# kbo-cli Command-line interface for the [kbo](https://github.com/tmaklin/kbo) local aligner. Documentation is available at [https://docs.rs/kbo](https://docs.rs/kbo). ## Installation ### Cargo Run `cargo install kbo-cli`. ### From source Run ``` text git clone https://github.com/tmaklin/kbo-cli cd kbo-cli cargo build --release ``` This will build the `kbo` executable in `target/release/kbo` directory. ## Usage kbo-cli provides access to two main operations: - `kbo find` matches the _k_-mers in a query sequence with the reference and reports the local alignment segments found within the reference. Find is useful for problems that can be solved with [blast](https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi). - `kbo map` maps the query sequence against a reference sequence, and reports the nucleotide sequence of the alignment relative to the reference. Map solves the same problem as [snippy](https://github.com/tseemann/snippy) and [ska map](https://docs.rs/ska/latest/ska/#ska-map). For usage instructions, see the documentation at [https://docs.rs/kbo](https://docs.rs/kbo). ## License kbo-cli is dual-licensed under the [MIT](LICENSE-MIT) and [Apache 2.0](LICENSE-APACHE) licenses.