import * as log from ""; import * as toml from ""; import * as semver from ""; import { Checkbox, Confirm, Input, prompt, Select, } from ""; class HttpError extends Error { readonly body?: string; constructor(message: string, body?: string) { super(message); this.body = body; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, HttpError.prototype); } } class CommandError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CommandError.prototype); } } async function responseBody(response: Response): Promise { if (!response.ok) { const message = `${response.status} ${response.statusText}`; let body; if (response.bodyUsed) { body = await response.text(); } throw new HttpError(message, body); } return await response.text(); } class Keycloak { async latestVersion(): Promise { const response = await fetch(""); const body = await responseBody(response); return new Version((/Latest release (.+)\s/.exec(body) ?? [])[1]); } apiUrl(version: Version): string { return `${version}/rest-api/openapi.json`; } async apiOpenJson(version: Version): Promise { const response = await fetch(this.apiUrl(version)); return await responseBody(response); } } const EXAMPLE_FOR_GENERATION = "openapi"; class Cargo { get text(): string { return Deno.readTextFileSync("Cargo.toml"); } set text(value) { Deno.writeTextFileSync("Cargo.toml", value); } get version(): InternalVersion { const cargoToml = toml.parse(this.text); interface Package { readonly version: string; } return new InternalVersion((cargoToml.package as Package).version); } set version(value: InternalVersion) { const lines = this.text.split("\n"); const index = lines.findIndex((line) => line.startsWith("version = ")); if (index !== -1) { lines[index] = `version = "${value}"`; this.text = lines.join("\n"); } } async cleanKeycloak() { return await this.cargoCommandSpawn(["clean", "-p", "keycloak"]); } async build() { return await this.cargoCommandSpawn(["build"]); } async publish() { return await this.cargoCommandSpawn(["publish"]); } async fmt() { return await this.cargoCommand(["fmt"]); } async generateTypes(): Promise { return await this.generate("types"); } async generateRest(): Promise { return await this.generate("rest"); } private async generate(kind: "rest" | "types"): Promise { return await this.cargoCommand([ "run", "--example", EXAMPLE_FOR_GENERATION, "--", kind, ]); } private async cargoCommand(args: string[]): Promise { return await Command.execute("cargo", args, "inherit"); } private async cargoCommandSpawn(args: string[]): Promise { await Command.spawn("cargo", args); } } class Branch { readonly value: string; constructor(value: string) { this.value = value.trim(); } toString() { return this.value; } equals(other: Branch): boolean { return other.value === this.value; } } type IssueState = "CLOSED" | "OPEN"; type PullRequestState = "CLOSED" | "OPEN" | "MERGED"; interface Issue { milestone?: string; number: number; state: IssueState; title: string; } interface Milestone { number: number; title: string; } interface PullRequest { milestone?: string; number: number; state: PullRequestState; title: string; } interface IssueOrPullRequest { issue?: Issue; pullRequest?: PullRequest; } class User { autoconfirm: boolean; constructor(autoconfirm: boolean = false) { this.autoconfirm = autoconfirm; } async confirm(message: string): Promise { if (this.autoconfirm) { return true; } return await Confirm.prompt(message); } async selectUpdateOptions(updater: Updater) { const { options } = updater; const { versions } = options; const latestVersion = versions.keycloakLatestVersion?.toInternalVersion(); const cargoVersion = versions.keycloakCargoVersion; const { mode } = await prompt([ { name: "mode", message: "Type of update", type: Select, options: [ { name: "Generation", value: "generation", }, { name: "Release", value: "release", }, ], }, ]); const release = mode === "release"; const result = await prompt([ { name: "baseVersion", message: "Select which version to use for update", type: Select, options: [ { name: `Latest Keycloak version: ${latestVersion}`, value: "latest", }, { name: `Cargo.toml version: ${cargoVersion}`, value: "cargo", }, ...versions.currentMilestones!.map((milestone) => ({ name: `Milestone ${milestone.title}`, value: milestone.title, })), ...