use casual_logger::{Level, Log}; use kifuwarabe_tic_tac_toe::command_line_seek::CommandLineSeek; use kifuwarabe_tic_tac_toe::log::LogExt; use kifuwarabe_tic_tac_toe::look_and_model::{ GameResult, Piece, Position, Search, SearchDirection, }; use kifuwarabe_tic_tac_toe::test::test_win_lose_judgement; use std; use std::{thread, time}; /// This is the entry point to the program. /// プログラムへの入り口です。 fn main() { // Log file name. // ログ ファイル名。 Log::set_file_name("kifuwarabe-tic-tac-toe-debug"); // Log level. // ログ レベル。 Log::set_level(Level::Debug); // Log file retention days. // ログ ファイル保持日数。 Log::set_retention_days(2); // Remove old log files. This is determined by the date in the filename. // 古いログファイルを削除します。これは、ファイル名の日付によって決定されます。 Log::remove_old_logs(); // It is a unit test. I am writing it here because it is a hassle. // Check it against the explanation in // 単体テストです。めんどくさいのでここに書いています。 // README.mdの解説と照らし合わせてみてください。 if Log::enabled(Level::Debug) { // Step 1. Log::debugln("Hello, world!!"); Log::print_debug("こんにちわ、世界!!"); // こんにちわ、世界!! // Step 2. Log::print_debug(&format!("Nought=|{}|", Piece::Nought)); // Nought=|O| Log::print_debug(&format!("Cross =|{}|", Piece::Cross)); // Cross =|X| Log::print_debug(&format!("Win =|{}|", GameResult::Win)); // Win =|win| Log::print_debug(&format!("Draw =|{}|", GameResult::Draw)); // Draw =|draw| Log::print_debug(&format!("Lose =|{}|", GameResult::Lose)); // Lose =|lose| let mut pos = Position::default(); Log::print_debug(&pos.pos()); // [Next 1 move(s) | Go O] // // +---+---+---+ // | | | | マスを選んでください。例 `do 7` // +---+---+---+ // | | | | 7 8 9 // +---+---+---+ 4 5 6 // | | | | 1 2 3 // +---+---+---+ // If not None is returned, .unwrap() skips the None check. // ぜったい None が返ってこないときは .unwrap() で None チェックを飛ばします。 Log::print_debug(&Position::result(GameResult::Win, Some(Piece::Nought)).unwrap()); // win O let search = Search::new(pos.pieces_num); Log::print_debug(&format!("pv=|{}|", pos.pv)); // pv=|| Log::print_debug(&Search::info_header(&pos)); // info nps ...... nodes ...... pv O X O X O X O X O // 適当な内容を入れて、入れ物として、入れた中身を見せてくれるか、チェックしろだぜ☆(^~^) Log::print_debug(&Search::info_str( 123, search.nodes, &pos.pv, SearchDirection::Forward, 1, false, None, None, Piece::Nought, Some("Hello!"), )); // info nps 123 nodes 0 pv | + [1] | -> to height 1 | | | + "Hello!" Log::print_debug(&Search::info_str( 456, search.nodes, &pos.pv, SearchDirection::Forward, 1, true, None, Some(GameResult::Win), Piece::Cross, Some("Hello!"), )); // info nps 456 nodes 0 pv | + [1] | . height 0 | | win | + "Hello!" Log::print_debug(&Search::info_str( 789, search.nodes, &pos.pv, SearchDirection::Backward, 1, false, Some(pos.pieces_num), Some(GameResult::Win), Piece::Nought, Some("Hello!"), )); // info nps 789 nodes 0 pv | | <- from height 1 | + [1] | win | + "Hello!" // Step 3. pos.do_move(1); Log::print_debug(&pos.pos()); // [Next 2 move(s) | Go x] // // +---+---+---+ Please select a square. Example `do 7` // | | | | マスを選んでください。