## `kHOST`
Kaspa p2p node deployment automation tool for Linux.
kHOST was created to automate deployment of Kaspa nodes intended for use as a part of the Kaspa public RPC network as well as private network high-availability clusters. kHOST deploys Rusty-Kaspa nodes from sources, configures them to run as a `systemd` service as well as configures NGINX to act as a reverse proxy for the RPC. This tool exists to simplify and automate Kaspa node deployment as well as to standardize related system configuration.
## Deploying
As `root`:
sudo -s
apt install -y curl build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev
adduser -q kaspa
adduser kaspa sudo
login kaspa
As `kaspa` user:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
cargo install khost
If you already have an existing user and rust installed, you can simply run `cargo install khost` followed by `khost`.
Please note that the user needs to have root (sudo) privileges to run khost.
IMPORTANT: This tool creates it's own configuration for the kaspad node, as such, any previous configurations should be disabled and removed. If kaspad was running before under the same username, the `~/.rusty-kaspa` data folders containing databases will be re-used.