[ { name: `Enter manually`, value: "manual", }, ], ], after: async ({ baseVersion }, next) => { let milestoneVersion; switch (baseVersion) { case "latest": milestoneVersion = latestVersion; break; case "cargo": milestoneVersion = cargoVersion; break; case "manual": break; default: milestoneVersion = new InternalVersion(baseVersion!); break; } options.milestoneVersion = milestoneVersion; await next(); }, }, { name: "enterMilestone", message: "Enter Milestone", type: Input, before: async (_, next) => { if (options.milestoneVersion) { await next("changeCargoTomlVersion"); } else { await next(); } }, after: async ({ enterMilestone }, next) => { const milestoneVersion = new InternalVersion(enterMilestone!); options.milestoneVersion = milestoneVersion; await next(); }, }, { name: "changeCargoTomlVersion", message: `Change Cargo.toml version?`, type: Confirm, default: true, before: async ({ baseVersion }, next) => { if (baseVersion === "cargo") { await next("downloadApi"); } else { await next(); } }, }, { name: "downloadApi", message: `Download API description?`, type: Confirm, default: true, }, { name: "updateDocs", message: `Update documentation?`, type: Confirm, default: true, }, { name: "runGenerator", message: `Run generator?`, type: Confirm, default: true, }, { name: "createMilestone", message: `Milestone does not exist. Should we create it?`, type: Confirm, default: release, before: async (_, next) => { const milestone = await updater.git.milestone( options.milestoneVersion!.toString(), ); if (!milestone) { await next(); } else { versions.milestone = milestone; await next("assignMilestone"); } }, }, { name: "assignMilestone", message: `Assign milestone to issues and merge requests?`, type: Confirm, default: release, before: async (createMilestone, next) => { if (versions.milestone || createMilestone) { await next(); } else { await next("createReleaseIssue"); } }, }, { name: "createReleaseIssue", message: `Create release issue?`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, { name: "gitCommit", message: `Create commit in Git?`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, { name: "gitTag", message: `Create tag in Git?`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, { name: "gitPush", message: `Push changes to GitHub?`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, { name: "createReleasePullRequest", message: `Create release pull request?`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, { name: "mergeReleasePullRequest", message: `Merge release pull request?`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, { name: "gitRelease", message: `Create release on GitHub?`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, { name: "cratesPublish", message: `Publish release on`, type: Confirm, default: release, }, ]); return result as Required; } async selectIssuesAndPullRequests( issues: Issue[], pullRequests: PullRequest[], ): Promise { return ( await Checkbox.prompt({ message: "Select issues and pull requests to assign milestone", options: [ { name: "Issues", options: => ({ name: `#${issue.number} ${issue.title} (${issue.state})`, value: { issue }, })), }, { name: "Pull requests", options: => ({ name: `#${pullRequest.number} ${pullRequest.title} (${pullRequest.state})`, value: { pullRequest }, })), }, ], }) ).map((item) => item as IssueOrPullRequest); } } class Command { static async spawn( cmd: string, args: string[], ): Promise { const command = new Deno.Command(cmd, { args }); const child = await command.spawn(); const code = (await child.status).code; if (code !== 0) { throw new CommandError(`Error ${code}`); } } static async execute( cmd: string, args: string[], stderr: "piped" | "inherit" = "piped", ): Promise { const command = new Deno.Command(cmd, { args, stdout: "piped", stderr, }); const output = await command.output(); if (output.code !