specified, print all available and be done. if cfg.topic.is_empty() { let ts = client.topics(); let num_topics = ts.len(); if num_topics == 0 { return Err(Error::from(anyhow!("no topics available"))); } let mut names: Vec<&str> = Vec::with_capacity(ts.len()); names.extend(ts.names()); names.sort_unstable(); let mut buf = BufWriter::with_capacity(1024, stdout()); for name in names { let _ = writeln!(buf, "topic: {}", name); } return Err(Error::from(anyhow!("choose a topic"))); } // ~ otherwise let's loop over the topic partition offsets let num_partitions = match client.topics().partitions(&cfg.topic) { None => return Err(Error::from(anyhow!("no such topic: {}", &cfg.topic))), Some(partitions) => partitions.len(), }; let mut state = State::new(num_partitions, cfg.committed_not_consumed); let mut printer = Printer::new(stdout(), &cfg); printer.print_head(num_partitions)?; // ~ initialize the state let mut first_time = true; loop { let t = SystemTime::now(); state.update_partitions(&mut client, &cfg.topic, &; if first_time { state.curr_to_prev(); first_time = false; } printer.print_offsets(&t, &state.offsets)?; thread::sleep(cfg.period); } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Partition { prev_latest: i64, curr_latest: i64, curr_lag: i64, } impl Default for Partition { fn default() -> Self { Partition { prev_latest: -1, curr_latest: -1, curr_lag: -1, } } } struct State { offsets: Vec, lag_decr: i64, } impl State { fn new(num_partitions: usize, committed_not_consumed: bool) -> State { State { offsets: vec![Default::default(); num_partitions], lag_decr: if committed_not_consumed { 0 } else { 1 }, } } fn update_partitions( &mut self, client: &mut KafkaClient, topic: &str, group: &str, ) -> Result<()> { // ~ get the latest topic offsets let latests = client.fetch_topic_offsets(topic, FetchOffset::Latest)?; for l in latests { let off = self .offsets .get_mut(l.partition as usize) .expect("[topic offset] non-existent partition"); off.prev_latest = off.curr_latest; off.curr_latest = l.offset; } if !group.is_empty() { // ~ get the current group offsets let groups = client.fetch_group_topic_offset(group, topic)?; for g in groups { let off = self .offsets .get_mut(g.partition as usize) .expect("[group offset] non-existent partition"); // ~ it's quite likely that we fetched group offsets // which are a bit ahead of the topic's latest offset // since we issued the fetch-latest-offset request // earlier than the request for the group offsets off.curr_lag = cmp::max(0, off.curr_latest - g.offset - self.lag_decr); } } Ok(()) } fn curr_to_prev(&mut self) { for o in &mut self.offsets { o.prev_latest = o.curr_latest; } } } struct Printer { out: W, timefmt: String, fmt_buf: String, out_buf: String, time_width: usize, offset_width: usize, diff_width: usize, lag_width: usize, print_diff: bool, print_lag: bool, print_summary: bool, } impl Printer { fn new(out: W, cfg: &Config) -> Printer { Printer { out, timefmt: "%H:%M:%S".into(), fmt_buf: String::with_capacity(30), out_buf: String::with_capacity(160), time_width: 10, offset_width: 11, diff_width: 8, lag_width: 6, print_diff: cfg.diff, print_lag: !, print_summary: cfg.summary, } } fn print_head(&mut self, num_partitions: usize) -> Result<()> { self.out_buf.clear(); { // ~ format use std::fmt::Write; let _ = write!(self.out_buf, "{1:<0$}", self.time_width, "time"); if self.print_summary { let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:>0$}", self.offset_width, "topic"); if self.print_diff { let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " [{1:>0$}]", self.diff_width, "growth"); } if self.print_lag { let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:0$}", self.lag_width, "(lag)"); } } else { for i in 0..num_partitions { self.fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(self.fmt_buf, "p-{}", i); let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:>0$}", self.offset_width, self.fmt_buf); if self.print_diff { let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " [{1:>0$}]", self.diff_width, "growth"); } if self.print_lag { let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:0$}", self.lag_width, "(lag)"); } } } self.out_buf.push('\n'); } { // ~ print self.out.write_all(self.out_buf.