use klever_sc::{ api::ManagedTypeApi, codec, codec::derive::{NestedDecode, NestedEncode, TopDecode, TopEncode}, derive::ManagedVecItem, types::{BigUint, ManagedType}, }; use klever_sc_scenario::api::StaticApi; // to test, run the following command in the crate folder: // cargo expand --test derive_managed_vec_item_biguint_test > #[derive( ManagedVecItem, NestedEncode, NestedDecode, TopEncode, TopDecode, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, )] pub struct ManagedStructWithBigUint { pub big_uint: klever_sc::types::BigUint, pub num: u32, } #[test] #[allow(clippy::assertions_on_constants)] fn struct_with_numbers_static() { assert_eq!( as klever_sc::types::ManagedVecItem>::PAYLOAD_SIZE, 8 ); assert!( ! as klever_sc::types::ManagedVecItem>::SKIPS_RESERIALIZATION ); } #[test] fn managed_struct_to_bytes_writer() { let fortytwo = 42u64; let s = ManagedStructWithBigUint:: { big_uint: BigUint::from(fortytwo), num: 0x12345, }; let mut arr: [u8; 8] = [0u8; as klever_sc::types::ManagedVecItem>::PAYLOAD_SIZE]; let handle_bytes = s.big_uint.get_handle().to_be_bytes(); let expected = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, handle_bytes[3], 0x00, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45]; as klever_sc::types::ManagedVecItem>::to_byte_writer( &s, |bytes| { arr[0.. as klever_sc::types::ManagedVecItem>::PAYLOAD_SIZE].copy_from_slice(bytes); assert_eq!(arr, expected); }, ); } #[test] fn managed_struct_from_bytes_reader() { let s = ManagedStructWithBigUint:: { big_uint: BigUint::from(42u64), num: 0x12345, }; let handle_bytes = s.big_uint.get_handle().to_be_bytes(); let arr: [u8; 8] = [0xff, 0xff, 0xff, handle_bytes[3], 0x00, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45]; let struct_from_bytes = as klever_sc::types::ManagedVecItem>::from_byte_reader( |bytes| { bytes.copy_from_slice( &arr [0 .. as klever_sc::types::ManagedVecItem>::PAYLOAD_SIZE], ); }, ); assert_eq!(s, struct_from_bytes); }