syntax = "proto3"; package tests.lint; import "patch/go.proto"; option go_package = ""; option (go.lint).all = true; option (go.lint).initialisms = 'RGB'; option (go.lint).initialisms = 'RGBA'; option (go.lint).initialisms = 'HSV'; enum Protocol { // PROTOCOL_INVALID value should lint to ProtocolInvalid. PROTOCOL_INVALID = 0; // PROTOCOL_IP value should lint to ProtocolIP. PROTOCOL_IP = 1; // PROTOCOL_UDP value should lint to ProtocolUDP. PROTOCOL_UDP = 2; // PROTOCOL_TCP value should lint to ProtocolTCP. PROTOCOL_TCP = 3; } // Url message type should lint to URL. message Url {} // Id message type should lint to ID. message Id {} // RgbColor should lint to RGBColor. message RGBColor {} message OneofMessage { oneof contents { // Id oneof should lint to ID. Id id = 1; // Url oneof should lint to URL. Url url = 2; }; } message OuterMessage { option (go.message).name = 'Outer'; // InnerId message should lint to InnerID. message InnerId {} // InnerId message should lint to InnerURL. message InnerUrl {} // Flavor should lint to OuterFlavor. enum Flavor { // FLAVOR_INVALID should lint to OuterFlavorInvalid. FLAVOR_INVALID = 0; // FLAVOR_ID should lint to OuterFlavorA. FLAVOR_A = 1; // FLAVOR_B should lint to OuterFlavorB. FLAVOR_B = 2; // FLAVOR_C should lint to OuterFlavorC. FLAVOR_C = 3; // FLAVOR_ID should lint to OuterFlavorID. FLAVOR_ID = 4; // FLAVOR_URL should lint to FlavorID, overriding the custom name. FLAVOR_URL = 5 [(go.value).name = 'FlavorId']; } // id field should lint to ID. InnerId id = 1; // url field should lint to URL. InnerUrl url = 2; } message Color { oneof value { // rgb should lint to RGB. string rgb = 1; // rgba should lint to RGBA. string rgba = 2; // hsv should lint to HSV. string hsv = 3; } } enum Basic { // INVALID value should lint to BasicInvalid. INVALID = 0; // A value should lint to BasicInvalid. A = 1; // B value should lint to BasicInvalid. B = 2; // C value should lint to BasicInvalid. C = 3; } // IdFieldsTest message should lint to IDFieldsTest. message IdFieldsTest { // id field should lint to ID. string id = 1; // customer_id field should lint to CustomerID. string customer_id = 2; // api_path field should lint to APIPath. string api_path = 3; }