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } } fn print_offsets(&mut self, time: &SystemTime, partitions: &[Partition]) -> Result<()> { self.out_buf.clear(); { // ~ format use std::fmt::Write; self.fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(self.fmt_buf, "{}", time.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs()); let _ = write!(self.out_buf, "{1:<0$}", self.time_width, self.fmt_buf); if self.print_summary { let mut prev_latest = 0; let mut curr_latest = 0; let mut curr_lag = 0; for p in partitions { macro_rules! cond_add { ($v:ident) => { if $v != -1 { if p.$v < 0 { $v = -1; } else { $v += p.$v; } } }; } cond_add!(prev_latest); cond_add!(curr_latest); cond_add!(curr_lag); } let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:>0$}", self.offset_width, curr_latest); if self.print_diff { self.fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(self.fmt_buf, "{:+}", curr_latest - prev_latest); let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " [{1:>0$}]", self.diff_width, self.fmt_buf); } if self.print_lag { self.fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(self.fmt_buf, "({})", curr_lag); let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:<0$}", self.lag_width, self.fmt_buf); } } else { for p in partitions { let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:>0$}", self.offset_width, p.curr_latest); if self.print_diff { self.fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(self.fmt_buf, "{:+}", p.curr_latest - p.prev_latest); let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " [{1:>0$}]", self.diff_width, self.fmt_buf); } if self.print_lag { self.fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(self.fmt_buf, "({})", p.curr_lag); let _ = write!(self.out_buf, " {1:<0$}", self.lag_width, self.fmt_buf); } } } } self.out_buf.push('\n'); self.out.write_all(self.out_buf.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Config { brokers: Vec, topic: String, group: String, offset_storage: GroupOffsetStorage, period: Duration, committed_not_consumed: bool, summary: bool, diff: bool, } impl Config { fn from_cmdline() -> Result { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let mut opts = getopts::Options::new(); opts.optflag("h", "help", "Print this help screen"); opts.optopt( "", "brokers", "Specify kafka bootstrap brokers (comma separated)", "HOSTS", ); opts.optopt("", "topic", "Specify the topic to monitor", "TOPIC"); opts.optopt("", "group", "Specify the group to monitor", "GROUP"); opts.optopt( "", "storage", "Specify offset store [zookeeper, kafka]", "STORE", ); opts.optopt("", "sleep", "Specify the sleep time", "SECS"); opts.optflag( "", "partitions", "Print each partition instead of the summary", ); opts.optflag("", "no-growth", "Don't print offset growth"); opts.optflag( "", "committed-not-yet-consumed", "Assume committed group offsets specify \ messages the group will start consuming \ (including those at these offsets)", ); let m = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => m, Err(e) => return Err(Error::from(e)), }; if m.opt_present("help") { let brief = format!("{} [options]", args[0]); return Err(Error::from(anyhow!(opts.usage(&brief)))); } let mut offset_storage = GroupOffsetStorage::Zookeeper; if let Some(s) = m.opt_str("storage") { if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("zookeeper") { offset_storage = GroupOffsetStorage::Zookeeper; } else if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("kafka") { offset_storage = GroupOffsetStorage::Kafka; } else { return Err(Error::from(anyhow!("unknown offset store: {}", s))); } } let mut period = Duration::from_secs(5); if let Some(s) = m.opt_str("sleep") { match s.parse::() { Ok(n) if n != 0 => period = Duration::from_secs(n), _ => { return Err(Error::from(anyhow!( "not a number greater than zero: {}", s ))) } } } Ok(Config { brokers: m .opt_str("brokers") .unwrap_or_else(|| "localhost:9092".to_owned()) .split(',') .map(|s| s.trim().to_owned()) .collect(), topic: m.opt_str("topic").unwrap_or_else(String::new), group: m.opt_str("group").unwrap_or_else(String::new), offset_storage, period, committed_not_consumed: m.opt_present("committed-not-yet-consumed"), summary: !m.opt_present("partitions"), diff: !m.opt_present("no-growth"), }) } }