== 0) { if (stderr == "piped") { throw new CommandError(new TextDecoder().decode(output.stderr)); } else { throw new CommandError("failed"); } } return new TextDecoder().decode(output.stdout); } } class Git { private readonly repository; constructor(repository: string) { this.repository = repository; } async currentBranch(): Promise { return new Branch(await this.gitCommand(["branch", "--show-current"])); } async defaultBranch(): Promise { const prefix = "refs/remotes/origin/"; const refs = await this.gitCommand(["symbolic-ref", `${prefix}HEAD`]); if (refs.startsWith(prefix)) { return new Branch(refs.substring(prefix.length)); } else { throw new CommandError( `could not determine default branch, output: ${refs}`, ); } } async checkout(args: string[]) { await this.gitCommand(["checkout", ...args]); } async commit(options: { message: string }) { await this.gitCommand([ "commit", "-a", "--allow-empty", "-m", options.message, ]); } async tag(options: { code: string; message: string }) { await this.gitCommand(["tag", "-f", "-m", options.message, options.code]); } async push(args: string[] = []) { await this.gitCommand(["push", ...args]); } async stash(args: string[] = []) { await this.gitCommand(["stash", ...args]); } async createRelease(options: { title: string; version: string }) { await this.ghCommand([ "release", "create", options.version, "--title", options.title, "--generate-notes", ]); } async issue(number: string): Promise { return await this.ghCommandJson([ "issue", "view", number, "--json", "number,milestone,title", ]); } async issues( search: | string | undefined = undefined, ): Promise { return await this.ghCommandJson([ "issue", "list", "-s", "all", "--json", "number,milestone,title,state", "--search", search ?? "", ]); } async issuesNoMilestone(): Promise { return await this.issues("no:milestone"); } async createIssue( options: { title: string; body: string; milestone: Milestone }, ): Promise { const issueUrl: string = await this.ghCommand([ "issue", "create", "--assignee", "@me", "--milestone", options.milestone.title, "--title", options.title, "--body", options.body, ]); const issueNumber = githubNumberFromUrl(issueUrl.trim()); return await this.issue(issueNumber!); } async developIssue(issue: Issue): Promise { await this.push(); await this.stash(); await this.ghCommand([ "issue", "develop", issue.number.toString(), "--checkout", ]); await this.stash(["pop"]); } async setIssueMilestone(issue: Issue, milestoneVersion: InternalVersion) { await this.ghCommand([ "issue", "edit", issue.number.toString(), "--milestone", milestoneVersion.toString(), ]); } async milestone(title: string): Promise { return (await this.milestones("all")).find((m) => m.title === title); } async milestones(state: "all" | "open"): Promise { return await this.ghCommandJson([ "api", "-H", "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json", `/repos/${this.repository}/milestones?state=${state}`, ]); } async createMilestone(version: InternalVersion): Promise { return await this.ghCommandJson([ "api", "--method", "POST", "-H", "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json", `/repos/${this.repository}/milestones`, "-f", `title=${version}`, "-f", "state=open", ]); } async createPullRequest( options: { title: string; milestone: Milestone }, ): Promise { const pullRequestUrl: string = await this.ghCommand([ "pr", "create", "--assignee", "@me", "--milestone", options.milestone.title, "--title", options.title, "--fill", ]); const pullRequestNumber = githubNumberFromUrl(pullRequestUrl.trim()); return await this.pullRequest(pullRequestNumber!); } async mergePullRequest() { await this.ghCommand([ "pr", "merge", "-s", "-d", "--admin", ]); } async pullRequest(number: string): Promise { return await this.ghCommandJson([ "pr", "view", number, "--json", "number,milestone,state,title", ]); } async pullRequests( search: | string | undefined = undefined, ): Promise { return await this.ghCommandJson([ "pr", "list", "-s", "all", "--json", "number,milestone,title,state", "--search", search ?? "", ]); } async pullRequestsNoMilestone(): Promise { return await this.pullRequests("no:milestone"); } async setPullRequestMilestone( pullRequest: PullRequest, milestoneVersion: InternalVersion, ) { await