例 `do 7` // +---+---+---+ // | | | | 7 8 9 // +---+---+---+ 4 5 6 // | o | | | 1 2 3 // +---+---+---+ pos.undo_move(); Log::print_debug(&pos.pos()); // [Next 1 move(s) | Go o] // // +---+---+---+ Please select a square. Example `do 7` // | | | | マスを選んでください。例 `do 7` // +---+---+---+ // | | | | 7 8 9 // +---+---+---+ 4 5 6 // | | | | 1 2 3 // +---+---+---+ Log::print_debug(&format!("opponent={}", pos.opponent())); // Step 4. let mut p = CommandLineSeek::new("Go to the Moon!"); Log::print_debug(&format!("Go to =|{}|", p.starts_with("Go to"))); // Go to =|True| Log::print_debug(&format!("Goto =|{}|", p.starts_with("Goto"))); // Goto =|False| Log::print_debug(&format!("p.starts=|{}|", p.current())); // p.starts=|0| Log::print_debug(&format!( " =|{}|", if let Some(rest) = { rest } else { "" } )); // =|Go to the Moon!| p.go_next_to("Go to"); Log::print_debug(&format!("p.starts=|{}|", p.current())); // p.starts=|5| Log::print_debug(&format!( " =|{}|", if let Some(rest) = { rest } else { "" } )); // =| the Moon!| // Step 5. Log::print_debug(&format!("xfen=|{}|", pos.to_xfen())); // xfen=|xfen 3/3/3 o| pos.do_("2"); Log::print_debug(&pos.pos()); // [Next 2 move(s) | Go x] // // +---+---+---+ Please select a square. Example `do 7` // | | | | マスを選んでください。例 `do 7` // +---+---+---+ // | | | | 7 8 9 // +---+---+---+ 4 5 6 // | | o | | 1 2 3 // +---+---+---+ let xfen = "xfen xo1/xox/oxo o"; pos = if let Some(pos) = Position::from_xfen(xfen) { pos } else { panic!(Log::print_fatal(&format!("Invalid xfen=|{}|", xfen))) }; Log::print_debug(&pos.pos()); // [Next 9 move(s) | Go o] // // +---+---+---+ Please select a square. Example `do 7` // | x | o | | マスを選んでください。例 `do 7` // +---+---+---+ // | x | o | x | 7 8 9 // +---+---+---+ 4 5 6 // | o | x | o | 1 2 3 // +---+---+---+ let xfen = "xfen 3/3/3 x moves 1 7 4 8 9 3 6 2 5"; pos = if let Some(pos) = Position::from_xfen(xfen) { pos } else { panic!(Log::print_fatal(&format!("Invalid xfen=|{}|", xfen))) }; Log::print_debug(&pos.pos()); // win x // [Next 10 move(s) | Go o] // // +---+---+---+ Please select a square. Example `do 7` // | o | o | x | マスを選んでください。例 `do 7` // +---+---+---+ // | x | x | x | 7 8 9 // +---+---+---+ 4 5 6 // | x | o | o | 1 2 3 // +---+---+---+ pos.undo(); Log::print_debug(&pos.pos()); // [Next 9 move(s) | Go x] // // +---+---+---+ Please select a square. Example `do 7` // | o | o | x | マスを選んでください。例 `do 7` // +---+---+---+ // | x | | x | 7 8 9 // +---+---+---+ 4 5 6 // | x | o | o | 1 2 3 // +---+---+---+ // Step 6. // Step 7. let xfen = "xfen o2/xox/oxo x"; pos = if let Some(pos) = Position::from_xfen(xfen) { pos } else { panic!(Log::print_fatal(&format!("Invalid xfen=|{}|", xfen))) }; Log::print_debug(&format!("win=|{}|", pos.is_opponent_win())); // win=|True| let xfen = "xfen xox/oxo/oxo x"; pos = if let Some(pos) = Position::from_xfen(xfen) { pos } else { panic!(Log::print_fatal(&format!("Invalid xfen=|{}|", xfen))) }; Log::print_debug(&format!("draw=|{}|", pos.is_draw())); // draw=|True| // Step 8. // Since we have not searched, both nodes and nps will be 0. // 探索してないので、 nodes も nps も 0 になります。 thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(1)); Log::print_debug(&format!("nodes={}", search.nodes)); // nodes=0 Log::print_debug(&format!("sec ={}", search.sec())); // sec =1 Log::print_debug(&format!("nps ={}", search.nps())); // nps =0 // Step 9. let xfen = "xfen 3/3/3 o moves 1 5 2 3 7 4"; pos = if let Some(pos) = Position::from_xfen(xfen) { pos } else { panic!(Log::print_fatal(&format!("Invalid xfen=|{}|", xfen))) }; let mut search = Search::new(pos.pieces_num); let (sq, result) = search.go(&mut pos); // info string "nps":......, "nodes":......, "pv":[O,X,O,X,O,X,O,X,O] // info json { "nps": 1, "nodes": 1, "pv":[6 ], "push":"6", "pieces":7, "turn":"X", "comment":"Search." } // info json { "nps": 2, "nodes": 2, "pv":[6,8 ], "push":"8", "pieces":8, "turn":"O", "comment":"Search." } // info json { "nps": 3, "nodes": 3, "pv":[6,8,9 ], "push":"9", "leaf": true, "pieces":9, "result":"draw", "turn":"X", "comment":"It is ok." } // info json { "nps": 3, "nodes": 3, "pv":[6,8 ], "pop" :"9", "pieces":8, "result":"draw", "turn":"O" } // info json { "nps": 3, "nodes": 3, "pv":[6 ], "pop" :"8", "pieces":7, "result":"draw", "turn":"X", "comment":"Fmmm." } // info json { "nps": 4, "nodes": 4, "pv":[6,9 ], "push":"9", "pieces":8, "turn":"O", "comment":"Search." } // info json { "nps": 5, "nodes": 5, "pv":[6,9,8 ], "push":"8", "leaf": true, "pieces":9, "result":"draw", "turn":"X", "comment":"It is ok." } // info json { "nps": 5, "nodes": 5, "pv":[6,9 ], "pop" :"8", "pieces":8, "result":"draw", "turn":"O" } // info json { "nps": 5, "nodes": 5, "pv":[6 ], "pop" :"9", "pieces":7, "result":"draw", "turn":"X", "comment":"Fmmm." } // info json { "nps": 5, "nodes": 5, "pv":[ ], "pop" :"6", "pieces":6, "result":"draw", "turn":"O", "comment":"Fmmm." } // info json { "nps": 6, "nodes": 6, "pv":[8 ], "push":"8", "pieces":7, "turn":"X", "comment":"Search." } // info json { "nps": 7, "nodes": 7, "pv":[8,6 ], "push":"6", "leaf": true, "pieces":8, "result":"win" , "turn":"O", "comment":"Resign." } // info json { "nps": 7, "nodes": 7, "pv":[8 ], "pop" :"6", "pieces":7, "result":"win" , "turn":"X" } // info json { "nps": 7, "nodes": 7, "pv":[ ], "pop" :"8", "pieces":6, "result":"lose", "turn":"O", "comment":"Damn!" } // info json { "nps": 8, "nodes": 8, "pv":[9 ], "push":"9", "pieces":7, "turn":"X", "comment":"Search." } // info json { "nps": 9, "nodes": 9, "pv":[9,6 ], "push":"6", "leaf": true, "pieces":8, "result":"win" , "turn":"O", "comment":"Resign." } // info json { "nps": 9, "nodes": 9, "pv":[9 ], "pop" :"6", "pieces":7, "result":"win" , "turn":"X" } // info json { "nps": 9, "nodes": 9, "pv":[ ], "pop" :"9", "pieces":6, "result":"lose", "turn":"O", "comment":"Damn!" } Log::print_debug(&format!("result=|{}|", result)); // result=|draw| Log::print_debug(&format!( "bestmove=|{}|", if let Some(sq) = sq { format!("{}", sq).to_string() } else { "resign".to_string() } )); // bestmove=|6| // End. test_win_lose_judgement(); } // Wait for logging to complete. // ロギングが完了するまで待ちます。 Log::flush(); }