use std::env; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; // let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR not defined"); // Make sure to bring the app definition into scope. This might require // the app to be defined in a instead of to be accessible here. // let mut app = my_cli_app::Cli::command(); // Adjust this to match how you can access your CLI fn generate_file>(path: P, text: &[u8]) { let mut f = File::create(path).unwrap(); f.write_all(text).unwrap() } fn main() { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut locales = Vec::new(); let i18n_path = Path::new("i18n"); if let Ok(entries) = fs::read_dir(i18n_path) { for entry in entries { if let Ok(entry) = entry { if let Some(ext) = entry.path().extension() { if ext == "yaml" || ext == "yml" { if let Some(stem) = entry.path().file_stem() { if let Some(stem_str) = stem.to_str() { locales.push(stem_str.to_string()); } } } } } } } let locale_enum = locales.iter().map(|locale| { format!(" {},", locale.to_uppercase()) }).collect::>().join("\n"); let locale_impl = locales.iter().map(|locale| { format!(" \"{}\" => Ok(Locale::{}),", locale, locale.to_uppercase()) }).collect::>().join("\n"); let locale_display_impl = locales.iter().map(|locale| { format!(" Locale::{} => \"{}\",", locale.to_uppercase(), locale) }).collect::>().join("\n"); let supported_locales = locales.iter().map(|locale| { format!("Locale::{}", locale.to_uppercase()) }).collect::>().join(", "); let locale_code = format!(r#" #[derive(Debug, Clone, clap::ValueEnum)] pub enum Locale {{ {locale_enum} }} impl std::str::FromStr for Locale {{ type Err = String; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result {{ match s.to_lowercase().as_str() {{ {locale_impl} _ => Err(format!("'{{}}' is not a valid locale", s)), }} }} }} impl ToString for Locale {{ fn to_string(&self) -> String {{ match self {{ {locale_display_impl} }}.to_string() }} }} impl Into<&'static str> for Locale {{ fn into(self) -> &'static str {{ match self {{ {locale_display_impl} }} }} }} pub const SUPPORTED_LOCALES: &[Locale] = &[{supported_locales}]; "#, locale_enum = locale_enum, locale_impl = locale_impl, locale_display_impl = locale_display_impl, supported_locales = supported_locales); // fs::write(dest_path, locale_code).unwrap(); generate_file(dest_path, locale_code.as_bytes()); }