EXT_texture_storage WebGL working group (public_webgl 'at' khronos.org) Kirill Dmitrenko (dmikis 'at' yandex-team.ru) Members of the WebGL working group k The behaviour of texImage2D, compressedTexImage2D and copyTexImage2D methods of a WebGL context is changed. After a successful call to texStorage2DEXT, the value of TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT_EXT for this texture object is set to TRUE, and no further changes to the dimensions or format of the texture may be made. Using texImage2D, compressedTexImage2D, copyTexImage2D or texStorage2DEXT with the same texture will result in the error INVALID_OPERATION being generated. interface EXT_texture_storage { const GLenum TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT_EXT = 0x912F; void texStorage2DEXT(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); } Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a two-dimensional texture. Initial revision Moved to rejected now that initial WebGL 2.0 implementations are shipping imminently.