# keyz_rust_client Rust client for keyz # Getting started - Import ``` rust use keyz_rust_client::{ Keyz }; ``` - Initialize the connection to running keyz server ``` rust let keyz = Keyz::new("".to_owned(), 7667).await; ``` - Set value where key is `test` and value is `1` ```rust let result = keyz.set("test", "1", None).await.unwrap(); ``` - Set value where key is `test` and value is `1` with expiry time in seconds ```rust let req = keyz.set("test", "1", Some(20)).await.unwrap(); ``` - Get value with key `test` ``` rust let result = keyz.get("test").await.unwrap(); ``` - Delete value with key `test` ``` rust let result = keyz.delete("test").await.unwrap(); ``` - Get the time left for the key `test` to expire ``` rust let result = keyz.expires_in("test").await.unwrap(); ``` - Dispose connection ``` rust keyz.dispose().await.unwrap(); ``` ***!!! Important make sure to dispose of connection when not needed anymore*** # Using direct send message ``` rust let keyz = Keyz::new("".to_owned(), 7667).await; keyz.send_message("SET test 1").await.unwrap(); keyz.dispose().await.unwrap(); ``` It is not advised to directly use this because some command currently are not fully supported with this method. You can learn more about all the commands in the keyz repo [here](https://github.com/viktor111/keyz)