# v0.2.2 ## Features * Accepts a filename to open from the command line arguments. * Accept a layout to open to from the command line arguments. ## UI Improvements * The node layout now uses bezier curves, as layout-rs emits. * Add confirmation dialog when quitting without having saved. * Dragging and dropping now has a grace period where it will not add the node as a child to the current # v0.2.1 ## Features * Indicate if the node may be added as a child when dragging in the node layout * Categories can be set to be inherited by newly created children. * Nodes may be collapsed in the node layout to hide all their descendants ## Improve UI: * Mark the add child button in the task editor as disabled when there is no child selected, rather than just not being drawn. Bugs: * Id assignment should now work even if the id type wraps around. # v.0.2.0 ## Features * The node layout displays tasks with *most* of the category styling. * New documents now start with "High", "Medium", and Low priorities defined * Show parents and children when a node is focused in the node layout * Sort the child task's comboboxes by creation order/completion status * Mark the child task combobox's task completion status * The xdg dependency is no longer specified for windows. * Label some comboboxes better(On the right side) # v0.1.0 ## Features * Mark completed tasks as green in the node layout(undone) * Add node layout * Tree outline view * Priority editor * Category editor * Fuzzy text matching for search