variable "account_id" { description = "Numerical account ID of the AWS account to use, e.g. `12345678`" } variable "availability_zone" { description = "Availability Zone for etcd instances and EBS volumes, e.g. `us-east-1a`" } variable "cidr" { description = "IPv4 network range of the subnet where Kubernetes nodes will run, e.g. ``" } variable "cluster" { description = "The target cluster's name, e.g. `production`" } variable "coreos_ami" { description = "The AMI ID for the CoreOS image to use for servers, e.g. `ami-1234abcd`" } variable "domain" { description = "The domain name for the cluster, e.g. ``" } variable "iam_users" { description = "A list of IAM user names who will have access to cluster PKI secrets" type = "list" } variable "instance_size" { description = "The EC2 instance size, e.g. `m3.medium`" } variable "masters_max_size" { description = "The maximum number of EC2 instances the Kubernetes masters may autoscale to" } variable "masters_min_size" { description = "The minimum number of EC2 instances the Kubernetes masters may autoscale to" } variable "nodes_max_size" { description = "The maximum number of EC2 instances the Kubernetes nodes may autoscale to" } variable "nodes_min_size" { description = "The minimum number of EC2 instances the Kubernetes nodes may autoscale to" } variable "propagating_vgws" { description = "A list of virtual gateways that should propagate routes to the route table" type = "list" } variable "region" { description = "The AWS Region where the cluster will live, e.g. `us-east-1`" } variable "ssh_keys" { description = "SSH public keys to add to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on each server" type = "list" } variable "version" { description = "Version of Kubernetes to use, e.g. `1.0.0`" } variable "zone_id" { description = "Zone ID of the Route 53 hosted zone, e.g. `Z111111QQQQQQQ`" }