use std::cmp; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::io; use std::process; use kafka::client::{FetchOffset, KafkaClient}; /// Dumps available topic metadata to stdout. fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let cfg = match Config::from_cmdline() { Ok(cfg) => cfg, Err(e) => { println!("{}", e); process::exit(1); } }; if let Err(e) = dump_metadata(cfg) { println!("{}", e); process::exit(1); } } struct Offsets { earliest: i64, latest: i64, } impl Default for Offsets { fn default() -> Self { Offsets { earliest: -1, latest: -1, } } } fn dump_metadata(cfg: Config) -> Result<(), String> { // ~ establish connection to kafka let mut client = KafkaClient::new(cfg.brokers); client.load_metadata_all().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; // ~ determine the list of topics we're supposed to report about let topics = if cfg.topics.is_empty() { let topics = client.topics(); let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(topics.len()); for topic in topics.names() { names.push(topic.to_owned()); } names.sort(); names } else { cfg.topics }; // ~ fetch the topics' earliest and latest offsets let (topic_width, offsets) = { let mut topic_width = 0; let mut m = HashMap::with_capacity(topics.len()); let mut offsets = client .fetch_offsets(&topics, FetchOffset::Latest) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; for (topic, offsets) in offsets { topic_width = cmp::max(topic_width, topic.len()); let mut offs = Vec::with_capacity(offsets.len()); { // make sure to init the `offs` table based on the // clients metadata since that represents the set of // known partitions whereas the offsets we retrieved // can be missing some partitions if there are no // offsets for them, e.g. partition=0 might have no // offsets or might be out of order, while for // partition=1 we might have obtained an offset. this // allows us later to use the partition as an index // into the table. let num_partitions = client .topics() .partitions(&topic) .map(|ps| ps.len()) .unwrap_or(0); for _ in 0..num_partitions { offs.push(Offsets::default()); } } for offset in offsets { offs[offset.partition as usize].latest = offset.offset; } m.insert(topic, offs); } offsets = client .fetch_offsets(&topics, FetchOffset::Earliest) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; for (topic, offsets) in offsets { let offs = m.get_mut(&topic).expect("unknown topic"); for offset in offsets { offs[offset.partition as usize].earliest = offset.offset; } } (topic_width + 2, m) }; // ~ produce the output let mut out = io::stdout(); let mut out_buf = String::with_capacity(128); let mut fmt_buf = if cfg.size { String::with_capacity(30) } else { String::new() }; // ~ compute the width of the leader-hosts column let md = client.topics(); let host_width = if { 2 + topics .iter() .filter_map(|t| md.partitions(t)) .flatten() .map(|p| p.leader().map(|b| .fold(0, cmp::max) } else { 0 }; // ~ print header line if cfg.header { use std::fmt::Write; let _ = write!( out_buf, "{1:0$} {2:4} {3:4}", topic_width, "topic", "p-id", "l-id" ); if { let _ = write!(out_buf, " {1:>0$}", host_width, "(l-host)"); } let _ = write!(out_buf, " {:>12} {:>12}", "earliest", "latest"); if cfg.size { let _ = write!(out_buf, " {:>12}", "(size)"); } out_buf.push('\n'); { use std::io::Write; let _ = out.write_all(out_buf.as_bytes()); } } // ~ print each topic partition on its own line for (ti, topic) in topics.iter().enumerate() { match md.partitions(topic) { None => { use std::fmt::Write; out_buf.clear(); if cfg.topic_separators && ti != 0 { out_buf.push('\n'); } let _ = writeln!(out_buf, "{1:0$} - not available!", topic_width, topic); { use std::io::Write; let _ = out.write_all(out_buf.as_bytes()); } } Some(tmd) => { let offsets = &offsets[topic.as_str()]; for (pi, p) in offsets.iter().enumerate() { use std::fmt::Write; out_buf.clear(); if cfg.topic_separators && ti != 0 && pi == 0 { out_buf.push('\n'); } let (leader_id, leader_host) = tmd .partition(pi as i32) .expect("unknown topic partition metadata") .leader() .map(|b| (, .unwrap_or((-1, "")); let _ = write!( out_buf, "{1:0$} {2:>4} {3:>4}", topic_width, topic, pi, leader_id ); if { fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(fmt_buf, "({})", leader_host); let _ = write!(out_buf, " {1:0$}", host_width, fmt_buf); } let _ = write!(out_buf, " {:>12} {:>12}", p.earliest, p.latest); if cfg.size { fmt_buf.clear(); let _ = write!(fmt_buf, "({})", p.latest - p.earliest); let _ = write!(out_buf, " {:>12}", fmt_buf); } out_buf.push('\n'); { use std::io::Write; let _ = out.write_all(out_buf.as_bytes()); } } } } } Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Config { brokers: Vec, topics: Vec, header: bool, host: bool, size: bool, topic_separators: bool, } impl Config { fn from_cmdline() -> Result { let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); let mut opts = getopts::Options::new(); opts.optflag("h", "help", "Print this help screen"); opts.optflag("", "no-header", "Don't print headers"); opts.optopt( "", "brokers", "Specify kafka brokers (comma separated)", "HOSTS", ); opts.optopt("", "topics", "Specify topics (comma separated)", "NAMES"); opts.optflag("", "no-host", "Don't print host:port of leaders"); opts.optflag("", "no-size", "Don't print partition sizes"); opts.optflag("", "no-empty-lines", "Don't separate topics by empty lines"); let m = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) { Ok(m) => m, Err(e) => return Err(e.to_string()), }; if m.opt_present("help") { let brief = format!("{} [options]", &args[0]); return Err(opts.usage(&brief)); } Ok(Config { brokers: m .opt_str("brokers") .unwrap_or_else(|| "localhost:9092".to_owned()) .split(',') .map(|s| s.trim().to_owned()) .collect(), topics: match m.opt_str("topics") { None => Vec::new(), Some(s) => s.split(',').map(|s| s.trim().to_owned()).collect(), }, header: !m.opt_present("no-header"), host: !m.opt_present("no-host"), size: !m.opt_present("no-size"), topic_separators: !m.opt_present("no-empty-lines"), }) } }