use crate::vm::VmError; use strum_macros::FromRepr; use TokenType::*; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Token<'a> { pub kind: TokenType, pub line_num: usize, //How to make this an iterator over pub content: &'a str, } #[derive(Debug, FromRepr, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] #[repr(u8)] //Parse rule function table requires that the order //here be kept as is since their values are used as indices pub enum TokenType { LeftParen, RightParen, LeftBrace, RightBrace, Comma, Dot, Minus, Plus, Semicolon, Slash, Star, // One or two character s. Bang, BangEqual, Equal, EqualEqual, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual, // Literals; Might change the implementation of these later //to utilize the way Clox stores literals Identifier, Str, Number, // Keywords. And, Class, Else, False, For, Fun, If, Nil, Or, Print, Return, Super, This, True, Var, While, //Use Blank instead of None Newline, Eof, Blank, } pub fn lex(source: &str) -> Result, VmError> { let mut line_num = 0; let mut iter = source.chars().peekable(); let mut tokens = Vec::new(); let mut curr_idx: usize = 0; while let Some(c) = { if c.is_whitespace() { if c == '\n' { line_num += 1; } curr_idx += 1; continue; } assert_eq!(source.as_bytes()[curr_idx] as char, c); //Handle compile time errors later //who needs error handling anyways let start_idx = curr_idx; let token_type = match c { '>' => match iter.peek() { Some('=') => {; curr_idx += 1; GreaterEqual } _ => Greater, }, '<' => match iter.peek() { Some('=') => {; curr_idx += 1; LessEqual } _ => Less, }, '=' => match iter.peek() { Some('=') => {; curr_idx += 1; EqualEqual } _ => Equal, }, '!' => match iter.peek() { Some('=') => {; curr_idx += 1; BangEqual } _ => Bang, }, '+' => Plus, '-' => Minus, '*' => Star, '/' => match iter.peek() { Some(&'/') => { while != Some('\n') {} line_num += 1; continue; } _ => Slash, }, '(' => LeftParen, ')' => RightParen, '{' => LeftBrace, '}' => RightBrace, ',' => Comma, '.' => Dot, ';' => Semicolon, '\"' => {; curr_idx += 1; //Might crash if you get to the end let mut chr =; while chr.is_some() && chr != Some('\"') { curr_idx += 1; chr =; } curr_idx += 1; //Do nothing with it for now if chr.is_none() { panic!( "Hahaha sucker, not gonna tell you what the error here is, \ fuck you and good luck debugging lmao" ); } Str } c if c.is_ascii_digit() => { while let Some(next) = iter.peek() { //in case code ends with number if next.to_digit(10).is_none() { break; };; curr_idx += 1; } if iter.peek() == Some(&'.') {; curr_idx += 1; } while let Some(next) = iter.peek() { if next.to_digit(10).is_none() { break; };; curr_idx += 1; } Number } c if c.is_alphabetic() || c == '_' => { let mut lexeme = String::from(c); while let Some(c) = iter.peek() { if (*c).is_alphabetic() || (*c) == '_' { lexeme.push(*c);; curr_idx += 1; } else { break; } } match lexeme.as_str() { "and" => And, "class" => Class, "else" => Else, "false" => False, "for" => For, "fun" => Fun, "if" => If, "nil" => Nil, "or" => Or, "print" => Print, "return" => Return, "super" => Super, "this" => This, "true" => True, "var" => Var, "while" => While, //idfk how we're gonna handle strings lol _ => Identifier, } } _ => panic!(), }; curr_idx += 1; let token = Token { kind: token_type, line_num: line_num, content: &source[start_idx..curr_idx], }; println!("{}\t{:?}", token.content, token.kind); tokens.push(token); } //Must alter once you start reading into multiple chunks tokens.push(Token { kind: Eof, line_num: line_num, content: "", }); Ok(tokens) }