(world: World( curr_room: "Central Room", rooms: { "Closet": Room( name: "Closet", desc: "This isn't a very large or clean closet.", paths: [ Pathway( directions: ["small wooden door"], target: "Central Room", desc: "The door leads back into the room.", inspect: "The door is plain and wooden.", opening: Some(Open) ), ], ), "Central Room": Room( name: "Central Room", desc: "You are in the central room.", paths: [ Pathway( directions: ["north"], target: "Small Cave", desc: "There is a mouth of a cave to the north.", inspect: "The cave opening glows with a soft flickering light." ), Pathway( directions: ["small wooden door"], target: "Closet", desc: "There is a small wooden door off to the side.", inspect: "The door is plain and wooden.", opening: Some(Closed) ), Pathway( directions: ["south"], target: "Bedroom", desc: "There is a doorway to the south.", inspect: "The doorway is plain and wooden.", ), ], items: [ Thing(Thing( name: "leaf", desc: "A leaf lies on the ground.", inspect: "It's small, brown, and dry." )), Weapon(Weapon( name: "stick", desc: "There is a stick here.", inspect: "It's short but stout.", damage: 4 )), ] ), "Small Cave": Room( name: "Small Cave", desc: "You are in a small cave.", paths: [ Pathway( directions: ["south"], target: "Central Room", desc: "The cave opening leads south.", inspect: "The cave opening glows with a soft flickering light." ), ], items: [ Armor(Armor( name: "leather armor", desc: "There is a set of leather armor lying in a heap.", inspect: "The armor is worn but light and sturdy.", ac: 11, )), Weapon(Weapon( name: "iron sword", desc: "There is an iron sword on the ground.", inspect: "The iron sword is of crude workmanship, but it should be usable.", damage: 6 )), ] ), "Bedroom": Room( name: "Bedroom", desc: "You are in a small bedroom.", paths: [ Pathway( directions: ["north"], target: "Central Room", desc: "There is a doorway to the north.", inspect: "The doorway is plain and wooden." ), ], items: [ Container(Container( name: "large capsule", desc: "There is a large capsule here.", inspect: "The capsule appears to be able to hold things.", opening: Open, contents: [ Thing(Thing( name: "red block", desc: "There is a red block.", inspect: "It is a red cube." )), ] )), ] ), }))