this.ghCommand([ "pr", "edit", pullRequest.number.toString(), "--milestone", milestoneVersion.toString(), ]); } private async gitCommand(args: string[]): Promise { return await Command.execute("git", args); } private async ghCommand(args: string[]): Promise { return await Command.execute("gh", args); } private async ghCommandJson(args: string[]): Promise { return JSON.parse(await this.ghCommand(args)); } } class Version { readonly asString: string; readonly value: semver.SemVer; constructor(str: string) { this.asString = str; this.value = semver.parse(str); } toString() { return this.asString; } toInternalVersion(): InternalVersion { const { major, minor, patch } = this.value; return new InternalVersion(`${major}.${minor}.${Math.round(patch * 100)}`); } get majorVersion(): string { const { major, minor } = this.value; return `${major}.${minor}`; } } class InternalVersion { private version: Version; constructor(str: string) { this.version = new Version(str); } toString() { return this.version.toString(); } toVersion(): Version { const { major, minor, patch } = this.version.value; return new Version(`${major}.${minor}.${Math.round(patch / 100)}`); } get fixVersion(): boolean { return this.version.value.patch % 100 !== 0; } } class Options { milestoneVersion?: InternalVersion; versions: Partial = {}; toString(): string { return JSON.stringify(this, null, 2); } } interface Versions { milestone: Milestone; pr: string; issue: Issue; pullRequest: PullRequest; currentBranch: Branch; defaultBranch: Branch; currentMilestones: Milestone[]; keycloakLatestVersion: Version; keycloakCargoVersion: InternalVersion; } class Updater { readonly cargo: Cargo = new Cargo(); readonly git: Git = new Git("kilork/keycloak"); readonly keycloak: Keycloak = new Keycloak(); readonly user: User = new User(); options: Options = new Options(); async run() { const currentBranch = await this.git.currentBranch(); const defaultBranch = await this.git.defaultBranch(); const versions = { keycloakLatestVersion: await this.keycloak.latestVersion(), keycloakCargoVersion: this.cargo.version, currentBranch, defaultBranch, currentMilestones: (await this.git.milestones("open")).filter( (milestone) => milestone.title !== "released", ), }; this.options.versions = versions; const options = await this.user.selectUpdateOptions(this); const milestoneVersion = this.options.milestoneVersion!; const version = milestoneVersion.toVersion(); const majorVersion = version.majorVersion; if (options.mergeReleasePullRequest) { options.gitPush = true; } Deno.env.set("KEYCLOAK_RUST_VERSION", milestoneVersion.toString()); Deno.env.set("KEYCLOAK_VERSION", version.toString()); Deno.env.set("KEYCLOAK_RUST_MAJOR_VERSION", majorVersion); if (options.createMilestone) { await this.createMilestone(milestoneVersion); } const milestoneExists = this.options.versions.milestone !== undefined; if (options.assignMilestone) { await this.assignMilestone(milestoneVersion); } if (options.baseVersion !== "cargo" && options.changeCargoTomlVersion) { this.changeCargoTomlVersion(milestoneVersion); } const isDefaultBranch = versions.currentBranch.equals( versions.defaultBranch, ); if (options.downloadApi) { const api = await this.keycloak.apiOpenJson(milestoneVersion.toVersion()); Deno.writeTextFileSync("api/openapi.json", api); } if (options.updateDocs) { await Command.spawn("handlebars-magic", ["templates", "."]); } if (options.runGenerator) {"Cleaning old types and rest..."); await this.git.checkout([ "--", "src/", "src/rest/", ]);"Generating new..."); const codeTypes = await this.cargo.generateTypes(); const codeRest = await this.cargo.generateRest(); Deno.writeTextFileSync("src/", codeTypes); Deno.writeTextFileSync("src/rest/", codeRest);"Formatting..."); await this.cargo.fmt();"Building..."); await; } if (options.createReleaseIssue && milestoneExists) { const issue = await this.createReleaseIssue(milestoneVersion); this.options.versions.issue = issue; if (isDefaultBranch) { await this.git.developIssue(issue); } } if (options.gitCommit) { await this.git.commit({ message: `Keycloak Admin REST API v${milestoneVersion.toString()}`, }); } if (options.gitTag) { await this.git.tag({ code: `v${milestoneVersion.toString()}`, message: `Keycloak Admin REST API v${milestoneVersion.toString()}`, }); } if (options.gitPush) { await this.git.push(); await this.git.push(["--tag"]); } if (options.createReleasePullRequest) { let issueExists = this.options.versions.issue !