A very simple program asking questions like `35 + 12 = ?` in a loop until a predefined goal is reached. The code is easy to tune and change with the kid, it's a basis for a coding play too. ![screenshot](screenshot.png) # Prerequesite * some basic programming and terminal know-how * git * rust: https://rustup.rs/ # Install Clone this repository, go inside: ``` git clone https://github.com/Canop/kidding cd kidding ``` # Modify Open the `src/main.rs` file, try to see where the questions are defined, modify those parts. You can add or remove question kinds, and change the number ranges for each kind. I tried to make it obvious and easy to change but don't hesitate to come to my chat if you have any question: https://miaou.dystroy.org/3 # Launch Just run `cargo run` : the program will be recompiled and executed.