== undefined; if (!issueExists) { const number = detectExistingIssue(currentBranch.toString()); if (number) { this.options.versions.issue = await this.git.issue(number); issueExists = true; const pullRequest = (await this.git.pullRequests(`head:${currentBranch}`)).pop(); if ( pullRequest !== undefined && pullRequest.milestone !== milestoneVersion.toString() ) { `Pull request already exists, but milestone is different (${pullRequest.milestone}), assigning new milestone.`, ); await this.git.setPullRequestMilestone( pullRequest, milestoneVersion, ); this.options.versions.pullRequest = pullRequest; } } } if (issueExists && this.options.versions.pullRequest === undefined) { this.options.versions.pullRequest = await this.createReleasePullRequest( milestoneVersion, ); } else {`Could not create release pull request: no issue detected`); } } if (options.mergeReleasePullRequest) { await this.mergePullRequest(); } if (options.gitRelease) { const releaseVersion = `v${milestoneVersion.toString()}`; await this.git.createRelease({ title: releaseVersion, version: releaseVersion, }); } if (options.cratesPublish) { await this.cargo.publish(); } } private async assignMilestone(milestoneVersion: InternalVersion) { const issues = await this.git.issuesNoMilestone(); const pullRequests = await this.git.pullRequestsNoMilestone(); const selected = await this.user.selectIssuesAndPullRequests( issues, pullRequests, ); for (const item of selected) { if (item.issue !== undefined) { const issue = item.issue; `Changing issue #${issue.number} milestone to ${milestoneVersion}...`, ); await this.git.setIssueMilestone(issue, milestoneVersion); } else if (item.pullRequest !== undefined) { const pullRequest = item.pullRequest; `Changing pull request #${pullRequest.number} milestone to ${milestoneVersion}...`, ); await this.git.setPullRequestMilestone( item.pullRequest, milestoneVersion, ); } } } private changeCargoTomlVersion(milestoneVersion: InternalVersion) {`Changing Cargo.toml version to ${milestoneVersion}...`); this.cargo.version = milestoneVersion; } private async createReleaseIssue( milestoneVersion: InternalVersion, ): Promise {`Creating release issue...`); let body; if (milestoneVersion.fixVersion) { body = `Patch release`; } else { body = `There is a new version of [keycloak]( API: - ${this.keycloak.apiUrl(milestoneVersion.toVersion())} `; } return await this.git.createIssue({ title: `Release v${milestoneVersion}`, milestone: this.options.versions.milestone!, body, }); } private async createReleasePullRequest( milestoneVersion: InternalVersion, ): Promise {`Creating release pull request...`); return await this.git.createPullRequest({ title: `Release v${milestoneVersion}`, milestone: this.options.versions.milestone!, }); } private async mergePullRequest() {`Merging pull request...`); await this.git.mergePullRequest(); } private async createMilestone(milestoneVersion: InternalVersion) {`Creating milestone ${milestoneVersion}...`); const milestone = await this.git.createMilestone(milestoneVersion); this.options.versions.milestone = milestone; } info(message: string) {; } error(message: string) { log.error(message); } } function detectExistingIssue(currentBranch: string): string | undefined { return currentBranch.match(/^\d+/)?.pop(); } function githubNumberFromUrl(issueUrl: string): string | undefined { return issueUrl.match(/\d+$/)?.pop(); } async function main(_args: string[]) { await new Updater().run(); } main(Deno.args); import { assertEquals } from ""; Deno.test("detectExistingIssue", () => { assertEquals( detectExistingIssue("62-allow-release"), "62", "cannot detect existing issue from branch", ); }); Deno.test("issueNumberFromUrl", () => { assertEquals( githubNumberFromUrl(""), "123", "cannot detect existing issue from url", ); });